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III. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.

IV. Render the text in a written form.

Text c

I. Mind the following words and word-combinations:

monk – чернець, монах

the Bible – Біблія

bishop – єпископ

cathedral school – соборна школа

smart – розумний

liberal arts – гуманітарні науки

Master of Arts – магістр гуманітарних наук

to encourage – заохочувати, сприяти

masterpiece – шедевр

convent – жіночий монастир

II. Listen to the text “The Middle Agesand try to understand it.

III. True/False statements:

1. The most important language during the Middle Ages was Italian.

2. Many famous people got education in Paris.

3. The liberal arts consisted of Latin and mathematics.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What did the church encourage in the Middle Ages?

2. Where did most girls get their education?

Unit 8

Topic: Upbringing in the period of Renaissance


I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

the Renaissance – епоха відродження

transition – перехід

prominent changes – значні зміни

strong willed person – вольова людина

behaviour – поведінка, манери

asceticism – аскетизм (стримання бажань та потреб, відмова від матеріальних благ, добровільне позбавлення і страждання, що є характерними для декількох філософських шкіл та релігій)

prohibition – заборона

aspiration – прагнення

mother tongue – рідна мова

natural history – природознавство

to cognise – пізнавати

visual aids – наочне приладдя

to greet – вітати

in the frames of – в межах чогось

Catholicism – католицизм

II. Read and translate the following text: Upbringing in the period of Renaissance

The Renaissance – is a transition from the medieval culture to the culture of the new times. It was closely connected with the prominent changes in all spheres of life. The idea of a cheerful, strong willed spiritually and bodily person appeared. Ancient culture became the standards of behaviour, instead of the medieval asceticism. This movement is called humanism. Humanistic pedagogics was characterized by the respect to children, prohibition of corporal punishment, aspiration to perfection of child’s skills. Humanists paid much attention to physical and aesthetic upbringing, learning mother tongue, Greek and Latin languages, mathematics, astronomy, mechanics, natural history, geography, literature, arts. They stated that children should think actively, cognise environment by themselves. The process of teaching should be attractive and interesting to them with widely used visual aids. Children should learn subjects in their mother tongue. Women had right to study in all types of schools.

The Renaissance created new original systems of education and upbringing. Two main tendencies of socializing emerged: humanistic that claimed harmonic development of a free personality, who changes society and nature, and reformative, which greeted the idea of community and limited a personality in the frame of that community, and also tried to reform Catholicism.

Pedagogics of the Renaissance created a new type of a school that oriented pupils to solve task practically. But the number of such schools was small and the idea of common education was not realized.