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«Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.» Odessa, 2013

Для стимулирования участия студентов в проекте планируется проведение конкурсных мероприятий и акций.

Проектная деятельность позволит изменить экологическую ситуацию в окружающем нас социуме: повысится экологическая культура студентовжурналистов, издателей, рекламистов и пиарщиков – будущих артикуляторов общественного мнения. Разработанная концепция – основа для внедрения программы в ряде учебных заведений Украины.

Ecological project «Green Institute» Chava M.M.

The «Green Institute» - adaptation of the concept of «Green Office» to the capabilities and objectives of the Institute of Journalism. The project arose due to the necessity of sustainable use of environmental resources, energy and waste management of the Institute, for the preservation of green planet’s resources.


Челнокова И. А., Боровая А. Ю.

Гомельский государственный университет им. Ф. Скорины, Гомель, Беларусь

E-mail: irishachelnokova89@yandex.by

Большое значение для сборов лекарственных растений требуется всестороннееизучениебиологическиактивныхвеществлипофильнойприроды (фосфолипидов и каротиноидов). Пробы лекарственных растений отбирались на территории Романовичского лесничества Гомельского района.

Было исследовано 7 видов лекарственных растений, принадлежащих к 3 семействам: горец птичий, сем. Гречишные; земляника лесная, сем. Розовые; пижма обыкновенная, сем. Астровые; полынь обыкновенная, сем. Астровые; ромашка аптечная, сем. Астровые; тысячелистник обыкновенный, сем. Астровые; цмин песчаный, сем. Астровые. Изучали содержание суммы фосфолипидов и каротиноидов в исследуемых лекарственных растениях, с использованием спектрофотомерии.

Анализасырьянасодержаниефосфолипидовпроводилигравиметрическим методом. В результате получили следующее содержание фосфолипидов в исследуемых образцах, в пересчёте на абсолютно сухое вещество в процентах: горецптичий–0,1238,земляникалесная–0,0536,пижмаобыкновенная–0,0358, полынь обыкновенная – 0,0508, ромашка аптечная – 0,0414, тысячелистник обыкновенный – 0,0462, цмин песчаный – 0,0440.

Исходя из полученных данных, можно сказать, что наибольшее содержание фосфолипидов можно отметить у земляники лесной (0,0536), а наименьшее у горца птичьего (0,1238). Среди семейства Астровых среднее содержание составило 0,0436 абс. сух. в-ва, %. Максимальное содержание фосфолипидов


Environment management

среди семейства Астровых наблюдается у полыни обыкновенной (0,0508), минимальное у пижмы обыкновенной (0,0358).

При количественном определении суммы каротиноидов использовали методику П. П. Ветрова, при помощи спектрофотометрии. Получили следующие данные, в пересчёте на абсолютно сухое вещество, мг %: горец птичий – 1,0212, земляника лесная – 3,1146, пижма обыкновенная – 2,3212, полынь обыкновенная – 2,212, ромашка аптечная – 2,3824, тысячелистник обыкновенный – 2,2868, цмин песчаный – 2,3380.

Из полученных результатов, можно сделать вывод, что наиболее богата каротиноидами земляника лесная (3,1146), наименее - горец птичий (1,0212). Среди семейства Астровых наибольшее значение имеет ромашка аптечная (2,3824), наименьшее полынь обыкновенная (2,212).

Gomel State University named after F. Skorina Chelnokova I., Borovaya A.

A unique feature of medicinal plants is that they contain a wide range of biologically active substances, including those having antioxidant activity. The essential role in the study of medicinal plants consists in the study of lipophilic substances (phospholipid and carotenoids).


Шумська З.І., Миленька М.М.

Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет, Івано-Франківськ, Україна

E-mail: zor.drogomurezka@yandex.ua

Калуський гірничо-промисловий район, що на Івано-Франківщині, є одним з найбільш екологонебезпечних на Україні. Ця територія проголошена зоною надзвичайної екологічної ситуації, характеризується структурнофункціональними змінами природних екосистем через порушення рівноваги в товщігірськихпорідКалуш-Голинськогородовищакалійнихсолейтатривалим функціонуванням об’єктів хімічної промисловості.

Ефективне управління станом природно-антропогенних екосистем регіону можливе лише за умови проведення еколого-моніторингових досліджень, невід’ємними складовими яких є біологічна оцінка й аналіз нозологічних наслідків техногенної трансформації середовища.

Відповідно до розробленого та апробованого алгоритму, програма біомоніторингових досліджень повинна включати:

1. Еколого-генетичного моніторинг, ідеальною системою якого є реєстрація різних типів мутацій у рослинних (Allium cepa - тест і тест на гаметоцидність)


«Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.» Odessa, 2013

ітваринних організмів (реєстрація мутацій у Drosophila melanogaster Mg.) з екстраполяцією результатів на людські популяції.

2.Градація району за рівнем екобезпечності умов проживання для людини

ібіоти на основі зібраних даних про функціональний стан живих організмів. Дослідження рекомендовано проводити на молекулярному (визначення внутрітканинних концентрацій стрес-протекторних сполук, продуктів розпаду макромолекул тощо), органному (морфометрична й кумулятивна індикація), організменно-популяційному (вивчення організації, стратегії та динаміки популяцій домінуючих видів наземних і водних рослин) й екосистемному рівнях(аналізвидовоїструктуриугрупувань,сукцесійнихзмін)улабораторних умовах і in situ.

3. Оцінка ефективності методів біоремедіації та фіторекультивації у мікрокосмному експерименті і симулятивне моделювання можливих біоекологічних наслідків розвитку екологічної кризи, зокрема забруднення розсолами р. Лімниця.

Комплексний екологічний моніторинг повинен включати абіотичну і біотичну оцінку з установлення рівня корелятивних залежностей між їх результатами.

Bioecological monitoring in Kalush mining region (Ivano-Frankivsk area) as a prerequisite for effective environmental management

Shums’ka Z.I., Mylen’ka M.M.

The necessity of biological monitoring in the Kalush industrial region was proved.The algorithm of complex biological evaluation of anthropogenic changes in the environment was suggested



Beghami Yassine

Hadj Lakhar University, Batna, Algeria

E-mail: beghami_yassine@yahoo.fr

Mediterranean forests are a fragile natural environment already deeply disturbed by the multiple uses, whose origins date back to the Neolithic. Unlike the countries ofthenorthernMediterraneantheforestformationsofthesouthernandeasternofthe Mediterranean is declining.

AnalysingtheliteratureonthecedarforestsoftheMaghrebandinparticularthose of the Aurès, we can conclude little research work has been devoted to ecological discipline.

In this paper we try to answer the following key questions: what is the typology? And how these formations, they reacted to anthropogenic perturbation?

In the first approach is based on stratified sampling to determine the typology and environmental gradients determining the distribution of this vegetation.


Environment management

Inthesecondone,wehaveadoptedbiologicalapproach,whichisthemostwidely used classification for the distinction of different physiognomic types reflecting the potential of stations and the degree of human perturbation.

The results show that species richness is composed of 247 vascular plant species spread over 44 readings.

The application of theAFC shows that vegetation is organized in four plant groups whosedeterminismisrelated,first,toenvironmentalfactorsandanthropogenicfactors.

The study of real biological spectrum confirms the regressive evolution of the vegetation. This decline results in the gradual disappearance of phanerophytes, extention of hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes in conditions relatively favorable bioclimatic (subhumid and humid) and the gradual appearance of therophytes towards formations benefiting from bioclimatic conditions not favorable (semi-arid). These formations are located in low altitudes especially on the south and southeast.



Ciobanu C. L.

University of Academy of Science of Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of


E-mail: casiopeea@hotmail.com

One of the most interesting complexes with parks from Republic of Moldova is complex Manuc-Bey. It is situated around 36 kilometers south-west from Chisinau, the country’s capital. The estate is situated in a picturesque region of forested Moldavian’s Codri.

The property consists of several buildings and is a historic and architectural monument with national importance. It is listed under number 540 in the Register of Monuments of Republic of Moldova, approved by Government Decision number 1531-XII from 22 June 1993 and is protected by Law about protection of monuments number 1530-XII from 22.06.1993. It was decided to study it due to its national and international importance.

The buildings from the estate are the palace, the hunting lodge, the kitchen, the Armenian Church. There are other constructions, but less important. All buildings are situated in a park.

TheManuc-BeyPalaceistheuniquepalacefromRepublicofMoldova,thestudy confirmedthat.Unfortunately,now,itisinaverybadsituationasitwasseenfromthe expeditions. The building has an elongation shape and 2 floors, but the northern part has 3 floors due to the local relief’s conditions. It was projected in the style of French Classicism with polyhedral volumes and big windows with arcades. The palace had external niches for statues (www.monument.md). The building was the headquarters for local school of constructions, but after earthquake of 1977 it was damaged and the school was moved from there. Only walls survived from this wonderful structure nowadays.


«Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.» Odessa, 2013

TheHuntingLodgeisinagoodconditionasitwasrestored.Itrepresentsahunting castle in a mixture of styles: Renaissance, Islamic and Gothic. On the external walls of the castle are bas-reliefs with hunting motives: fallow deer, wolfs, greyhounds and branches of oak. Now, in the building there is a museum with many interesting exhibitions“Ethnography”,“TheNatureoftheregion”andothers.Themuseumhasalso several dioramas created in the niches that probably were used for sleep.

The park from the estate was arranged in the English style. Most of the planted species are local such as oak, but now, there appeared invasive species such as acacia that destroy the original conception of the park. For many years the park was left without specialized care and an efficient management. Like the old palace, it is in a bad condition. Many spontaneous plants grow in the park, besides this, the parks is divided in two parts by a high wall to deny the access to the palace to avoid accident. The park needs an efficient plan of ecological management to improve its condition.

As it was said the original project with plans of estate were found, so the restoration will be done according to them. Now the complex is evaluated to create the projects for restorations and to calculate the foundations needed for them.After a future detailed study of the complex, it is intended to propose future measures for its ecological restoration or to create a plan for its ecological management.


DNISTER IN 2010 – 2013

Kotogura S.S., Medinets V.I., Mileva А.P.

Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine

E-mail: s.kotogura@gmail.com

The Dnister Delta, where in 2010 the Lower Dnister National Nature Park has been established, is a unique area in Ukraine, for which biodiversity conservation is the main task of environmental management. One of important river water quality indicatorsinfluencingnotonlylivingwaterorganisms,butalsodrinkingwaterquality is water hardness, which, as it had been shown earlier (Kotogura and Medinets, 2011), varies in the studied area within broad limits over a year.

Aim of the paper has been to study variability of river water hardness and reveal the reasons of its changes in 2010-2013.

In order to determine the main hydrochemical parameters, such as conductivity, pH, as well as calcium and magnesium content to be used for hardness calculation, river water sampling has been done from March 2010 to March 2013 at three stations (PS (Dnister River village Palanka), BS (Turunchuk River, town Belyaevka) and MS (Dnister River, village Mayaki), with further analyses in laboratory.Temporal changes oftheabovementionedriverwatercharacteristicshavebeenstudied.Ithasbeenshown that within the period 2010-2013 water hardness at the stations PS, BS and MS varied within the limits from 1.88-6.28; 2.02-7.23; 1.76-6.29 µmol dm-3 at average values 3.82, 4.17 and 3.87 µmol dm-3 respectively. At that, the value of water conductivity, which is formed by total sum of soluble ions, varied at the monitoring stations PS, BS andMSwithinthelimits459-849,457-1630,470-854µSmcm-1 ataveragevalues651,


Environment management

787 and 664 µSm cm-1 respectively. The value of hydrogen index at the stations PS, BS and MS varied within 7.12-8.37; 6.83-8.38; 7.11-8.39 at average values 7.81; 7.79 and7.82respectively.Ithasbeenrevealedthatthemaininputintoriverwaterhardness was made by ions of calcium: 69.6; 71.8 and 70.7% for the stations PS, BS and MS respectively. The results of correlation analysis of water hardness with other observed characteristics are presented, which have shown that the strongest interrelations are observed between hardness and conductivity, as well as with concentrations of ions of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Considered are the cases of anomalous increase of water hardness at the station BS, which, according to the authors’opinion, are caused by water discharges from the Kuchurgany reservoir.

ItisrecommendedtocontrolinmoredetailswaterqualityoftheTurunchukRiver between town Belyaevka and the drinking water station “Dnister”.

The study has been performed in the framework of the project «To assess influence of agro-industrial activities and fires on ecosystems of the Lower Dnister and emission of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere» No 505 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine since 2013. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Regional Centre for Integrated Environmental Monitoring for planned water sampling in 2010-2013 from river mentoring stations.



Krekoten R., Salavor O., Nychyk O.

National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine

E-mail: romankrekoten@mail.ru

In order to improve of ecological and economic activity, reducing environmental impact, health and safety personnel, a system of environmental management. This is achieved through the objectives of environmental policy, its revision and correction. The adjustment is carried out in two areas: requirements for product safety for consumers and health requirements for environmental protection.

The implementation of environmental management system is a significant problemisitsfragmentationinregulations.Forexample,ifwetakeasabasistheState Standard«SSTU3273-95»,thekeyhereistoidentifyindicatorsusedforquantitative measurement of safety standards and establishing limits of these parameters. A series of international standards ISO 9000 provides the procedure for obtaining the output quality products, system documentation control at all levels of production. That system standards ISO, unlike other environmental standards, focused not on quantitative parameters (emissions, concentrations of harmful substances, etc.) and not on technology. The main document ISO 14001 contains no absolute requirement on the impact of production on the environment except in special paper company must declare their desire to meet the standards.

Environmental management System is a modern mechanism of environmental management. Standards ISO 14000 provide the necessary measures to improve these


«Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.» Odessa, 2013

activities while maintaining the economic interests of enterprises, internationally recognized and widely used by most industry for over ten years. They are based on a systematic approach and the use of complex management decisions, procedures and documentation.

Environmental Management System certified for compliance with ISO 14001. All other documents, such as ISO 14004, 14040, 14050:2002 regarded as auxiliary. Their typical situation lies in the fact that the organization should be introduced and followed appropriate procedures, signed some documents and the person appointed by a separate line.

Application of standards that apply to environmental management, aims to ensure the functioning of an efficient system that could make a coherent whole with a common control system. The success of these activities depends on all hierarchical and functional levels of the organization, particularly on from the top leadership.



Kulikova A.D.

Institute of biology of the southern seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine

E-mail: qulikova@gmail.com

Mytilus galloprovinicialis is known as one of the dominating species in coastal communities of the Black sea. Due to its wide spreading and high rates of variety mussel is considered to be a convenient object for ecological monitoring.

Adverse factors could lead to disruption of growth’s homeostasis. Level of such disruptions could be estimated by index of fluctuating asymmetry – nondirected deviation of organism from bilaterial symmetry. Previously value of asymmetry was computed basing on size characteristics. For M. galloprovincialis color of the valve is determined genetically, and vary significantly from left to right shell parts. Method of processing of digital photos makes it possible to receive number values for color, which could be used to determine pigmentation asymmetry.

Adult M. galloprovincialis (45–70 mm) with different shell color were collected at Kazachiya bay in 2009. Shell parts were photographed separately. Received pictures were processed using Adobe Photoshop CS2. By using RGB-HSB data all mussels were divided in to four color groups: black, intermediate, darkand lightbrawn. Absence of significant color differences between associated samplings (two shell parts) was determined using sign test (p≤0,01).

Lowest intensity of asymmetry were observed in black colored mussels. It could indicate one of the following: more comfortable living condition or greater stability of black phenotype. Asymmetry values and part of asymmetric mussels grew from darker to lighter colored M. galloprovincialis. Asymmetry in valve pigmentation were not correlated with shell length (R2 ≤ 0,016).

Asymmetry of shell convexity was calculated. Deviation should be the same for both genetically determined features. But No correlation were found (R2 ≤ 0,089). Complex analysis based on the asymmetry of several factor is more reliable.


Environment management


Lebediev D.G., Gazyetov Ye.I., Medinets V.I., Pavlik T.V.

Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine


Over the last years the problem of forecasting of climate changes’ influence on agro-biocoenoses functioning and, respectively, on the yields of cultivated crops, is urgent for Ukraine, which is within the group of the countries-leaders in crops production. Winter wheat is the main cereal in Ukraine and, in particular, in Odessa Region. According to its climate conditions Odessa Region is within the zone of risky agriculture and irrigation has been developed there over the last decades. That iswhyuseofmathematicalmodelstodetermineoptimalirrigationdepthandforecast its effects on winter wheat yields is one of the most efficient instruments of agroeconomic management.

Aim of the work was to study of effects of irrigation and amount of fertilizers applied on winter wheat yields for Odessa Region using the GEPIC (GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) Model elaborated by Swiss Federal Institute of Water Sciences and Technologies (EAWAG).

Simulation methodology comprising use of input data set (rasters of elevations, slopes, climate etc.) has been described. As the result of the simulation massifs of output data are being formed (yields, required irrigation depth etc.)

Presented are the results of GEPIC Model validation for the season 2008-2009 for Odessa Region conditions, based on which selection and specification of the model main parameters have been performed. Analyses of results of the simulation performed at different irrigation and fertilization regimes have shown the following: under no irrigation and no fertilizers average yield for the region for the year 2009 made 21.1 centner/ha; under no irrigation and with application of fertilizers average yieldfortheregionfortheyear2009made24.1centner/ha;underautomaticselection of irrigation depth and no fertilizers average yield for the region for the year 2009 made 37.6 centner/ha; under automatic selection of irrigation depth and fertilizers application average yield for the region for the year 2009 made 53.3 centner/ha .

It has been shown that the simulated irrigation depth required for normal vegetation of winter wheat is within 400 to 480 mm (4000 – 4800 m3 / ha), which is the norm for winter wheat. Conclusions that under the conditions of Odessa Region irrigationinfluenceswinterwheattohigherextendthanfertilizershasbeengrounded. Recommendations to use the GEPIC Model to forecast the yields of other crops have been considered.

Authors gratefully acknowledge support from the project «Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation andAssessment System supporting SustainableDevelopment(ENVIROGRIDS) funded under the EC 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement No. 226740).


«Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution.» Odessa, 2013



Martirosyan V.S.

Armenian state Pedagogical University after KH. Abovyan, Yerevan, Armenia

E-mail: vahe.mart@gmail.com

Studies of the effects of climate change on forests have focused on the ability of species to tolerate temperature and moisture changes and to disperse, but they have ignored the effects of disturbances caused by climate change (Ojima et al. 1991).Yet modeling studies indicate the importance of climate effects on disturbance regimes (He et al. 1999). Local, regional, and global scale temperature and precipitation changes can influence the occurrence, timing, frequency, duration, extent, and intensity of disturbances (Baker 1995, Turner et al. 1998).

The Earth has experienced cycles of temperature and precipitation change on a geological scale, but today, when we talk about deforestation, forest disturbance, it is important to mark, that at this point human activities take a wide part of that. In the places where two or more several ecosystems (forest-grassland; grassland-step) interact to each other, even a little anthropogenic pressure can be decisive for one or another ecosystem.

A review of how each disturbance is influenced by climate, affects forests, and might be exacerbated by climate change provides a background for examining ways to cope with the impacts of climate change.The effects of each disturbance are partly tempered by prior adaptations. For example, species present in a forest reflect past disturbances. It is clear that droughty sites typically support species that survive well under dry conditions with uncertain rainfall.

Such type of interactions we can see in rare and remaining forests. In several regions of Republic ofArmenia (RA), remaining and rare forests don’t support large coverage, they don’t have profitable significance. However, we believe, that this type offorestshashugepotentialtoshowusthepeculiaritiesofforestdisturbancesincase of climate change.

Our trip-based investigations revealed interesting regularities in several regions of RA. The plant species, which migrate by the influence of climate change, are the main objects for our investigations. For this, we marked out most sensitive plant species (grasses, bushes, trees), which could work as an indicator for soil climatic condition changes.

Modeling of such observations, might be one of the keys, to understand the rate, and the type of the changes in forest cover.


Environment management



Medinets S.1, Medinets V.1, Butterbach-Bahl K.2, Gasche R.2, Pitsyk V.1, Skiba U.3

1Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University (ONU), Odessa, Ukraine 2IMK-IFU, KIT, Garmisch-Panterkirchen, Germany

3Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Edinburgh, UK

E-mail: s.medinets@gmail.com

Studies of biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen (N), one of the most important biogenic element, is a timely issue for Europe and Ukraine. Moreover NOx soilatmosphere exchange is the most poorly investigated, compared with others N species. Surface ozone level is formed mainly due to photochemical reaction of nitrogen (N) oxides (NOх = NO + NO2) and volatile organic carbon (VOC) in near ground atmosphere (Hertel et al., 2006; Fowler et al., 2009). Therefore obligatory investigations of entire triad NO-O3-NO2 is needed, furthermore reactions between constituents are reversible and occur at high-rates (Ludwig et al., 2001; Fowler et al., 2009).DeterminationofNOx levelatsurfaceatmosphereistimelyandurgenttaskfor agricultural regions worldwide and was our main target during this study.

Completely automatic realtime continuous measurements of NOx concentration usingautomaticdynamicchambersystemforgasanalyzing(KIT,Germany;described in details by Butterbach-Bahl et al., 1997) with NO/NOx chemoluminescence analyzerCLD88PwithphotolyticconverterPLC860(EcoPhysicsIns.,Switzerland) was described and performed first time on the territory of Ukraine. First short set of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide concentrations data have been reported here for 19th September – 5th October 2012 period.

Preliminary results regarding NO and NO2 concentration, which are closely related with ozone, have shown that average concentration of nitric oxide in surface ambient air was 0.31±0.67 ppb, with maximal magnitude 6.56±8.65 ppb at 12:00 - 14:00 (September, 16). The minimal concentrations (0.01±0.01 ppb) were registered from time to time in the evening and nocturnal time. At the same time the maxima of N dioxide (16.28±8.22 ppb) were observed in 2nd of October from 9:00 to 11:00 am with diurnal mean magnitude of 2.72±2.51 ppb. This slight data set of results demonstrated high variability of NOx concentration, which corresponded well with previous studies (Ludwig et al., 2001;Wang et al., 2010), that in rural areas normally are influenced by soil community activity (in particular nitric oxide; Ludwig et al., 2001; Laville et al., 2011) and N oxide species (NO and NO2) could convert rapidly, dependingonambientozoneconcentration(Ludwigetal.,2001;Fowleretal.,2009). Long-term investigations are recommended for quality quantification of the ambient mean NOand NO2 concentrations and description of seasonal pattern.

Authors gratefully acknowledge support from the projects “Effects of Climate Change onAir Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems” (ÉCLAIRE), funded under the EC 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement No. 282910), “Evaluation of Agriculture and Fires Impacts to Lower Dniester Ecosystems and Greenhouse Gases Emission intoAtmosphere” (No. 505), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and EU COST Action ES0804 -


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