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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «СЕВЕРСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ»


Утверждаю Зав. кафедрой ИЯ

доцент _________ Т.Ю. Казанцева

« ___ » _________ 2004 г.

В. А. Сокол


Пособие по английскому языку

Северск 2004

Рег. № с/ 28 от 29.09.04 г.

Утверждено НМС

«11» октября 2004 г.

УДК 42(07) С – 59

Сокол В.А. Speak English with us: Пособие по английскому языку. – Северск: СГТИ , 2004. – 155 с.

Данное пособие содержит разнообразные лексические и грамматические упражнения, позволяющие расширить словарный запас и закрепить знания по грамматике изучаемого языка. Представленные тексты насыщены сложными грамматическими конструкциями, содержат необходимый объем лексического материала по предложенной тематике, а также обширный дополнительный материал.

Пособие подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков СГТИ и предназначено для студентов технических вузов.

Пособие одобрено на заседании методического семинара кафедры иностранных языков СГТИ

(протокол № 10 от 30.08.2004 г.)

Печатается в соответствии с планом выпуска учебно-методической литературы на 2004 г., утвержденным Советом СГТИ.

ISBN 5-93915-066-7

Рецензенты: Казанцева Т.Ю. – доцент, зав. кафедрой ИЯ СГТИ, кандидат филологических наук.

Коваленко О.В. – старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка №1 ТПУ. Кузнецова С.В. – старший преподаватель ФИЯ ТГУ.

Редактор Г. Н. Ларкина

Технический редактор С.А. Приходько

Подписано к печати ________

Формат 60х84/16. Бумага писчая №2

Плоская печать. Усл. печ. л. 9. Уч.-изд. л. 8,2.

Тираж 200 экз. Заказ _____

636070, г. Северск, Томской обл., пр. Коммунистический, 65.

Северский государственный технологический институт, 2004



Введение .....................................................................................................


LESSON 1....................................................................................................


Text RUSSIA .......................................................................................


LESSON 2 ...................................................................................................


Text MY NATIVE TOWN TOMSK ...................................................


LESSON 3 ...................................................................................................


Text MOSCOW ...................................................................................


LESSON 4 ...................................................................................................


Text THE LIFE OF ANDREY SAKHAROV .....................................


LESSON 5 ...................................................................................................




LESSON 6 ...................................................................................................




LESSON 7 ...................................................................................................


Text THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ..................................


Additional texts about education ................................................................



Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов технических вузов, изучавших английский язык и продолжающих его изучение.

Цель пособия - развить у студентов навыки разговорной речи, а также чтения, понимания и перевода оригинальной литературы на английском языке.

Данное пособие предназначено для занятий во 2-ом семестре I-го курса

ипродолжает готовить студентов к переводу оригинальной научнотехнической литературы. Представленные тексты насыщены сложными грамматическими конструкциями, которые затем закрепляются грамматическими упражнениями. Вместе с тем студенты продолжают изучать разговорную лексику в соответствии с программой.

Во втором семестре изучаются разговорные темы "Моя страна", "Москва", "Мой родной город", "Образование в Америке".

Структура каждого урока представлена предтекстовыми упражнениями

иупражнениями для развития навыков разговорной речи.

При подготовке четвертого издания пособия использованы результаты многолетней работы с ним. Занимаясь по этому пособию, студенты получают знания, необходимые для перевода оригинальной научно-технической литературы. В связи со значительным увеличением количества часов, отводимых на иностранный язык, появилась возможность уделить больше внимания разговорной практике. Поэтому увеличено количество уроков, введен раздел "Устная практика". Кроме того, увеличено число грамматических упражнений, заменен ряд устаревших текстов.

Закончившие обучение по 2 частям данного пособия имеют знания по английскому языку, достаточные для того, чтобы вести беседу на английском языке по изученным темам, делать обзор литературы, переводить научнотехническую литературу.


Exercises to be done before the text

I. Be sure you know the following words:

foreign, include, borders, suffer, Ukraine, Baltic states, China, resources, valuable, vegetation, wolf, bear, birches, Siberia, cedar, larches, mushrooms, berries, climate, windy, forward, in spite of, strange, believe, hospitable, hospitality, reputation, pleasant, welcome, generous, mind.

II. What part of speech are these words:

snowy, hardly, independent, mineral, natural, valuable, vegetation, deepest, wonderful, pleasant, hospitable, useless, uselessness, independently, easier, earliest, mixture, berries, higher.

III. Give 4 forms of the verbs:

to ask, to suffer, to be, to believe, to find, to have, to say, to go, to know, to understand, to happen.

IV. Remember the proverbs:

1.Every country has its customs.

2.East or West home is best.

3.Where there's a will there's a way.

4.No news is good news.


V. Learn this poem by heart.


Jane K. East or West, home is best.

Where else can you relax and rest? Where else can you enjoy the songs That only to your heart belong?

Where else are there smiling faces So many kisses and embraces? Where else can you enjoy the world Of solitude and happy mood? Where else can you remain calm Forget all fear and alarm?

Where else can you receive sweet care? There is a place like home nowhere.



What country am I from? I am from Russia. And if my foreign friend asked me to tell something about my country I'd tell him the following.

Oh, my poor country. It suffered too much and still continues to suffer. But I believe a day will come and everything will be all right in my country. And let's hope it'll happen soon, though one can hardly believe it now.

Now the Russian Federation enters the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS. And the CIS includes most of the former USSR’s republics.

The USSR ranked first in the world for its territory. And still Russia is very big too. Russia is situated in Europe and Asia. It borders on many countries. Among them are the Ukraine, Baltic States, Mongolia, China, Korea and some others.


Russia is a very rich country. It's difficult to say what mineral resources can't be found in our country. One can find coal, peat, oil, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zink, gold and many other mineral resources. But one of the most valuable Russia's resources is its forests. Almost every part of the country has wonderful forests. Our forests are very rich in animals ( hares, wolves, foxes, sables, bears, wild boars and even tigers and leopards) and vegetation. One may find such trees in our forests as birches, oaks, pines, firtrees.

Siberia is famous for its cedar forests. Larches can be found in all forests, never mind where these forests are. Everybody who lives in Russia likes to walk in the forest, to pick mushrooms, berries. And a Russian birch can be called a symbol of a Russian man.

You know there are very many rivers in Russia. Some of them are among the longest, deepest in the world (the Volga, the Yenisei),

As our country is very big, it’s difficult to say what climate it has. The climate of the European part is of course milder than that of Siberia. But wherever you go, you find winter and summer, autumn and spring. Winters are cold, windy and snowy. Summers are hot. In Siberia and in the North winters are long and people are looking forward to spring and summer.

Russia's population is about 150 million people, Russia is a multinational country. There are about 110 big and small nationalities in it. And 83 per cent are Russians. Russian man is a generous man. You know every nation has a reputation of some kind. As to the Russians, they are known to be very hospitable people. Their hospitality never knows bounds. (Do you remember Krylov's fable "Demjanov's fish soup"?) Russian nation is a great nation in spite of many strange things happened in our country. F. Tyutchev, our great poet, said: "Do not try to understand Russia with your mind. You can only believe in it." Sometimes it's really very difficult to explain what is going on. And still we love our country. Because as the other great Russian poet


A.S. Griboyedov said: "Even the smoke of your motherland is sweet and pleasant." I am proud that I am a citizen of a great country.

You are welcome to our country. Do you like Russia?

Grammar Exercises

I. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. Railways, waterways and airways have connected the cities and towns of our country from the cold Arctic Seas to the warm Black Sea and from the East to the West. 2. A large petro-chemical plant was built in Tomsk. 3. Many new towns have appeared in recent times and many old villages are being restored to life. 4. Profound changes are taking place in all fields of our life. 5. The enterprise is being reconstructed now. 6. After the agreement had been concluded, our enterprise got necessary materials. 7. .For almost half a century the Soviet Union's economic development has been determined by five-year plans. 8. We have to develop our economy. 9. It is too early to say that a new political system emerging today has already taken a stable shape. 10. Former leaders have been disappearing from the political horizon one by one. 11. Being more reserved British people take more time to make friends. 12. Meeting people the English do not shake hands. 13. Having torn my new suit I got very upset. 14. Some people usually spend time chatting and drinking tea or coffee before starting a business meeting but not in Britain and the USA. They prefer talking about business first and chatting later.

II. Translate into Russian , paying attention to the words "that" and "one":

1. This word has the same meaning as that one. 2. The results achieved by him are the best ones in our group. 3. “Intourist” organized trips of foreign tourists to Russia and those of Russian tourists abroad. 4. Such trips are much


shorter than other ones. 5. This book is the best one in my collection. 6. This group session results are much better than those of group D-089. 7. The climate of the European part of the country is milder than that of Siberia 8. The largest river basin is that of the Ob. 9. Russia is a country of many nationalities, big and small ones. 10. That Americans are more relaxed than British people is a well known fact. 11. I wouldn’t like to do that, I’m sorry. 12. The fact that they were invited surprised them. 13. She was wearing a beautiful dress that shocked other women. 14. Do you know that I don’t want to speak with you? 15. This is the group that is famous for its students. 16. He still firmly believed that he would reach his goal some time and some how. 17. He began to look for another career that might be more respectable. 18. That he is clever is known to everybody. 19. That task is much easier than this one. 20. We know that exciting project very well.

III. Say what word combinations can be predicates:

industrialized country, has developed, planned reorganization, has acted, will influence, has been reached, transformed nature, was transformed, were solved, will solve, have been transferring, a high building, is floating, on floating platforms, by melting the arctic ice, building, are breaking.

IV. Point out the word combinations where the verb "had" should be translated: the experiment had been made; he had a lot of friends; he had had breakfast; I had been learning English; the experiment had been done; we had an

interesting experiment; I've had an interesting trip; they had finished it.

V. a) Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Present Continuous Passive:

1.This book ____ (to read) by everybody now.

2.This man ____ (to speak about) very much.


3.Their passports ____ (to check) at the moment.

4.They ____ (to interview), don’t come in.

5.He ____ (to take) to hospital after the accident.

6.Look, the bicycle ____ (to steal).

7.The experiments ____ (to make) for two hours already.

8.He ____ (to laugh at) because of his translation.

9.We ____ (to wait for), hurry up.

10.The child ____ (to look for) by the police.

11.The report ____ (to discuss) for a long time.

12.She ____ (to ask) about the incident.

13.This difficult rule ____ (to explain) by the teacher.

14.The tests ____ (to check), let’s wait for the results.

15.The delegates ____ (to meet) at the station.

b) Now change the Present Continuous Passive into the Present Perfect Passive.

VI. Put in the correct verb form and complete the sentences:

1.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to have) a wonderful day”, but actually

____ (an accident).

2.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to go) abroad in summer”, but actually

____ (to Poperechka).

3.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to win) lottery”, but actually I ____ (to lose) my money.

4.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to meet) a beautiful girl (boy)”, but actually ____ (ugly).

5.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to have) good news tomorrow”, but actually ____ (to know the truth).


6.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to be invited) to a party”, but actually

____ to the police station.

7.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to be offered) a good job”, but actually

____ (to lose).

8.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to enjoy) your holiday”, but in fact

____ (not to enjoy).

9.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to be) happy in love”, but in fact ____

(to quarrel).

10.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to be) lucky at the exam”, but instead I ____ (to fail) it.

11.My horoscope said: “You ____ (to be invited) by the president”, but actually ____(by the dean).

12.My horoscope said: “You ____ (not to believe) this horoscope”, and actually I ____ (not to believe).

Oral practice


Remember the following expressions:


Receiving visitors and playing host:


Come in, please.

Thank you.

This way, please.

No, thank you.

Take a seat, please.

Thanks (a lot).

Make yourself at home (comfortable).

I've had enough,

Help yourself to ...

thank you.

Will you have ...


Would you like ...?


Here you are.


Have another cup of tea (coffee,



some more ice-cream, etc.)

What coffee do you prefer, black or white? Shall I fix you a drink?

to be as hungry as a hunter to be thirsty

I.Answer the following questions:

1.What, in your opinion, is motherland?

2.Must one love his motherland?

3.Would you like to travel abroad?

4.In what part of our country would you like to live?

5.Would you like to live abroad?

6.What home would you like to have? Describe the house of your dream.

7.Who must run a household (bring up children) in a family?

8.Does a family need a leader?

9.What can you tell about Russian cooking?

10.What holidays do we have?

11.Do you know any Russian traditions?

12.What is nostalgia?

13.Is the sense of nostalgia known to you?

II. Listen to the dialogues, then learn them by heart:


Shirley: Would you like some cookies? I just made them. Louise: Thank you. Yes, I would.

Shirley: These are chocolate, and those are almond-flavored.



I guess. I’ll try a chocolate one first. Mmmm... this is delicious.


Are they hard to make?


No, they’re really quite easy. Wait a minute, I’ve got the recipe


right here. See... These are the ingredients. And then you just


follow the directions.


That does look easy. I think I’ll make some tonight.




I hear you’ve been ill.


Well, I had the flu for couple of weeks, but I’m fine now.


You’re looking well. By the way, did you hear about Mrs.




No. What about her?


She had such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the




Oh, I’m sorry to hear that!

III.Choose the best expression to match the situations:

1.You are offered something to eat. You don't want it. You should refuse politely by saying:

a)How dreadful.

b)No, thank you.

c)It looks delicious.

2.You are offered something to eat. You are very hungry, but you don't want to show it:

a)Oh, thank you very much. I'm as hungry as a hunter.


b)No, thank you.

c)Thank you, I'11 have something (with pleasure).

3.A host is very hospitable. You can't eat any more but he still continues to treat you.

a)No more, thank you.

b)I'm really full, thank you.

c)Just leave me alone. I can't eat any more.

4.You want your guest to have another cup of tea.

a)Have another cup of tea.

b)Though you wouldn’t like any more, help yourself.

c)Here is one more cup of tea.

5.You meet your guests whom you didn't wait.

a)I haven't seen you for ages, but I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry.

b)I've been waiting for you, this way please.

c)It's kind of you to come to my place.

6.A houseguest has asked for a cup of coffee and the hostess doesn't have any. The hostess would probably say she is sorry with these words:

a)I'm terribly sorry, but I'm out of coffee.

b)Guess, you're out of luck.

c)Unfortunately the coffee machine is out of order.

7.You've decided to visit a friend. When you arrive it's clear that your friend was not expecting a visitor. You should say you're sorry with these words:


a)Oh! You weren't expecting company.

b)I'm sorry. I should have called first.

c)Don't mind me. I'll watch TV.

8.You're visiting someone's home for the first time. It's cocktail time and you ask for a drink your host doesn't have. When he tells you, you should reply:

a)I'll just have a glass of water.

b)Oh! I'll wait while you go to the store.

c)I'll try something else then. What would you suggest?

IV. Tell the following dialogues in English.

Диалог 1

-Кто там?

-Это я.

-Кто это “я”?

-Твоя подруга, Анна.

-О, Анна, ты прости, я не узнала тебя. Это настоящий сюрприз. Как хорошо, что ты пришла. Проходи, присаживайся, пожалуйста.


-Чувствуй себя как дома.

-Большое спасибо. Я не видела тебя целую вечность и решила навестить. Я так рада тебя видеть. Ты прекрасно выглядишь.

-Спасибо. Я тоже рада тебя видеть.

-Как у тебя дела?

-Все в порядке, спасибо, а как у тебя?

-Тоже все хорошо, спасибо. Что новенького?


-Я получила письмо. Мой американский друг (его зовут Стивен) приглашает меня в Штаты.

-Ты была раньше в Америке?

-Нет, я никогда не была там. Кампания, в которой работает Стивен, приглашает меня обсудить дела.

-Здорово. Тебе повезло. Ты сможешь увидеть много интересного. Но билеты очень дорогие.

-Нет, это не проблема для меня. Американцы оплатят билеты.

-А ты получила американскую визу?

-У меня уже есть виза.

-Как долго ты собираешься пробыть там?

-Около двух месяцев. Мы хотим обсудить возможности сотрудничества, потому что у нас есть хорошая идея для создания совместного предприятия с американцами.

-Ну, желаю удачи!

-Кстати, хочешь печенье? Я только что испекла его.

-Я бы не отказалась.

-Вот эти шоколадные, а те с ванилью.

-О, вкус просто великолепный! Это печенье, наверное, трудно приготовить?

-Вовсе нет! Подожди. У меня есть рецепт. Вот, посмотри. Это составляющие, а дальше просто следуй указаниям.

-Я думаю, я попробую приготовить такое печенье сама сегодня вечером.

-Что ты предпочитаешь: чай или кофе?

-Я предпочитаю черный кофе.


-Угощайся конфетами, фруктами.

-Спасибо. О как летит время! Я спешу. Давай завтра сходим в ресторан пообедать и отметим твою поездку.

-Это хорошая идея. Спасибо тебе за твой визит.

-Спасибо тебе. Увидимся в 4 часа в ресторане “Файот”. Пока.


Диалог 2



-Какой приятный сюрприз! Я рада тебя видеть, Юля!

-Я тоже рада тебя видеть!

-Как твои дела?

-Хорошо, спасибо! А как дела у тебя?

-Тоже хорошо. Ты хорошо выглядишь.

-Спасибо. Чем ты сейчас занимаешься? Я видела тебя по телевизору.

-Я готовлю политические репортажи. А чем ты занимаешься?

-Я работаю в одной из крупнейших в стране фирм, производящей джинсовую одежду.

-Это здорово.

-Если ты не возражаешь, я приглашаю тебя в ресторан пообедать. Думаю, тебе понравится там. Он совсем недавно открылся, но я уже однажды заходила сюда.

-О, да, здесь очень уютно. Давай сядем, вон там.

-Здравствуйте! Я – Сэм, ваш официант. У вас заказан столик?



-Вам место в зале для курящих или нет? Следуйте за мной, пожалуйста. Вот меню.

-Я очень голодна. Давай сделаем заказ.

-О, так много вкусностей в меню, что я даже растерялась.

-Что тебе нравится из закусок: салат острый из резанной курицы или может что-нибудь из морских продуктов?

-Я бы хотела устрицы с лимонным соком.

-ОК. Я хотела бы горячие креветки.

-Мы должны отметить нашу встречу. Что у вас есть из белых вин?

-У нас есть отличное “Шабли”. Вы хотите попробовать?

-Да, пожалуй.

-Что бы вы хотели на десерт?

-Кофе “Капучино” и мороженое с миндальной крошкой, пожалуйста.

-Это все?

-Пожалуй, да.

-Я получила письмо от моей подруги из Штатов. Она приглашает меня в Штаты.

-Как зовут твою подругу?

-Ее зовут Шелли.

-Ты была раньше в Америке?

-Нет, я никогда не была в США.

-Здорово, тебе повезло! Ты сможешь увидеть много интересного. Но, наверное, возникнет много проблем?

-Да, я должна получить паспорт и обменять рубли на доллары, получить визу.

-Я надеюсь, все будет хорошо!


-Может быть вы хотели еще что-нибудь заказать?

-Нет, спасибо. Все было великолепно. Мои комплименты вашему повару.

-Спасибо. Надеемся снова увидеть вас у нас. Вот ваш счет. Как будете платить?


-Желаю удачи!

V. Tell the following anecdotes in English.


-Не читай во время еды, - говорит жена мужу, - ты даже не видишь, что ты ешь.

-Затем и читаю, - отвечает он.


-Дорогой, почему ты читаешь газету за обедом?

-Чтобы не смотреть, что я ем, дорогая.


-Мы с женой были счастливы на протяжении двадцати лет...

-А потом?

-А потом мы встретились...


Встречаются две подруги.

-Надо же, я тебя совсем не узнаю, - говорит одна.


-Хорошо выглядишь.


№5 Студент пригласил девушку на свидание. Гуляют по городу и

проходят мимо ресторана. Девушка говорит:

-Ой, как вкусно пахнет!

-Тебе понравилось? Хочешь, еще раз пройдем?


-Леонид Ильич, здравствуйте!

-Кто это?

-Это я, Рокфеллер.

-А, не узнал! Богатым будешь!

№7 Моя девятилетняя племянница подарила мне духи. “Я очень люблю

эти духи, - сказала я ей. – Как ты угадала, какие купить?”

-Мне помог продавец, - ответила она.

-Он очень хорошо выбрал. Он спрашивал, как я выгляжу? Или какого цвета одежду я люблю носить, или сколько мне лет?

-Нет, - ответила она. – Он спросил, сколько у меня денег.

№8 Когда я переносил из одного класса в другой репродукцию картины

Ван Гога “Подсолнухи”, меня остановила третьеклассница. “Кто нарисовал эту картину?” – спросила девочка.

-Винсент Ван Гог, - ответил я.

-Вот это да! – воскликнула она. – А из какого он класса?



Additional texts


Russian Family: What is it like?

So what is it like, the family tradition? Whose descendants are we? What are the stories your granny used to tell? What can family albums, letters and diaries reveal? What are the names of your great-grand-parents?

Many of the Russians are not able to answer these simple questions. The family tradition is lost for them. And it is one of the reasons why most people have no sense of family honour and pride.

A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of a TV set is not yet a family. Here are some family statistics in Russia. Over 80 per cent of women and about 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25.

At present, more than 40 out of every 100 marriages end in divorce. Every year about one million families break up. About 50 per cent of divorcees do not want to remarry. Men remarry more often than women. Over 50 per cent of divorced men remarry within a period of ten years, while only 25 per cent of such women do so. Many young families have material difficulties. As a result, young couples often have to rely on the assistance of their parents.

The housing shortage is another problem of many young families. Most young families don't wish to live together with their parents after they get married but about half of them have to do this. Young people have no necessary experience in family life. They don't know: 1) how to run a household, 2) how to manage the family budget, 3) how to bring up children.

The revival of the family should start with the restoration of its traditions. People need family shops, cafйs, cinemas and health-building homes.

In its various forms the human family has been in existence for as long as man himself. The family tradition has preserved the picture of Madonna with a child in her arms. Can this beauty save the world? Shall we have this tradition in future, or lose it, as we lost so many other beautiful things?



My Parents


The kids from Westwood High School tell about their parents and


about what makes a good parent.

What makes a good parent?

Erin: A good parent does things in the best interests of their children. Megan: A good parent really cares about you and what’s happening in

your life. A good parent knows what it’s like to be a teenager and sees our point of view.

Rob: I think a good parent is one who helps his or her children. They should teach right and wrong and be able to talk with their children. They should also support you in what you do and praise you for all the good things that you do.

Pani: A good parent is someone who cares but who is strict and wants their children to be successful.

Is there a difference between the roles of mother and father? Mireille: Yes, there is a difference. A mother teaches her child right from

wrong and manners. A father teaches a child to be strong and confident. This can also be vice versa. I’m describing my parents.

Vicky: Yes, a mother should be the one to comfort and a father should be the one to teach a lesson - the old-fashioned way.

Caitlin: Well, there shouldn’t be but I think there is. Most dads work, so the kids are at home with their mom when they’re little.

Corey: No, because a mother can do everything a father can and vice


Do you ask your parents for advice?

Megan: I ask my dad for advice about math and homework but my mother for advice about school, friends and life. She’s very understanding and I’m really close to her.


Caitlin: Yes. For me, decisions are hard to make, so I always ask for their advice.

Corey: Sometimes I do and other times it’s too personal.

Kevin: Yes, most of the time they are the only people I can talk to. Kristen: I talk to my dad about things like boys and school friend

problems. He usually gives me good advice.

If you have children, what will you do differently from your own parents?

Kristen: I won’t ground my kids. I’ll take them to concerts and they’ll be allowed to have a separate phone line.

Kevin: I won’t be strict as my parents. I’ll give my kids more freedom to do what they want.

Pani: I definitely won’t make my kids do their homework before they do anything else.

Mireille: I won’t be as protective as my parents. I’ll trust my daughter to make the right decision.

Imagine you can choose anyone famous to be your parent. Who will you choose?

Rob: Someone like Anfernee Hardaway. He’s a basketball player. I’d like to live in a big house and go to see all the games.

Anne: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, because they seem like cool people who really care about children.

Pani: My parents are much better than any famous person.

Kevin: I’d like Bill Clinton and Tyra Banks to be my parents. Bill is very powerful and it might be cool to have the president as a parent. Tyra is very rich.

Erin: I wouldn’t like my parents to be famous.

Should parenting skills be taught in school?


Erik: Yes. Too many young parents don’t know the basics of parenting. Erin: No, I think parenting is something you learn when you have

children, with the help of your parents.

Vicky: Yes, because some kids in my school are “messed up” and they do stupid things.

Mireille: No. It’s not something you just learn. To be a good parent you have to be like a friend.

3. Россия.

Россия (Российская Федерация), государство в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. 17 075,4 т. км2. Население 146,3 млн. человек (1999), городского73,1%. Русскиесоставляют81,5%(1989, перепись);проживаетсвыше 100 народов. Большинство верующих – христиане, главным образом православные, остальные – мусульмане, иудаисты, буддисты и др. В России 1091 город, 1922 поселкагородскоготипа(на1.1.1999). Столица– Москва.

Россия – демократическое федеративное государство с республиканской формой правления. Действующая конституция России одобрена на всенародном референдуме 12 декабря 1993. В составе Российской Федерации – субъекты Федерации: республики (21), края (6), области (49), города федерального значения Москва и Санкт-Петербург, автономная область и автономные округа (10). Официальный (государственный) язык на всей территорииРоссийскойФедерации– русский. Народам РоссийскойФедерации гарантируется право на сохранение родного языка. Глава государства – президент Российской Федерации, избираемый российскими гражданами на 4 года на основе всеобщего равного и прямого избирательного права при тайном голосовании. Президент является также Верховным Главнокомандующим Вооруженными силами Российской Федерации. Представительственный и законодательный орган Российской Федерации (ее парламент) – Федеральное


собрание, из двух палат: Государственная дума и Совет Федерации. Исполнительную власть осуществляет Правительство Российской Федерации во главе с председателем, назначаемым президентом с согласия Государственнойдумы.


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