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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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4. Read the text. Translate the sentences with the new words from ex.3. The Respiratory System

The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide. This process is called breathing. It consists of inspiration and expiration. The organs of this system are the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and lungs. When you breathe, air travels through your nose, down the trachea, and into bronchi. These bronchi branch into smaller passages called bronchioles and finally into small sacs called alveoli.

The lungs are the most important organs of the respiratory system. There are two lungs in the body. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has only two lobes. The lungs are separated by the mediastinum and covered by the pleura. They have bases, apexes, borders and surfaces. The average vital capacity is about 3-4 liters.

During inspiration, the alveoli in the lungs are filled with air. It is here that oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Blood cells absorb oxygen from the capillaries in the alveoli, as carbon dioxide, a waste product, is released back into the lungs from the veins. During expiration, the carbon dioxide is expelled from the body. Oxygen-rich blood then travels to the heart so it can be pumped back to the body where it is needed.

5. Answer the questions

  1. What does the respiratory system does?

  2. What does the breathing process consist of?

  3. What are the organs of the respiratory system?

6. Complete the sentences

  1. Lungs are …

  2. There are two …

  3. The right lung …

  4. The left lung …

  5. The lungs are separated …

  6. The lungs have …

  7. Their vital capacity is …

7. Put the sentences into the logical order

When you breathe, the air:

  • travels down the throat through the larynx and trachea.

  • one bronchus leads to the right lung and one to the left lung

  • bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli

  • goes into the lungs through tubes called bronchi

  • in the lungs, the bronchi divide into smaller bronchi

  • enters the body through the nose or the mouth

  • and then into even smaller tubes called bronchioles

8.Fill in the gaps using the text “The Respiratory System”.

  1. _______________branch into smaller passages called bronchioles.

  2. The alveoli in the lungs are filled with air during __________________.

  3. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the ___________________.

  4. ______________ absorb oxygen from the capillaries in the alveoli.

  5. _______________is released back into the lungs from the veins.

  6. The carbon dioxide is expelled from the body during _______________.

9. Study the idiomatic expressions. Learn them

  1. be led by the nose by-идтинаповоду

  2. follow one’s nose-идти куда глаза глядят

  3. have a nose for-иметьнюх

  4. look down one’s nose-смотретьсверхувниз

  5. with one’s nose in the air-задиратьнос

  6. not to see beyond the end of one’s nose- невидетьдальшесвоегоноса

10. Translate into English.

  1. У молодого журналиста есть нюх на сенсации.

  2. Когда я подавлен, я иду куда глаза глядят.

  3. Многие люди идут на поводу своих желаний.

  4. Я не люблю, когда ты смотришь на меня сверху вниз.

  5. Сегодня ты победил, но советую не задирать нос.

  6. Мой друг не всегда внимателен к людям и иногда не видит дальше своего носа.

11. Speak about the respiratory system


1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks

Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you. Some people say I don’t live to eat but eat to live.

What do you think this saying mean?

Student: …

Teacher: Do you agree with it?

Student: …

3. Look at the picture. Translate the names of the digestive organs into Russian.

  1. mouth

  2. salivary glands

  3. gallbladder

  4. liver

  5. pancreas

  6. small intestine

  7. esophagus

  8. stomach

  9. large intestine

  10. rectum

4. Read the description of the digestive organs and guess what they are. Pay attention to the given words for better understanding.

  1. tube – трубка

  2. sac – мешочек

  3. secrete – выделять

  4. digest – переваривать

  5. bile – желчь

  6. nutrients – питательные вещества

  7. eliminate – удалять из организма

  8. store – хранить

  1. It is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. _____________

  2. It is a long muscular tube that connects the stomach to the large intestine. It finishes the process of digestion and absorbs the nutrients. _______________

  3. It is a muscular sac which receives food from the esophagus and secretes acid and enzymes to digest this food. ______________________

  4. It is an organ in the upper abdomen that produces bile and helps in digestion. ________________

  5. It is a tube-like organ that absorbs water and nutrients from food and eliminates wastes products. __________________________

  6. It is a small pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile. ___________________

  7. They are located in the mouth and secrete saliva. _____________________

  8. It is a long thin organ behind the stomach. It makes pancreatic juices and helps digest food in the small intestine. _____________________