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1. Choose English equivalent to the following Kazakh one: “демалыс бөлмесі” |A) living -room |B) study |C) dining-room |D) bedroom |E) sitting-room Тема: Translations. Трудность: A Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

2. Choose the suitable word: The British Museum is famous for its….. |A) library |B) ponds |C) gates |D) avenue |E) clocks Тема: To find suitable word. Трудность: A Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

3. Choose the word opposite in meaning: darkness |A) light |B) oppressive |C) sunny |D) spare |E) strange Тема: Antonyms. Трудность: A Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова53.

4. Choose the correct preposition: to wave farewell … smb. |A) to |B) with |C) off |D) on |E) out Тема: Prepositions. Трудность: A Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

5. Choose the right variant: Such passive constructions as ‘It should be pointed out”, “ It must be assumed” are usually used in…… |A) scientific prose |B) editorial |C) oratorical |D) drama |E) newspaper Тема: Passive voice. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

6. Грамматиканы оқытудағы индуктивтік әдіс бойынша…. |A) әуелі грамматикалық ереже беріліп, содан кейін жаттығулар орындалады |B) ана тіліне тіліне сүйене оқытылады |C) оқушыны әңгімелесуге тартады |D) ана тілі мүлдем қолданылмайды |E) әуелі жаттығуларорындалады, содан кейін грам тұжырым жасалады Тема: Грамматиканың тәсілдері. Трудность: A Литература: Теоретическая грамматика Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

7. Use the correct form of participle: The little plump woman … at the window is my aunt. |A) standing |B) is standing |C) stand |D) stood |E) to stand Тема: Present Continuous. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

8. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: on foot |A) Жаяу |B) Төменгі жағында |C) Жаяу жүру |D) Тірек |E) Аяғында Тема: Translation of words. Трудность: A Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

9. Choose the correct indirect statement: My friend said: “I was in London last week”. |A) My friend said that he had been in London the week before. |B) My friend told if he had been in London the week before. |C) My friend said that he was in London the week before. |D) My friend said that he had been in London last week. |E) My friend told he was in London the week before. Тема: Passive voice. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

10. Choose the proper variant: What public holiday do Kazakh people celebrate on the 16th of December. |A) Independence Day |B) Republic Day |C) Constitution Day |D) Victory Day |E) Nauryz Meiramy Тема: Public holidays. Трудность: А Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

11. Fill the suitable word: Glasgow is the largest city, seaport and trading centre of… |A) Scotland |B) Lowlands |C) Wales |D) Continent |E) Ireland

Тема: Ұлыбритания. Трудность: А Литература: Елтану. С. Мейрамова Ф.2010

12. Choose the suitable word: Astana stands on the banks of the … river. |A) Ishim |B) Jaik |C) Tobyl |D) Sharyn |E) Volga Тема: Suitable word. Трудность: A Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

13. Find the correct sentence in indirect speech: «Don’t be late for dinner», said mother to us. |A) mother told us do not be late for dinner. |B) mother asked us if we not be late for dinner. |C) mother asked us that we not be late for dinner. |D) mother told us not to be late for dinner. |E) mother said to us not to be late for dinner. Тема: Reported speech. Трудность:A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

14. Choose the right modal verb. You ... my car. |A) can borrow |B) may borrow |C) must borrow |D) need borrow |E) might borrow Тема: Modal verbs. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

17. Choose the right verb: Mother asks the children if they … some biscuits for tea. |A) have bought |B) has bought |C) had bought |D) have have bought |E) have had bought

Тема: Past Simple. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M. Swan, Round up 4

18. I am sorry to say. I have read very…books by Walter Scott.

|A) Few.

|B) A lot of.

|C) Little.

|D) Much.

|E) Many.

Тема: Grammar

Трудность: A

Литература: Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

19. Choose the correct preposition: The Program usually consists ... three core components.

|A) Of.

|B) To.

|C) With.

|D) At.

|E) On.

Тема: Grammar, Prepositions

Трудность: A

Литература: Essential Grammar in use. R.Murphy

20. We… for Astana next Sunday

|A) Will leave.

|B) Will be leaving.

|C) Will live.

|D) Will be lived.

|E) Will be living.

Тема: Grammar. Future Simple.

Трудность: A

Литература: Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

21. The verb is a part of speech which denotes …

|A) An action.

|B) The shape.

|C) A quality.

|D) A quantity.

|E) The taste.

Тема: Grammar, Parts of speech

Трудность: A

Литература: Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

22. Australia, New Zealand and many islands were colorized during …

|A) 19th century.

|B) 18th century.

|C) 17th century.

|D) 16th century.

|E) 20th century.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: A

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

23. I.A.Baudonim de Courtenay founded

|A) Phonology.

|B) Lexicology.

|C) Morphology.

|D) Theoretical grammar.

|E) Syntax.

Тема: Theoretical Phonetics

Трудность: A

Литература: Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, М.А.Соколова, О.М.Тихонова

24. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to make good progress

|A) to make bad progress.

|B) to be proud.

|C) to be in a good mood.

|D) to be busy.

|E) to be active.

Тема: English Lexicology, Antonyms

Трудность: A

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

25. Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: Does it_____ you to move your arms, legs or head?

|A) Hurt.

|B) Painless.

|C) Ache .

|D) Pain.

|E) Painful.

Тема: English Lexicology, Synonyms

Трудность: A

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

26. Eliminate the extra word: tiger, lion, swine, bear, wolf

|A) Swine.

|B) Lion.

|C) Wolf.

|D) Bear.

|E) Tiger.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: A

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

27. Choose the right tense form: Last week she ... a funny story about her pet:

|A) Wrote.

|B) Had written.

|C) Was writing.

|D) Has written.

|E) Written.

Темa: Practical grammar, Past Simple

Трудность: A

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

28. Choose the right verb: The furniture ... out of the room.

|A) Was taken.

|B) Has taken.

|C) Were taken.

|D) Is taken.

|E) Had taken.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

29. Complete the disjunctive question: Kitty doesn't like cornflakes...

|A) Does she?

|B) Isn't she?

|C) Don't she?

|D) Hasn't she?

|E) Aren't she?

Тема: Practical grammar

Трудность: A

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

30. The term "dictionary" is used to denote a book listing

|A) Words.

|B) Rules.

|C) Numerals.

|D) Sounds.

|E) Letters.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: A

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

31. Fill in the correct preposition: Last night I called.......Ann. She is ill as you know.

|A) To.

|B) At.

|C) Near.

|D) About.

|E) On.

Темa: Practical grammar, Prepositions

Трудность: A

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

32. Fill in prepositions or adverbs: There is a bridge.....the river.

|A) Over.

|B) To.

|C) On.

|D) In.

|E) Of.

Темa: Practical grammar, Prepositions

Трудность: A

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy

33. In the 17th century English characterized by further growth of vocabulary due to borrowing of words from…

|A) French.

|B) Greek.

|C) Italian.

|D) Latin.

|E) Spanish.

Тема: History of language

Трудность: A

Литература: История английского языка, Т. А. Расторгуева

34. We have a nice flat….the centre…the town

|A) In/of.

|B) On/of.

|C) At/of.

|D) From/of.

|E) Of/at.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson

35. If the weather is fine , we …… to the country

|A) Shall go.

|B) Will go.

|C) Go.

|D) Would go.

|E) Can go.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson

36. You...in with me, if you don't want to

|A) Needn’t come.

|B) Can’t come.

|C) Mustn’t come.

|D) Couldn’t come.

|E) Shouldn’t come.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson

37. Choose the proper word: — people wear neither shoes nor stockings.

|A) Barefoot.

|B) Bare- armed.

|C) Bareleg.

|D) Bare-legged.

|E) Barefooted.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

38. Express in one word: a "popular" paper for those who prefer entertainment to


|A) The Daily Express.

|B) The Times.

|C) The Daily Telegraph.

|D) The News.

|E) The Daily Mirror.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

39. Express in one word: a monetary unit circulating in Great Britain.

|A) Pound.

|B) Tenge.

|C) Euro.

|D) Rouble.

|E) Dollar.

Тема: Страноведение


Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова

40. This variant of English influenced both by British and American English.

|A) Canadian.

|B) Brazilian.

|C) African.

|D) Indian.

|E) Australian.

Тема: История английского языка


Литература: История английского языка : Т.А Расторуева

41.Choose the right infinitive. He was looking for someone…..him.

|A) To help.

|B) Help.

|C) Helping.

|D) Helped to.

|E) Helped.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

42.Choose the correct form of the participle: The door opened and a ... woman came in.

|A) Well-dressed.

|B) Was well-dressed.

|C) Well-dressing.

|D) Being well-dressed.

|E) Is well-dressed.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

43. Choose the plural form of the noun: ……are crossing the street

|A) Passers-by.

|B) Passer-by.

|C) Passees-by.

|D) Passer’s-by.

|E) Passer is by.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

44. Complete the following sentence: I decided to go to the dining – car…

|A) To have a meal.

|B) To eat a meal.

|C) To take a meal.

|D) To drink a meal.

|E) To cook a meal.

Тема: Практикум по ИЯ


Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)

45. Sometimes modal words…..as sentence words.

|A) Are used.

|B) Is used.

|C) Can used.

|D) May used.

|E) Will be used.

Тема: Теоретическая грамматика


Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)

46.Choose the correct form of the complex object: I must have my hair…tomorrow.

|A) Cut.

|B) Cuts.

|C) Cutting.

|D) To cut.

|E) Is cut.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

47. Choose the correct preposition: He never turned …..

|A) Up.

|B) Down.

|C) For.

|D) To.

|E) Inter.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература:Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book,M.Swan

48.______is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming them

|A) The pronoun.

|B) The verb.

|C) The article.

|D) The object.

|E) The verb .

Тема: Практическая грамматика

Трудность :А

Литература : Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book

49. Choose the proper English equivalent to: дәрігерге жазылу

|A) To take an appointment with a doctor.

|B) To go to the doctor.

|C) To consult a doctor.

|D) To send for a doctor.

|E) To see for a doctor.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: А

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

50. Express in one word: to flight with a long thin pointed sword as a sport

|A) Fencing.

|B) Cricket.

|C) Yachting.

|D) Swimming.

|E) Boating.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: А

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

51. Choose the suitable word: The standard of productions is generally…

|A) High.

|B) Low.

|C) Well.

|D) Good.


Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)

52. Complete the following sentence: British and Russian phoneticians distinguish…degrees of word accent in English

|A) Three.


|C) Six.

|D) Five.

|E) Four.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

53. Choose the right variant: Poetic words belong to the….vocabulary


|B) Standard.

|C) Colloquial.

|D) Written.

|E) Neutral.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: А

Литература: Лексикология English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

54. The following word are Italian: finale, violin, balcony were borrowed from….

|A) Italian.

|B) French.

|C) Latin.

|D) Greek.

|E) Spanish.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: А

Литература: Лексикология English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина

55. An adverb may modify …... words of the category of state, adjectives. |A) Verbs |B) Nouns |C) Object |D) Articles |E) Particles Тема: Degrees of adverb. Трудность: A Литература: Практическая грамматика. The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

56. Choose the word opposite in meaning; to blow out a candle |A) to light a candle |B) to get light |C) to throw light on smth. |D) to come to light |E) to give smb, a light Тема: Opposite meanings. Трудность: A Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxen den (Oxford)

57. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to do homework orally |A) to do homework in writing |B) to make a mistake |C) to do active |D) to read distinct |E) to speak loud Тема: Antonyms. Трудность: A Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxen den (Oxford)

58. Choose the word opposite in meaning: shallow |A) deep |B) chief |C) high |D) plain |E) close Тема: Antonyms. Трудность: B Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

59. Fill in the suitable word: London is a great …. with many docks. |A) port |B) nation |C) area |D) district |E) continent Тема: The noun. Трудность: А Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

60. Choose the suitable word: In 1997 when the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic ….” Astana”. |A) name |B) state |C) condition |D) monument |E) building Тема: To find suitable word. Трудность: А Литература: Английский язык. (практический курс) К. Ибрагимова

61. The smallest meaningful unit of form is called …..

|A) morpheme |B) suffix |C) prefix |D) stem |E) word Тема: Meaningful unit. Трудность: А Литература: Теоретическая фонетика Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, М.А.Соколова, О.М.Тихонова

62. The preposition is _____ when its meaning is emphasized |A) stressed |B) stress |C) not stressed |D) unstressed |E) to stress Тема: Types of stress. Трудность: A Литература: Теоретическая фонетика Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, М.А.Соколова, О.М.Тихонова

63. Choose the right variant; Words used in a definite locality are called ….. |A) dialectical words |B) poetic words |C) foreign words |D) jargonisms |E) professionalisms Тема: History of words. Трудность: A Литература: Стилистика Основа стилистики английского языка Скребнев Ю.М.

64. Words in Germanic languages could be divided into three types according to the number and character of their components:

|A) simple, derived, compound |B) grammatical, lexical, phonetic |C) aspirated, reduced, shifted |D) linguistic, morphological, lexical |E) voiced, voiceless, aspirated Тема: Types of Germanic Трудность: A Литература: Стилистика Основа стилистики английского языка Скребнев Ю.М.

65. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to shake one’s head |A) to nod |B) to whisper |C) to bring |D) to wave |E) to mean Тема: Antonyms. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxen den (Oxford)

66. Choose the word close in meaning: tremendous |A) awful |B) bright |C) close |D) clever |E) dull Тема: Meaning of words. Трудность: B Литература: Практикум по ИЯ English File, Clive Oxen den (Oxford)

67. Find the correct variant of indirect question: Peter said to his friends: “When are leaving Moscow?” |A) Peter asked his friends when they were leaving Moscow. |B) Peter said to his friends when they were leaving Moscow. |C) Peter wanted to know when his friends are leaving Moscow. |D) Peter wished to know that his friends were leaving Moscow. |E) Peter wondered when his friends are leaving Moscow. Тема: Reported Speech. Трудность: В Литература: Практическая грамматика The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4

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