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Занятие № 15.

1.Тема: «Immunity.Asepsis»

2.Значение изучения темы – асептика очень важна в медицине, как метод профилактики инфекции путем предупреждения проникновения микробов в рану, ткани или полости тела при хирургических операциях, перевязках и других лечебных и диагностических манипуляциях.

3.Цели занятия: на основе теоретических знаний и практических умений обучающийся должен уметь переводить со словарем, давать дефиниции терминам и выражениям, уметь определять внутреннюю организацию текста

4.План изучения темы:

4.1. Исходный контроль знаний. Индивидуальный устный опрос.

1. What is immunity, what kinds of immunity do you know?

3.What do pathogenic microorganisms produce?

4.What is antitoxin?

5.In what way may vaccines be injected?

4.2.Изучение нового материала.

1. Введение и семантизация нового лексического материала:


Vaccine/ vaccination


To attenuate

Sepsis/ asepsis

2. Поисковое чтение: Text В «Asepsis» стр.237 (см приложение №1)

2.1Determine the meaning of the words in bold type from the context.

2.2Say about what Pasteur spoke in his lecture.

2.3What conclusion have you come to having read the text?

5.Основные понятия и положения темы:

Тема: «Immunity. Asepsis»

In 1878 while delivering his lecture on the theory of microbes at the Academy of Sciences in Paris Pasteur said that if he were a surgeon, who knew of rhe dangers produced by microbes existing on the surface of every object, particularly in hospitals, not only should he use clean instruments, but after washing his hands with greatest care, he would employ only those bandages and charpie which had been heated to a temperature of 130° or 150°C. Had those pronciples of asepsis, on which Pasteur insisted, not been strictly followed in medicine thousands of human lives would have been lost because of sepsis.

6.Задания для уяснения темы занятия, методики вида деятельности:

6.1. Вопросы для самоподготовки:

1.What is immunity?

2.What are toxins?

3.What are antitoxins?

4.How can artificial immunity be produced?

5.What role do phagocytes play in the human body?


6.What are vaccines used for?

7.What is sepsis?

6.2. Тестовые задания по теме.

I. Дать «дефиниции» следующим терминам:


-natural immunity

-artificial immunity






6.3. Ситуационные задачи по теме: упр. IX стр.243.

7. Список тем по УИРС, УИР:

написать мини-реферат на тему: «Развитие асептики в хирургии».

приложение №1

Text A. Immunity

Infectious diseases are known to be caused by the invasion and growth of microorganisms in the human body. Infection may result from direct contact with patients or from indirect one.

But the human organism is known to have a specific capacity of resistance against infection, which is called immunity, it being natural and artificial. Under various conditions it may be entirely lacking, it may be relative, rarely may it be absolute. A previous attack of an infectious disease produces a more or less permanent protection against its subsequent infection.

In the course of their growth in the body many pathogenic microorganisms produce virulent poisons or toxins, they causing the characteristic symptoms of a particular disease. To meet the infection the cells of the body produce a chemical antidote which is specific for this particular infection and is known as an antitoxin. If the patient can produce a sufficient amount of this antidote to neutralize the toxins before the vital organs are injured recovery occurs. If the human body had not this capacity we should suffer from all infectious diseases.

If the toxin can be isolated from bacterial cultures and injected into men an artificial immunity can be produced which results from the formation of antitoxin.

The cellular elements of the tissues also take an active part in the protection of the organism against the infection. The presence of any infection usually produces leucocytosis and bacteria in the tissues are surrounded by white cells or phagocytes which prevent the spread of bacteria destroying them.

If the reaction against invading bacteria is insufficient, vaccines may be injected subcutaneously to produce a more active resistance of the protective mechanisms of the body. Vaccines are employed not only to contribute to the treatment of a disease, but to establish an active artificial immunity.


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