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1 курс Business English Practices.doc
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1. Read the text the reasons for developing a business plan

1. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you are lost? We can use the phrase when speaking about the necessity to develop a plan for any of your ideas or businesses. Quite possibly, you will develop a plan because someone else wants you to do so. Perhaps the bank requires a business plan *before granting you a loan1. May be an investor or venture capitalist needs one to decide whether to finance your business. Or your attorney or accountant said you must have one. The company president is demanding a strategic plan for your new division.

2. There are always enough reasons. *But entrepreneurs are self-motivated people2, used to setting their own goals and determining their own tasks. *They undertake endeavors3 not merely to please others, but because they understand the importance of an activity *in reaching their overall objectives4.

"With the first edition of your plan you shouldn't even think about getting money. Use the planning process to decide if the business is really as good as you think it is. Ask yourself if you really want to spend five years of your life doing this. Remember, that’s about 10% of your active working life, so seriously examine whether the enterprise could really be worth-while to you."

Eugene Kleiner

Venture Capitalist

3. The attitude means a lot. Creating a business plan only as a response to an external request makes the process seem like a burden instead of becoming an opportunity to create a thriving business and to fulfil your dreams.

4. As you start developing your business plan, keep in mind that the greatest beneficiary of this project is not your banker, investor, or accountant – it’s you. A complete, thoughtful business plan is perhaps the best tool you can have to help reach your own long - term goals.

5. Whether your business is large or small, a startup or long established, developing a business plan enables you to:

  • Make the crucial business decisions that focus your activities and maximize your resources.

  • Understand the financial aspects of your business, including cash flow and *break - even requirements5.

  • Gather crucial industry and marketing information.

  • Anticipate and avoid obstacles your business is likely to encounter.

  • Set specific goals and measurements to assess progress over time.

  • Expand in new and increasingly profitable directions.

6. Be more persuasive. Remember: when you start or expand a business, more than your money and time are at stake. You risk your dreams as well. A good business plan helps you realize your dreams.

2. Few explanations to the text

1. ...before granting you a loan. – пpeждe чeм пpeдocтaвить вaм ccyдy (зaйм).

2. But entrepreneurs are self - motivated people... – нo пpeдпpинимaтeли - люди

c coбcтвeнными пoбyждeниями…

3. They undertake endeavors ... – oни пpилaгaют ycилия…

4.... in reaching their overall objectives. – для достижения cвoиx общих целей.

5... break - even requirements – необходимые условия рентабельности.