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31. Answer these questions.

  1. If you miss the boat, have you lost a means of transport or an opportunity?

  2. If you say that a project was plain sailing, are you happy with how it went or not?

  3. If you burn your boats, are you taking a risk or not?

  4. If a friend is in the doldrums, would you try to calm them down or cheer them up?

  5. Are you more likely to be a nervous wreck if you're bored or if you're overworked?

  6. If you are all at sea in a new job, do you need someone to show you the ropes or to stick their oar in?

  7. If you rock the boat, will people be pleased with you or annoyed with you?

  8. If you show someone the ropes, are you helping them or threatening them?

32. Complete each of these idioms with one word.

  1. Things here are very difficult, but at least we're all in the ......................... boat.

  2. It'll be hard climbing the mountain, but should be............................ sailing on the way down.

  3. Everyone would like to dance, so let's clear the…………………………………and make as much space as we can in the middle of the floor.

  4. Speaking to the press about what's going on is…………………………………a bit close to the wind.

  5. I know the party is costing a lot, but you have to……………………………….the boat out occasionally.

  6. Joe's been in the………………………………….ever since he lost his job.

  7. Trust Simon to stick his…………………………………in - he never knows when it's better to say nothing.

  8. I don't trust Paul - I'd steer…………………………………of him if I were you.

33. Here are some more idioms based on sailing concepts. Match each idiom on the left with its explanation on the right. (Note that tack = direction taken in sailing in order to catch the wind. )

  1. change tack be familiar with how things are done

  2. know the ropes be in a weak mental or physical condition

  3. try a different tack act in a way that is not extreme

  4. learn the ropes take a different course of action

  5. be a quivering wreck get to know how to do things

  6. steer a middle course attempt to do something in a different way

34. Complete each sentence with an idiom.

  1. Leave things as they are - it's better not to ................... (Give two answers. )

  2. Everything must seem strange at first, but you'll soon ...........................

  3. Finish your course before you go travelling - there's no point in………………………..

  4. Parents usually try to.................................between leniency and strictness.

  5. Sally's very miserable - do you know why she's.............................................?

  6. The new boy is bound to be feeling ....................................on his first day at school - perhaps you can help.

  7. Things are not working out - let's ....................................(Give two answers. )

  8. I hate job interviews - I'm always .................................................before them.

35. Match the idioms and their definitions:

1. To be on the right/wrong track

1) приховуватись, ховатися

2. To go downhill

2) вирушити у подорож

3. An uphill battle/fight/struggle

3) бути в безвихідному становищі

4. At a crossroads

4) важка боротьба

5.Off the beaten track

5) погіршуватись, котитися по похилії площині

6. A dead end

6) бути на правильному/ помилко-вому шляху

7.To hit the road

7) на роздоріжжі

8.To be stuck in a rut

8 ) що збився зі сліду, що загубив слід

9.To drive smb round the bend

9) безвихідне становище

10. To be right up smb’s street/alley

10) зводити з розуму

11. Middle-of-the-road

11) стрімко, стрімголов

12. By/in leaps and bounds

12) поступово

13. Get a move on!

13) затягувати, гальмувати

14.To be on the run

14) пішли чутки

15. Step by step

15) слідкувати за чимось, бути в курсі справи

16. To drag your feet/heels

16) розпочати щось успішно

17. The word spread

17) зразу, негайно

18. All over the place

18) скрізь, всюди

19. To keep track of

19) Поспішайте!

20. On the spot

20) той, хто проводить середній курс, уникає крайностей

21. To get off to a flying start

21) бути придатним, доречним

22. To be plain sailing

22) легкий, простий шлях досягнення чогось

23. To put/stick your oar in

23) добре орієнтуватися в чомусь

24. To be a nervous wreck

24) почувати себе дуже втомленим

25. To know the ropes

25) приготуватися до будь-яких дій

26. To be in the doldrums

26) бути у пригніченому настрої

27. To rock the boat

27) уникати відносин, ухилятися від, триматися далі від

28. To sail close to the wind

28) скрізь і повсюди

29. To reach/be at fever pitch

29) не знати, що робити (що казати

30. Left, right and centre

30) бути в однаковому становищі

31. To be in full swing

31) заходити занадто далеко

32. To push the boat out

32) дійти до максимального напруження

33. To miss the boat

33) витрачати гроші

34. To get/go beyond a joke

34) в повному розпалі

35. To steer clear of

35) необережно поводитись, наражати на небезпеку, жартувати з вогнем

36. To be (all) at sea

36) бути в скрутному становищі, ризикувати

37.To be in the same boat

37) спізнитися

38. To clear the decks

38) втручатися у чужі справи

36. Find English equivalents to the following idioms:

триматися далі від, розпочати щось успішно, добре орієнтуватися в чомусь, бути у пригніченому настрої, що збився зі сліду, простий шлях досягнення чогось, в повному розпалі, почувати себе дуже втомленим, скрізь і повсюди, витрачати гроші, пішли чутки, дійти до максимального напруження, втручатися у чужі справи, жартувати з вогнем, вирушити у подорож; зводити з розуму, приготуватися до будь-яких дій, заходити занадто далеко, бути в курсі справи, котитися по похилії площині.

37. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Подорожі в далекі країни приваблюють усіх, а особливо молодь.

2. Майже кожна дитина мріє про нескінчені пригоди в джунглях, на морі або на безлюдному острові.

3. Різні люди надають перевагу різним видам туризму. Одні люблять гори, другі - літати літаком чи плавати пароплавом, треті – їздити поїздом з усіма зручностями і без особливих пригод. Проте, який би вид туризму людина не любила, усяка зміна місця та нові враження корисні. Вони не дають людині старіти душею.

4. Якщо ви вирішили підійматися в гори, вибирайте найменш небезпечний шлях. Протоптана стежка найбезпечніша, як говорить прислів’я.

5. Наша молодь дуже любить туристичні походи. Незалежно від погоди, вони відправляються за місто й проводять в поході свій вільний час.

6. Літні люди, зазвичай, не можуть багато ходити пішки. Вони надають перевагу поїздкам за місто, або проводять своє дозвілля милуючись природою та краєвидами.

7. Багато любителів природи вважають, що тільки тривалі прогулянки на самоті можуть дати справжню насолоду. Вони стверджують, що гомін і розмови порушують чарівність природи.

Grammar Focus

38. Write five pieces of advice for visitors to your country, using different phrases to give advice.

39. Speaking:

  1. Comment on the following proverbs and sayings. Make up short stories or situations to illustrate them.

      1. The trodden path is the safest.

      2. He that never climbed never fell.

      3. Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

      4. To sail under false colours.

      5. Rats desert a sinking ship.

  1. Prepare a situation of how you were taking a decision to make a journey, describe all your preparations.

  1. Think over the question: “Why do people travel?” Present your opinion to the class.

  1. Pair-work. Prepare a dialogue with your partner discussing advantages of the transport means you prefer to use. Make sentences using the following expressions in your speech: more…than, not as…as, less…than, as…as, the most/the least. While characterizing the vehicles use the adjectives: environmentally friendly, fast, comfortable, safe, economical, stressful, reliable, expensive, convenient, dangerous etc.

  1. Work in two groups. Discuss the following question and share your opinion with the opposite team. In your opinion, which is the optimal way of travelling?

40. Read the text “From the History of Travel “.

a) Be ready to answer the following questions:

* When was an integrated system for transporting people and goods developed?

* What are the easiest and the safest means of transportation?

* What do you know about the Moon travel?

* Why, do you think, speed and movement have become national obsessions? Do you believe that science fiction writers can envisage the future in their novels?

From the History of Travel

Americans are restless people, always on the move and eager to get where they are going as quickly and convenient as possible. It was not until well after the Revolution, however, with the need for opening up the lands to the West, that the Nation began to develop an integrated system for transporting people and goods.

For most of the first century settlement, westward travel was limited to the winding Indian trails, which in a few places were widened to make primitive roads. Only the venturesome hunters and trappers pushed into the heavily forested mountains.

On the water it was a different story: the rivers, inlets and bays provided the easiest and the safest means of transportation. Farmers floated their produce – wheat, corn, salted pork, logs, cotton and tobacco – downriver to market on flatboats and rafts. Small boats and log canoes carried people to church and on visits to neighbours or to market. Many new Englanders gave up cultivating their rocky lands and turned to the sea in sturdy fishing boats to harvest the haddock. Merchants, traders and passengers traveled between Boston, New York and Baltimore by boat.

Land travel increased slowly in the early 1700s. A horseback trip from New York to Boston took at least 7 days. As more Indian trails were widened into rough dirty roads, vehicles began to appear. By the mid-1700s four- and six-horse carriages with coachmen were common among prosperous Virginia plantators.

The concept of using Federal funds to build interregional roads was established in1806 under President Jefferson, and the so called National Road, which eventually linked Maryland with Illinois, began in 1811. The transcontinental railroad, finished in 1869, linked the two oceans and unified the continent. So, by the late 1890s, it was already possible to travel from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast by rail.

Although Americans did not invent that mechanical marvel, the automobile, they made it their own by finding ways to build it, improve it, mass-produce it, and sell it. Speed and movement soon became national obsessions.

The Wright brothers made their historic flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, some 5 years before Henry Ford built his first “ Model T “ in 1908, but it took World Wars I and II to accelerate the evolution of the airplane.

When all technical challengers of travel on and around the Earth had been met, a new breed of traveler shoe for the Moon, and made it. Since the first Apollo Moon landing on July 20, 1969, Americans have sent men to the Moon five times. And scientists, no longer earth-bound, have lived and worked for weeks aboard American Skylabs orbiting high above the Earth.

But though time and distance have been conquered, solutions to the more difficult problems of safe, clean, comfortable travel still lie ahead.

b) Now you are experts in the history of traveling. Discuss in small groups the future development of transport technology. Use the vocabulary of the text. Think of the following problems:

* Exploring space

* Modern and future means of transport

* Safety

* Transport and ecology

41. Listen to the information which illustrates the popularity of various types of transport that people use to commute. Decide which means is the most popular transport and why, what is less popular.


1. Listening and speaking

Flying to Los Angeles

Listening 1. At the airport.

James is at the Air USA terminal at the airport. He is already checked in. He’s been through the security check, and he’s gone to the gate to wait for the flight. Listen to the announcements. Look at the screen below, look at the example, and complete the chart in the same way.














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