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5. Say whether the statements are true or false.

  1. In many countries the law never intervenes in family life.

  2. In Great Britain there are special family courts.

  3. In Japan it is prohibited not to register marriages.

  4. It is difficult to get a British citizenship for the children born outside the country.

  5. Nowadays courts ignore legal ownership and money contribution.

  1. Discuss the situations below.

  1. You are given some situation. Which of them gives the lawyers the rights (according to the law system of your country) to start divorce proceedings? Give reasons.

  1. Mr. Monroe deserted his wife and five children four years ago. Recently, Mrs. Monroe has learnt that her husband lives in Texas and runs a huge oil company. Mr. Monroe has never given his family any financial aid. The woman has petitioned for divorce and claimed 1,000000 dollars compensation.

  2. The young couple has lived apart for half a year. The husband is going to ask the lawyer of his to start divorce proceedings. But the wife, who is 2 years younger, does not agree to divorce.

  3. Bob Tanner, a drug-user, abuses his wife. Last week he knocked her into a wall and almost broke her neck. The police came and took him to jail. Jenny Tanner has petitioned for divorce. 77

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • When women’s financial resources improve, they will want violence to stop and divorce the family abuse.

  • Cops try to avoid troublesome domestic fights and rows.

  • The law of this country does not protect women.

  • The abuser also suffers. It wouldn’t matter if he divorced his wife and married again – the same thing would happen because the problem is within them.

7. Translate into English.

Хотя семья является особым институтом общества, не предполагающим грубого вмешательства, современное законодательство многих стран может регулировать семейные отношения. Когда люди собираются создать семью, они редко обращаются за помощью к юристу. Что же касается бракоразводного процесса (судебного разбирательства), то в этом случае совет специалиста просто необходим. Согласно законодательству ряда европейских стран истец должен убедить суд в том, что брак окончательно разрушен. Причинами для расторжения брака могут являться супружеская неверность, жестокость одного из супругов и т.д. Одной из важнейших проблем является защита детей разведенных родителей. Необходимо решить вопрос об опеке, финансовой поддержке со стороны отца, если дети будут жить с матерью. Раздел имущества – самый неприятный вопрос бракоразводного процесса. Но компетентный юрист поможет разрешить и его. Конечно, сумма капиталовложений в период совместного проживания очень важна, но помимо законного права собственности, должны учитываться работа женщины по дому, ее уход за детьми и даже эмоциональная поддержка мужа. 78

8. Read the text ‘Women in Politics’ and answer the questions:

  1. What was Grover Cleveland’s attitude towards women in politics?

  2. How has the political situation for women changed in the last one hundred years?

  3. In what way is further progress needed?

  4. What is the ‘quota system’?

The world has come a long way since Grover Cleveland, the twenty-second president of the United States, said in 1905, the ‘sensible and responsible women do not want to vote’ and added that the position of men and women in society had been determined by God. Cleveland would be horrified to know that, only one hundred years later, women not only had the right to vote, but had been elected to the highest positions of power around the world.

However, despite the progress, women remain extremely unrepresented in politics. 99% of members of national parliaments worldwide are men. Even in countries like Sweden, with a very high proportion of women in politics, men still hold over 50% of the parliamentary seats.

Many political parties and some national governments have introduced a quota system. The basic idea is simple. When political parties prepare their lists of candidates for elections, they include the balance of the sexes. Some parties, such as the Greens in Germany, have lists that are 50% men and 50% women. In Argentina and Belgium, for example, every third person on candidate lists for elections must be a woman.79

Work in pairs and discuss the questions:

  • When were women granted the vote in your country?

  • How much political power do women have in your country?

  • Would the sex of a political candidate ever influence the way you vote?

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