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Chapter 7



These organisms are important members of the plankton in both fresh and marine waters, although a much greater variety of forms is found in marine members. Generally the Dinophyceae are less important in the colder polar waters than in warmer waters. The highly elaborate Dinophysales (Fig. 7.56(d), (e)) are essentially a tropical group.

A typical motile dinoflagellate (Figs. 7.1, 7.2) consists of an epicone and hypocone divided by the transverse girdle or cingulum. The epicone and hypocone are normally divided into a number

of thecal plates, the exact number and arrangement of which are characteristic of the particular genus (Figs. 7.1, 7.3, 7.21(b), 7.25(b)). There is a longitudinal sulcus running perpendicular to the girdle. The longitudinal and transverse flagella emerge through the thecal plates in the area where the girdle and sulcus meet. The longitudinal flagellum projects out from the cell, whereas the transverse flagellum is wave-like and is closely appressed to the girdle. The cells can be photosynthetic or colorless and heterotrophic. Photosynthetic organisms have chloroplasts surrounded by one membrane of chloroplast E.R., which is not continuous with the outer

Fig. 7.1 Scrippsiella trochoidea.Scanning electron

micrographs showing the thecal plates in ventral (a) and

dorsal (b) view. (From Janofske, 2000.)

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