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Complex subject and complex object compared



  1. after verbs of sense (physical) perception: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice

    I saw him enter the room. The inf is used without “to”

    He was seen to enter the room.

  2. After verbs of mental perception: to think, to believe, to consider, to suppose. to find, to feel (to consider), to expect, to understand

    I expect this fine weather to continue. I consider him to be right.

    He is expected to be leaving tonight. He is considered to be right.

  3. After verbs expressing liking or disliking: to want, to wish, to desire, to like, to dislike, to hate, to would like.

    I want you to translate this text. I want this text to be translated.

  4. After verbs of saying: to announce, to order, to allow, to permit.

    The doctor permitted the room to be aired. He ordered the letter to be sent at once.

    All books were ordered to be returned within 5 days. He is said to have come back at once.

  5. After verbs: to make, to have, to let.

    I made him tell us about it. The inf is used without “to!!!”

    He was made to keep silent. NOTE: to verb “to let” is not used in the Passive Voice.

  6. after the following pairs of synonymous verbs in the Active Voice: a) to seem; to appear; b) to happen; to chance; c) to prove, to turn out

    He seems to have left yesterday.

    We happened to see him. The night turned out to be cold.

  7. with the phrases: to be sure; to be(un)likely, to be certain(with future reference)

She is likely to be late. He is sure to become a doctor.

The For-to-Infinitive Construction

is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun or pronoun preceded by the preposition “for”. The relation between the nominal and verbal parts of the construction is that of the secondary subject and secondary predicate. The construction can have different functions in the sentence.

It can be:

  1. A subject (often with the introductory it”). For me to talk is extremely painful. It was still difficult for him to talk about it. It was impossible for her to appear there.

  2. A predicative: That was for you to decide. The main thing is for you to get all the details.

  3. a complex object: She waited for him to speak I’m sorry for you to think that.

  4. An attribute: There is nobody here for him to play with. Here are some books for you to read.

  5. An adverbial modifier of purpose (a) or result (b)

  1. Call me up for me not to be late. He stepped aside for me to pass.

  2. He spoke loud enough for you to hear. The problem was too difficult for the boy to solve.

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