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Topic 1.

The school I went to.

Some student like school, others don`t, but they all study at school for 11 years. I can say that I was happy at school. In fact, I studied at Zaharovskaya Secondary school which is situated in LO settlement in Moscow Region. I went to school when I was 7, and I still remember my first teacher, she was very kind and nice, and she taught me a lot of useful things. When I studied in the 5th form I had different teachers, but they all were very good. We learnt a lot of compulsory subjects, such as chemistry, history and others. My favorite subject were physical culture, drawing and English. We had English two times a week. In the final year I chose to take state exam in physics, as well as mathematics and Russian. I think I was rather a good student and passed my exams successfully. I want to say, I liked my school and went to school with pleasure. The only thing I didn`t like to get up early. Our lessons begun at 830.

Topic 2.

My Institute.

In 2012 I was lucky to enter this institute. The name of my institute is MADI if give very popular profession a qualified traffic engineering. It is situated on Leningrad avenue, not far from Finance Academy. It usually takes me an hour and a half to get to the institute. There are 11 departments at our institute and besides there a correspondence faculty. The course of study lasts six ears at present I an in the second year, our group consist of 22 students, we all study hard to get knowledge in different subjects, humanitarian, technical and others. In addition, we take part in institute life, in scientific societies. There are all kinds of services, a stadium, a gym, a lot of laboratories, the libraries and many cafes. The is a student hostel in 15 minutes walk from the institute. My institute is very good. The only thing I don’t like is the examination session.

Topic 3.

City traffic of future.

People living in cities have of lot of problems with traffic especially with traffic gams. What the life will in 50-90 years nobody knows. But we can dream. Some people think, there will be moving pavements. They will consist of several steps moving along at different speeds. They will be safe for people. As for me, I dream about cans which can fly like planes, and which can move on ecologically clear fuel. Maybe in future we shall use solar energy as a fuel. Such cars will fly very fast and will be quite safe. There speed will be more than 300km per h. besides, it will be operated automatically. And of course it will be very comfortable with all modern conveniences: computer, conditioner and others.

Topic 4.

The scientist I`d like a new street to be named after.

Look at the street! It is very wide and straight, it seems to lead us to the future, I think it must be name after my favorite scientist Korolyov S.P.. Academician Korolyov is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautions. He has the chief constructor of the first earth sputniks and spaceships. Korolyov was born in 1906 in the small town in a family of teacher. He spent his childhood with his grandparents. He was interested in math, literature and he read a great books. In 1930 Korolyov graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School and became an aviation engineer. At the same time he finished the Moscow Pilot School during the Great Patriotic War. Korolyov constructed a jet engine for airplanes and rockets. On April 12, 1961 the first cosmonaut Gagarin launched into space in the spaceship “Vostok”. It was the result of 30 years hard work of Korolyov. People will always remember the name of the man, who opened a new era in the conquest of space.

Topic 5.

One of the greatest inventions of the mankind.

Our century is the time of technical progress. Every year different inventions appear in the world, but there is one invention which I suppose to be the greatest in the world. It is a world wide web (WWW). Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor was born in England, but now live in Massachusetts in the USA. Tim went to school in London. Both his parents worker with so it isn`t surprising that he loved computers from early age. When he was 18, he left school and went to Oxford University. At Oxford, he became more and more interested in commuters, and he made his first computer from an old television. In 1989, he had the idea of an international information network linked by computer. He decided to call in the WWW, and he also decided to make his ideas free to everyone. The web is a universe of information and it is for everyone. Today his idea of a web, where people from all over the world can exchange information, is real. I think nobody can live without internet, me too…

Topic 6.

Choosing a tour route.

If I had time to visit Russia cities I would choose the towns of the “Golden Ring of Russia”. In my opinion, if we want to enjoy some fresh sightseeing impressions we must visit Suzdal and Vladimir. When you arrive to Suzdal you find yourself in a fairytale world. The town has a kremlin, two monasteries, many churches, dating from the 12th to the 18th centuries and a nearly 200-year-old center with traditional iron sighs outside the shops. There are two no high buildings here. The city is like an extended village of modern houses, with curtains in the windows. We would go there by car or by special tourist bus and had a nice time visiting attractions eating in ancient cafes and buying souvenirs.

Topic 7.

One of the most beautiful buildings of the world.

There are a lot of interesting and unusual buildings in the world. They are the leaning tower of Pisa, La pyramid of the Louvre Museum, Sydney Opera House and others. I wants to tell you about Empire State Building in New York. This modern-looking building was built in 1931 and it is one of the tallest buildings in the world. Many famous people have visited it. No wonder Hollywood has used it in films such as “King Kong” and “Sleepless in Seattle”. This building looks like a giant penal, with a tall, pointed top. It is 44.32m high and has 102 floors. The style of the building is Art Deco and the architecture is beautiful. In the Empire State Building, there are 2 observatories with spectacular views, a lot of cafes, and restaurants, souvenir shops and various attractions. I`d like to visit this building, I think I would have a wonderful time.

Topic 8.

The museum of land transport.

There are millions different museums in the world: art galleries, historical museums, geographical museums and others. As for me I`d like to create the museums of automobiles. It`s impossible to imagine our life without different vehicles. It seems to me that everyone must know about their history. My museum should be situated in Moscow in one of the exhibition centers. In my museums people would all everything about this great invention, which appeared at the end of 19th century. The car is probably the most wildly used and most important of all inventions. The museum would contain they many different halls, devoted to different pages of automobiles history. Have you would see the first auto, the first petrol-driving car. The main exposition would be called “The man whose ideas changed the world”, devoted to Karl Benz (who produced the first petrol-car in 1885), Henry Ford (who started the Ford Motor company in 1903).

Every would be able to drive any car in my museum and to enjoy driving. In my opinion, cars have given people great freedom of traveling, and so they are very important in our life.

Topic 9.

The historic voyage you wish you would have taken part in.

Version №1.

I would like to surf the seas, oceans and plunder ships as well as it once did Edward Teach. This person is also known by the nickname "Blackbeard." Edward Teach, was among the famous for its pirates exotic appearance and the luxuriant liking. And despite the fact that in a relatively short career of the pirates, he had not managed to capture the large-booty, he remained one of the the most prominent figures in the history of piracy. Edward Teach, too, was a kind of traveler. He has seen a lot of different islands and cities for his life. I would like to be as influential and powerful as he is a pirate, or at least be on his team. Perhaps I would have turned out quite good pirate. And maybe then I would have the team captain, "Blackbeard" have gone on a long voyage to the capture of merchant ships on his ship "Queen Anne's Revenge"

Я бы хотела бороздить моря, океаны и грабить суда также, как когда-то делал это Эдвард Тич. Этот человек также известен по кличке "Черная борода". Эдвард Тич вошел в число знаменитых пиратов благодаря своей экзотической внешности и буйному нраву. И не смотря на то, что за сравнительно короткую карьеру морского разбойника ему так и не удалось захватить особо крупных трофеев, он остался одной из самых ярких фигур в истории пиратства. Эдвард Тич тоже был своего рода путешественником. Он повидал много разных островов и городов за свою жизнь. Я бы хотела быть таким же влиятельным и могучим пиратом как он или хотя бы быть в его команде. Возможно из меня бы получился неплохой пират. И наверное тогда бы я в составе команды капитана "Черной бороды" отправилась бы в дальнее плаванье для захвата торговых судов на его корабле "Месть королевы Анны".

Version №2.

As far as I know one of the most wonderful historic voyages was expedition made by Bellingshausen and Lazarev to Antarctic continent. From 1819 to 1821 two great Russian explores were making around-the-world expedition on the ships “Vostok” commanded by Bellingshausen and “Mirniy” commanded by Lazarev the started their voyage from Krostadt the expedition was sent to Antarctic for the purpose of penetrating as far as possible to the polar zone and discovering unknown lands. In 1819 several islands were discovered in the Atlantic Ocean. On the 16th January 1820 the expedition discovered Antarctica. The people of 2 ships saw grate ice shores it was the Biggest Glacier Sheif on the Antarctica. Bellingshausen and Lazarev reached conclusion that in front of them was continent of ice. They also discovered some islands which were given the names: Peter 1, Alexander 1. On 24th July 1821, the ships returned to Kronstadt after a voyage that lasted 751 days. It was an expedition which made grate influence on the policy and economy of Russian empire.

Topic 10.

An aircraft of the 21st century.

It seems to me in the 21st century making will have a lot of different means of transport, from rockets to electric cars. But the most popular will be special supersonic planes, very small for two or 4 passengers, but very fast. We will be able to fly on these planes all over the world in two hours. We will be able to reach any point on the globe very quickly. The fuel must be ecologicaly clean and harmless. Maybe it will be solar energy. It will not only have sound speed it will have nuclear engine. Besides it will be very comfortable: with sleeping hall, conditioner, the internet, automatic pilot and no air hostesses.

Topic 11.

The city of beautiful bridges.

Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities of Russia. It has 342 bridges over canals and rivers. They are of various sizes, styles and constructions, built at different period. Some of them are small pedestrian bridges, others are huge transport arteries. To my mind one the most beautiful and important bridges is Peter The Great Bridge. It was constructed in 1909. The bridge`s length is 334 meters, the width 23 meters. The bridge features only these spans, the central one can be drawn. The bridge is self was designed by colonel Krivoshein and military engineer Aryskov. The bridge was manufactured in Warsow, Poland. And companies were transported to the construction site and assembled. It is decorated by bronze figures and frames. The city rumor says that one of the clenches in the bridge made from pure gold, and colored to be the same color as the rest of clenches. But nobody found this clench.

Topic 12.

The computer we use at the institute.

Nowadays, most of the students in different institutes use computer at the practical classes and seminars. We are not an exception. Our subject is information technology. At the lessons we study computer science that it how to use computer property. Our computers are not very new, but they work very fast. The software of our computers Microsoft Windows 7 (or XP..). It is very easy to use. We usually learn how to work in Word, Excel and Access programs. Every computers has the keyboard, the mouse, the monitor and CD-rom. The volume of memory of our computers about 200 Gb. The monitor the TV-like devise that usually sits on. The monitor displays text characters and graphics. The advantages of working at the computer are: we can make a reports, print research and works, make presentations and others. The only disadvantage is it don’t have contact with the internet.

Topic 13.

The firm I would like to work at.

When I graduate from the institute, I`d like to work as a specialist in “Mostostroy” firm it is one of the largest organization in the fields of transport construction with 65 years of successful working experience both Russia and abroad. The company works on constructions, reconstruction, major repair of highway an railways bridges and tunnels. The company unites in 9 branches in Saint Petersburg, Archangelsk, Novgorod, Vologda and others. About 10.000 people work for the company. I like the working principles of the company:

- High quality of works and services

- Professionalism and constant development of employees` potential

- responsibility at all levels.

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