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Exercise 1. Expand the following sentences. Which sentences will have obligatory elements (complements)?

  1. It was …

  2. Mr. Black came back …

  3. She looked me up and down …

  4. His speech was …

  5. The cake tasted …

  6. The young couple danced …

  7. She felt …

  8. John ran …

  9. I have lived …

  10. My friend is …

Exercise 2. Distinguish between obligatory and optional parts in the following sentences.

1. You haven’t missed much. 2. Bill seemed rather reluctant. 3. Right you are. 4. He’s got something on his mind. 5. I remember her well. 6. The little girl was playing with a delectable puppy. 7. Nancy tore the letter open. 8. The surface felt smooth. 9. Mary had a new carpet in her parlour. 10. Jane laughed me into approval.

Exercise 3. Decide which of the following sentences are syntactically complete and which are not. Fill in the vacant positions of the incomplete constructions.

  1. The ball fell. The man fell over a boulder. The prices have fallen.

  2. He was looking intently. You look pale. Look out!

  3. Are you feeling? The handle felt moist.

  4. The sun was setting. They have set free. The prisoner was set free.

  5. Mary has given her mother. Don’t give away. Larry was given a piece of good advice.

Exercise 4. Make the following sentences elliptical. What types of elliptical sentences are they (which parts of a sentence might be omitted)?

  1. What were you thinking about? – I was thinking about you.

  2. Have you seen your neighbours yet?

  3. Are you Susan’s father?

  4. I don’t know anything about it.

  5. When are you leaving? – We are leaving on Monday.

  6. Who lives in this house? – Jane lives here.

Exercise 5. Point out two-member sentences (say whether they are complete or elliptical) and one-member sentences.

  1. He stared amazed at the calmness of her answer.

  2. We must go to meet the bus. Wouldn’t do to miss it.

  3. Obedient little trees, fulfilling their duty.

  4. Lucretius knew very little about what was going on in the world. Lived like a mole in a burrow. Lived on his own fat like a bear in winter.

  5. A beautiful day, quite warm.

  6. “How did he look?” “Grey but otherwise much the same.” “And the daughter?” “Pretty.”

  7. And then the silence and the beauty of the camp at night. The stars. The mystic shadow water. The wonder and glory of all this.

  8. “I’ll see nobody for half an hour, Mary,” said the boss. “Understand? Nobody at all.”

Exercise 6. Point out declarative, interrogative and imperative sentences.

1. Don’t repeat these accusations without checking them. 2. May I speak to your father, please? 3. I can hardly believe his words. 4. Don’t you dare to ask me such a question another time! 5. At what range will the plane show on the radar? 6. The topic will lose its significance by that time.

Exercise 7. State the types of the following questions.

1. Can you fly this aircraft and land it? 2. What does he have to say? 3. Wasn’t it an adventure? 4. So, they did take part in the reception, after all? 5. Will you do it alone, or will you have someone to help you? 6. Do we read a book for the book’s sake? 7. A good deal has been written about the importance of practice, hasn’t it? 8. Do you care to comment or don’t you?

Exercise 8. Change the following statements into disjunctive questions.

  1. You cannot give me a definite answer, … ?

  2. They were married several weeks later, … ?

  3. The inspector made an affirmative gesture, … ?

  4. There are no oranges left in the vase, … ?

  5. The woman was becoming a nervous wreck, … ?

  6. The TV set has been turned on all the time, … ?

  7. The car bomb didn’t go off, … ?

  8. You’d better lock the door, … ?

  9. And do remember to shut the windows, … ?

  10. You wouldn’t want your radio stolen, … ?

  11. I’m just checking everything, … ?

  12. Come on, let’s go, … ?

Exercise 9. Answer the following disjunctive questions confirming the speaker’s suppositions.

  1. He didn’t expect us so early, did he?

  2. Our little experiment proved the point, didn’t it?

  3. There isn’t much to be regretted, is there?

  4. We shall see her among the guests, shan’t we?

  5. I am a total stranger here, aren’t I?

  6. You won’t keep me in the dark, will you?

Exercise 10. You are in an exclamatory mood. So turn your thoughts into exclamations, using How or What.

  1. This restaurant is unusual.

  2. The food is delicious.

  3. But the service is slow!

  4. Your friend eats quickly.

  5. The vegetables are expensive.

  6. They charge a lot.

  7. Everything is fresh.

  8. I just love food.

  9. I really dislike dieting.

Exercise 11. Comment on the structure of the following sentences:

  1. The car stopped.

  2. Autumn.

  3. The question was discussed at the meeting.

  4. His voice sounded anxious.

  5. Ready?

  6. To live alone in this abandoned house!

  7. An old park.

  8. We learnt French.

  9. Seems easy.

  10. They live in England.

  11. Don’t understand you.

  12. What happened? – Nothing.

  13. See what I mean?

  14. Where are you going? – Home.

  15. I remember him well.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Как вы думаете, о чем это рассказ? 2. Он едва мог говорить, не так ли? 3. Так значит, Вам не нравиться эта песня, не так ли? Да нет же, нравиться. 4. Как выглядит Ваш друг? 5. Как Вы думаете, где он живет? 6. Как Вы думаете, зачем она пошла туда? 7. Как выглядит единорог? 8.Как вы себя чувствуете? Хорошо. 9. В прошлом году я начала изучать немецкий язык. ― Мой брат тоже. 10. Он выступил с великолепным докладом на вчерашнем собрании. ― Да, это правда. 11. Пьеса не понравилась доктору Брауну, не так ли? ― Да, не понравилась. 12. Ваши родители не вмешиваются в вашу жизнь, не так ли? ― Нет, вмешиваются. 13. Вы никогда не были в этом городе, не так ли? ― Да, не был. 14. Мы не виделись с ним целую вечность. – Мы тоже.

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