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2. Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own:

Travel broadens the mind ;on the quayside; cross-channel port ;"the voyage of a lifetime"; embarking ; go aboard; boarding cards ; the coach station ;special old-age pensioner's season ticket ; awayday, runabout, extended period, half-price ticket rolled into one; be off on a one-day sightseeing excursion ; departure lounge; take the handbrake off; indicate; drive away; keep over; keep to the right; change gear; accelerate; board the 10.40 inter-city express; porter; change; a through train; non-stop; expatriate ; the buffet car; thumb a lift; hitch-hiking; get stuck in a traffic jam; be on the direct route from Blackpool to Canterbury; a queue; the rush-hour; thousands of commuters heading for home; bypasses and ringroads; overtake; a diversion; turn off the main road; pull across to the middle; take-off, mid-air collisions, flight recorders; survivors ; fasten your seat-belts, please; on deck ;to feel just a little bit seasick; set sail ; crawl ; casualties; lay-bys; grass verges; bonnets up; overheated engines; steaming radiators; slow down; top up the battery; full board; reclining seats; put ashore; pull up; pull over.

3. Pre-listening task

Answer the following questions:

Why do people travel for?

What country do you visit to improve your English?

What makes a country popular as a language holiday destination?

4. Listen to the information presented by Seamus Whooley from the Irish Tourist Board in Paris who explains why Ireland is becoming increasingly popular for tourists. Do the tasks presented below:

a) Answer the following questions:

  • What is the main aim of the Irish Tourist Board?

  • What are the reasons of the country’s popularity as a language holiday destination?

  • What is important for the parents who allow their children to travel to Ireland?

  • What kinds of holidays do people usually look for?

  • What attracts the adult tourists in Ireland?

b) Read these word-combinations, translate them into Ukrainian and use in your speech while discussing the points:

  • the boom in the number of visitors

  • the general friendliness of the Irish public

  • to be received into families

  • to look for holidays with more cultural content

  • activity-related holiday

  • to twin the language with activities

  • fantastic literary heritage

  • Nobel Prize winners

  • to offer a very satisfying substitute or alternative to some of the traditional destinations for the English language learning

  • activities coupled with courses

c) Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Люди зацікавлені в тому, щоб їх відпочинок був культурно наповнений.

  2. Наші клієнти мають на меті поєднати вивчення іноземної мови з активним відпочинком.

  3. Я вважаю, що в Ірландії є школи, в яких пропонується широкий вибір курсів англійської мови як для молоді, так і для старшого покоління.

  4. Ірландія має багату літературну спадщину.

  5. Достатньо побути кілька хвилин в ірландському пабі, щоб місцеве населення стало вашими друзями.

  6. За останні 5-6 років значно покращився сервіс і через це все більше і більше туристів прагнуть відвідати цю країну.

5. Writing

You can get a chance to travel to another country. But you don’t know exactly what country to choose and where to go. Your task is to decide your destinations in the language learning and to realize what you want to see as a tourist. Write a short letter to your friend in England and present your problem to him/her.

6. How do we call …

  • a flying machine that is driven forward by a screw, propeller or jet propulsion?

  • a decision to end an agreement?

  • a sleeping place on a ship or a train?

  • a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back?

  • an office at a railway station, airport where tickets are sold?

  • a small private section of a railway carriage?

  • the money paid for a journey in a train, tram, bus, etc. or for a voyage in a ship?

  • a place where railway lines meet?

  • a fare which is less in amount?

  • the bags, suitcases, trunks, etc. of a traveller?

  • a person who travels in a public vehicle?

  • a printed card or a piece of paper entitling the owner to a place on a train, plane, bus, etc.?

  • a train by which you can reach a place without changing the train?

7. How do you spend your holiday or just a week-end? The following text in Ukrainian will be helpful. Translate the text, use the words and expressions suggested below.

Наближається вихідний день, має бути відпустка … Як її провести, куди поїхати, чим зайнятись, що робити, щоб час не пройшов дарма, а відпочинок приніс задоволення, залишив слід в пам’яті?

Кожен вирішує цю задачу по-своєму. Один залишається вдома, займаючись господарчими справами, або присвячує дозвілля якому-небудь захопленню, інший проводить час на дачі, третій їде по туристичній путівці, четвертий відправляється на курорт, в санаторій або будинок відпочинку. Більшість любить подорожувати автомобілем, поїздом, пішки. З кожним роком таких туристів стає все більше. І не дивно, адже в нашій країні чимало чудових куточків природи!

Ось мандрівник на автомобілі. Йому сподобалася місцевість – він вирішив ознайомитися з нею, зупинився, живе в місті, яке стало йому довподоби. Але ось знову гуде мотор, машина прямує в нові невідомі краї.

Автомобіль – що маленький дім. Все в ньому є необхідне в дорозі: і одежа, і постіль, і запаси їжі, а поруч – рідні або друзі. З собою – рибальські речі, і фотоапарат, і магнітофон, і багато іншого, що дозволяє провести час з користю та цікавістю.

А ось туристи, які ідуть стежкою… За плечима рюкзаки з найнеобхіднішим (зайвого турист не візьме). Ідуть і групою, розбивають наметові містечка.

Але чи треба подорожувати на природу тільки заради однієї безперервної зміни місць і сумлінного виконання раніше спланованого маршруту? Досвід показує, що для того, щоб подорож принесла задоволення від спілкування з природою і залишила яскраві спогади, турист повинен бути зацікавлений та любити природу.

Подорож на природу тільки заради подорожі рідко приносить задоволення. Мета подорожі може бути різна, і краща з них та, яка зв’язує людину з усім, що її оточує, зш своєю Батьківщиною, її природою.

Подорожуючи, треба пам’ятати про природу, охороняти її, зберігати кожне деревце, квітку, струмочок, галявинку, скелю, камінь – все те, з чого ми черпаємо силу та любов до своєї Вітчизни.

(to get away from it all, to explore the world, to camp out along the way, protection of nature, clear landscape, to litter, to exist in perfect balance, sensible, immense).

8. Read the text ‘Means of Travelling’. Get some more information about means of travelling, add to the vocabulary some new words and expressions on the topic, translate the text into Ukrainian. Discuss in pairs or in groups the main items presented in the text.

Means of Travelling

Those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal various means of transport. There is, for instance, the humble inexpensive bicycle. Then there is the motor-cycle, with which you can travel quickly and cheaply, but for long journeys it is rather tiring. With a motorcar, one can travel comfortably for a long distance, without getting too tired. Luxurious ships cross seas and oceans from one continent to another. Aeroplanes carry passengers to various parts of the world in almost as many hours as it takes days to do the journey by other means. But most of us still have to use trains. At every busy railway station you can see a picture like this. A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. Some of the passengers are looking out of the windows watching the late-comers who are hurrying looking for empty seats. The engine is ready to draw the train out of the station. On another platform a train has just come in: some passengers are getting out, others are getting in. Those, who have not taken the precaution of getting their tickets beforehand, are waiting in queues at the booking office.

At the bookstall people are choosing books, magazines, newspapers for the journey.

At the cloakroom others are depositing or withdrawing their luggage. Further along there are refreshment rooms crowded with people snatching a hasty meal, while those with time to spare are sitting in the waiting rooms.

( from the Linguaphone English Course )

9. Read the idioms and examples connected with speed, distance and intensity. Translate them into Ukrainian.

A Speed




by/in leaps and bounds

very quickly

Club membership has grown by leaps and bounds this year.

get a move on

hurry (often used as an order)

Get a move on! You'll be late for school.

be on the run

try to avoid being caught (especially by the police)

The bank robbers are still on the run ten years after the crime.

fast and furious

full of speed and excitement

The car chase at the end of the film was fast and furious.

step by step (step-by-step when used as an adjective before a noun)

slowly; gradually

Changes need to be introduced step by step, not all at once.

drag your feet/heels

deal with something slowly because you don't really want to do it

We mustn't drag our heels over implementing the new legislation.

B Distance and intensity




the word spread

the news went from one person to the next

I told only Joy about it, but the word quickly spread and soon everyone seemed to know.

keep track

continue to know what is happening to someone or something

The school likes to keep track of its former pupils.

get off to a flying start

start well

The evening got off to a flying start as everyone was very impressed by the restaurant.

on the spot (on-the-spot when used as an adjective before a noun)

immediately or in the place where something is happening or has just happened

The police can impose on-the- spot fines on people found drunk in the street.

all over the place

in or to many places

I looked for you all over the place.

left, right and centre

happening in a lot of places or to a lot of people

People have been coming down with flu left, right and centre.

reach / be at fever pitch

(used of emotions) to get so strong that people can't control them

By the end of the match, feelings had reached fever pitch.

be in full swing

to have been happening for a long time and there is a lot of activity

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.

get/go beyond a joke

be/become extremely serious and worrying

The children's behaviour has gone beyond a joke this time.

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