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Журнал "Periscope-review" зарегистрирован в Министерстве Российской Федерации по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций. Свидетельство - ПИ № 77-15544 от 20 мая 2003 года. Методика и форма изложения учебных материалов зарегистрированы в качестве интеллектуального продукта и хранятся в информационном фонде ВНТИЦ (г. Москва). Охраняется законом об авторском праве.

Основан в 2002 году. Издается два раза в год (январь, август)

Серия: филологические науки

Консультант издания - Trevor Brown (Великобритания)

Periscope-review: World News: Учеб. пособие по англ. яз. № 6: Издат. ООО "Ритм планеты", 2005г. - 60с.

Материалы пособия состоят из газетных и журнальных публикаций англоязычных стран, а также информации от ведущих мировых информационных агенств, сообщающих о наиболее важных и интересных событиях в мире. Полностью исключен трудоемкий процесс работы со словарями, т.к. все тексты снабжены необходимой лексикой. Это позволяет быстро восстановить и усовершенствовать знания иностранного языка, а также поддерживать их в постоянном рабочем состоянии при минимальных затратах времени и энергии обучающихся. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц - как учащихся 8-11 классов средних школ, лицеев, гимназий, так и студентов ВУЗов различного профиля. Подробную информацию читайте на последней странице обложки.

© ООО "Ритм планеты"; 2005 г. Все права защищены Свидетельство № 73200200034

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  1. По мнению специалистов, новая лексика лучше всего запоминается в конкретном тексте, путем ее многократного повторения. Поэтому выработайте для себя правило: каждый раз, открыв пособие или принимаясь за новую статью, повторите весь новый лексический материал в предыдущих, путем быстрых "пробежек" по выделенным словам. Это положение носит принципиальный характер, поэтому обращаем на него ваше внимание.

  1. Для облегчения этой задачи рекомендуем объединить (путем подчеркивания ручкой по линейке) "цветные" слова с рядом стоящими так, чтобы образовывались короткие смысловые фразы (например: "провели переговоры с представителями...", "независимые эксперты в области..." и т.д.).

  1. Постоянно сверяйте правильность произношения английских слов с транскрипцией. Обращайте внимание на ударения и длительность звуков, от которых нередко меняются их значения.

  1. Не забывайте на досуге почитывать грамматику - это очень полезное занятие!

  1. Помните, что частота общения с изучаемым предметом имеет прямую связь с качеством ваших знаний. Поэтому старайтесь максимум свободного времени уделять иностранному языку. Со временем судьба непременно отблагодарит вас за ваше упорство и терпение и откроет новые пути в вашей жизни. Хорошее знание иностранного языка - это поистине большое богатство!

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Коллектив издательства "Ритм планеты"

W A S H I N G T O N POST, 28 . 08 . 04 .

Pope returns rare icon to Russia

A Vatican cardinal has handed a precious icon back to the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow as a personal gift from Pope John Paul II. The image is an 18th-century copy of one of Russia's most sacred images, the Virgin of Kazan, and was bought in the West by Roman Catholics in 1970.

Patriarch Alexy, the head of the Russian Church, thanked the Pope, who views the gift as a goodwill gesture. It is expected to be housed temporarily in a chapel at Patriarch Alexy's residence until a decision is taken on its permanent home.

The original Virgin of Kazan icon, named after the eastern Russian city where it was found in 1579 and used to inspire Russian soldiers such as those who fought Napoleon in 1812, is believed to have perished.

Encrusted with silver and precious stones, the copy handed over at the Kremlin has been in the Pope's possession for the past 11 years. It was bought for $1m from a dealer in the United States and presented to the Pope by a group of American Catholics.

The 84-year-old pontiff has long wanted to visit Russia, but the trip has never been approved by the Russian Orthodox Church. The two Churches have been divided since 1054, when the Eastern and Western branches of Christianity split in the Great Schism.

Speaking after the ceremony, Patriarch Alexy told reporters he hoped that the two Churches could agree not to "compete on the territory of Russia". For his part, the Pope said in a message that despite the division between Moscow and Rome, the icon was a "symbol of the unity of the followers of the only-begotten son of God".

USA TODAY, 7 . 11 . 04 .

US oil climbs to $53 price peak

US oil prices have reached a fresh record high amid surging demand, worries over possible global supply shortages and a strike in Nigeria. Prices breached $53 a barrel, their highest level since the futures contracts were introduced 21 years ago. UK-traded Brent crude oil also hit a record high, reaching $49.20 a barrel.

World oil prices have hit a series of new record highs in recent weeks as global suppliers struggle to keep pace with soaring demand in the US and China. Experts say that worries about security in the Middle East and sabotage in Iraq are also helping to keep prices high. The steady erosion of the oil industry's spare production capacity

has made prices highly sensitive to the threat of supply disruptions. The latest surge in prices was triggered partly by news of industrial unrest in Nigeria.

Prices are also rising because it will take longer than previously thought for oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico to recover from damage caused by recent hurricanes. The US government said on Wednesday that it could take up to 90 days to restore production at offshore drilling platforms that were destroyed by Hurricane Ivan. The hurricane put seven platforms out of action as well as damaging mobile rigs and springing leaks in oil and gas pipelines. Ivan also disrupted operations at refineries in the Gulf, which are currently working at 90% capacity. Across the globe there is rising oil product demand and little spare refining capacity to meet it. When adjusted for inflation, oil prices remain below the all-time peak they hit in the wake of the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979. Then, one barrel of oil was worth the equivalent of $80 in today's terms.



T H E S U N D A Y E X P R E S S , 24 . 12 . 04 .

Sea surges kill thousands in Asia

More than 140,000 people have been killed across southern Asia in massive sea surges triggered by the strongest earthquake in the world for 40 years.

The 8.9 magnitude quake struck under the sea near Aceh in north Indonesia, generating a wall of water that spread across thousands of kilometres of sea. Casualty figures are rising over a wide area, including resorts in Sri Lanka and Thailand packed with holidaymakers. Experts say tsunamis generated by earthquakes can travel at up to 500km/h. Hotels were under water after 5m-10m waves hit the coast.

Exact numbers of people killed, injured or missing in the

countries hit, are impossible to confirm. Hundreds of fishermen are missing off India's southern coast, and there are reports of scores of bodies being washed up on beaches. In Thailand, hundreds of holiday bungalows are reported to have been destroyed. Millions have been left homeless, while businesses and infrastructure have been washed away. The disaster zone is now threatened with outbreaks of disease. Night has now fallen across the region. Messages of condolences have poured in from around the world.

Sri Lankan President declared a national disaster and the military has been deployed to help rescue efforts. Government official warns the cost of damage could exceed the island nation's annual GDP. World Bank president James Wolfensohn has said his agency is "only beginning to grasp the magnitude of the disaster" and its economic impact."First and foremost this is a human tragedy." Governments are expected to take steps, such as cutting taxes and increasing spending, to facilitate a recovery. Tourism is a vital to many developing countries, providing jobs for 19 million people in the south east Asian region.

One hotel worker in Phuket said the tide of water flooded the hotel lobby and pulled furniture onto the street. "As I was standing there, a car actually floated into the lobby and overturned because the current was so strong. It used to be a bustling market area, there were fruit and vegetable stalls here and cafes along the sides of the road. Now it is absolutely wrecked. There is mud, debris, masonry, cars, motorbikes, all upturned, mangled, covered in mud. People are scrambling through the mud and the ruins for food and bottles of water. Of course these places have been totally shredded by the waves. A young fisherman said, "I do not know where my boat is. I have nothing left. I am left just with the clothes on my body". A train was caught in the tidal wave and swept off the tracks, reports say of the sixteen hundred on board, just three hundred got out alive.

The people are still looking for their dead - fishing them out of ponds, pulling a few from tree tops and pulling some from beneath collapsed huts. The stench of rotting bodies has filled the air and vultures hover above. It is clear that the lack of heavy machinery is holding back the rescue operation. The rescuers are forced to pull the bodies out of the wreckage with their bare hands. There aren't enough coffins and those that they do have are often too small for the bodies which have been bloated after sitting in the water for 48 hours. The dead are being buried with extreme haste and little ceremony. Outside the main hospital in Galle today there were dozens of bodies lined up in the open air, waiting to be buried. The people who are burying them are trying to make a note of where the graves are. Officials toid us up to two thousand corpses had been collected at this one point. But they're gradually being taken away in trucks to be buried in mass graves.

Many are still living on the beach where their homes once stood. They've cleared away the rubble and staked out their plots with bamboo canes. But others are too afraid to remain by the sea. Some 750 women and children are taking shelter in the nearby school.

One of the world's largest relief efforts is under way to help the millions of victims of the Asia quake. International disaster assessment teams have fanned out to the affected countries and local agencies are distributing emergency aid.



C N N N E W S , 26 . 10 . 04 .

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