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Text c. Moscow technological institutes.

There are many technological institutes in Moscow. There are such institutes as Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Electromechanical Institute, Aviation Institute, Moscow State University of Technology named after Bauman, Civil Engineering Institute and many others. The head of each institute is Rector. As a rule there are several faculties in an institute. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and is headed by a dean. The course of studies usually lasts 5-6 years.

The academic year in this country's higher schools begins on the 1st of September and is divided into two semesters. Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good students get grants. Twice a year students have vacations - two weeks in winter and two months in summer.

Our university is one of the oldest technological institutes in Moscow. It has several buildings, old and new ones. There are many various laboratories. There is a very good library and a computer center in the main building.

Every faculty has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer centers.

The first and second-year students study general engineering subjects I In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects.

A very good tradition of our university is that theory is accompanied by practical training. Students begin to work at the university's well-equipped laboratories and in senior years at various plants, design offices and research institutes of this country.

It is interesting but difficult to study at our university, especially for the first-year students as they do not know yet how to organize their work and time.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 2. Ask the questions to the text.

Text d. Higher education in great britain.

There are 46 universities, 30 polytechnics and numer­ous colleges for more specialized needs such as colleges of technology, technical colleges, colleges of arts and agricultural colleges in England and Wales.

They all provide a wide range of courses from lower-level technical and commercial courses through special­ized courses of various kinds to advanced courses for those who want to get higher-level posts in commerce, industry and administration, or take up one of a variety of profes­sions.

Courses are a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory work. In a lecture the student is one of a large number of students. He listens to the lectures, takes notes, asks no questions. In a seminar he raises problems and discusses them with his fellow students under the direction of one of the teachers. In a tutorial he is accompanied by only a handful of students and discusses his personal academic problems with a teacher.

Study in courses may be full-time and part-time. Full-time education includes sandwich courses in which periods of full-time study (for example, six months) alternate with full-time practical work and training in industry. Full-time and sandwich courses now are an important part of higher education in England and Wales. Part-time education may be taken during the day (for example, one day a week or full-time for short periods) or in the evening only. Particular feature of the higher education is its strong links with commerce an industry.

The system of higher education permits students to get whatever qualification they need.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 2. Tell about the system of higher education in Great Britain.

Exercise 3. Compare the system of higher education in Russia and in Great Britain.