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77. What kind of job does the translator do during the official visit of foreign partners?

Under the authority of such negotiations there are etiquette features. Negotiations begin with that moment when one of the parties acts with the offer to discuss details and conditions of the conclusion of the contract. When the second the party accepts the offer, there comes one of the major stages – preparation for negotiations. At this stage the success is in many respects put negotiations. From that, negotiations will be how carefully prepared, depends not only their final result, but also process: whether will be negotiations long, long, conflict, or they will take place quickly without failures. Preparation for negotiations includes two main questions: decision organizational problems and study of the process of negotiations. Treat organizational problems: drawing up program of reception, formation of delegation of negotiators, definition of a place and time negotiations, etc. The greatest attention, expenses of forces and time is demanded by preparation of the program reception of foreign partners. Basic elements of this program are: meeting order; members of the meeting; greetings and representations, welcoming speeches; seating on cars; business part programs (meetings, conversations, negotiations); receptions, breakfasts, lunches, etc.; cultural actions; trips about the country; final farewell.

78. You are asked to participate at the protocol ceremony. Describe your work by stage.

In the course of negotiations as a rule the following purposes are set: to achieve the mutual arrangement on a question on which interests, as a rule, face; adequately to sustain the confrontation which is inevitably arising because of inconsistent interests without destroying thus the developed relations.

Each person should face that it is accepted to call business communication. How it is correct to make the missive or the invitation, to accept the partner and to hold negotiations with it, to resolve a controversial issue and to adjust mutually beneficial cooperation? In many countries very much attention is paid to all these questions. Special value has business communication for the people occupied with business. In many respects from as far as they own science and art of communication, the success of their activity depends.

79. You have done the translation, but the client is no hurry to pay. How will you react?

You must arrange with your client about payment immediately. Also you should require 50 per cent of payment in advance, and others after finished job. Translators might have problem with payment and disagreements with their clients. Disagreement may be about quality and satisfaction of job, mistakes and so on. In this situation we should be more tolerant and conscious. We always have to arrange about payment. If it's necessary, we should have arrangement paper. Also we must know all about our rights.

80.You are given the text to translate which is contrary to your beliefs. Will you accept it?

if the content of the text in the translation that was given to me, contains what is socially non-positive part of the text and if the text is translated vliyat on society or on the wrong person then it is advisable not to take it and not to transfer, it is better to warn the appropriate sanction of that demanded such translation

81. You are asked to interpret at the conference about medicine, but arriving there you realise that it is technical. Will you refuse or start?

I think that translators should always be ready for any occasion. if I have a situation I would not have refused. because I'm not going to fail at the conference

82 You are asked to translate an audiotext that lasts 40 min. How will you organise you work?

arrange everything in order and carefully

83. You are asked to edit the text which has already been translated. You asked lower price, but while editing you have noticed that it takes the same time as if you translated it by yourself. What would you do?

if editing would take me the same time as that whom I asked for something better to do everything herself. Dial the experience and the money will spare

84. You are a translator from English and Russian/Kazakh languages. You are given a text to translate, but there is a phrase in Dutch, what would you do?

I would have left the Dutch phrase, and would have written in brackets meaning of this phrase in the language that should be translated. because I do not perevedchik with Dutch and I may be some errors