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Cambridge BEC Vantage 1 Listening Tasks.doc
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23 Olivia says that as a teenager she

A was taught at home.

B was very competitive.

C spent little time in one place.

24 What does Olivia say about her studies at university?

A She ignored her parents’ advice.

B She chose the subject she was best at in school.

C She got better results than she expected.

25 Olivia claims that her success as a business woman is a result of

A her university studies.

B her natural abilities.

C continuous learning through reading.

26 Olivia and her brother sold their soft drinks company because

A it was uninteresting.

B they were offered jobs overseas.

C they wanted to have a long vacation.

27 At the restaurant in Australia, Olivia worked as

A a chef.

B a waitress.

C an assistant manager.

28 What does Olivia say about her working relationship with her brother?

A They both work long hours.

B She can depend on him.

C He never gets upset.

29 According to Olivia, people who own restaurants

A have difficulty sleeping.

B are stressed by deadlines.

C rarely need time on their own.

30 Olivia says that people entering her field of business have to

A go through a good recruitment agency.

B be interested in all aspects of the food industry.

C let others in the business teach them.