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Translation practice

Task 11. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Energy can take many forms, but modern society prefers those that are easily produced, distributed, and stored.

  2. According to the law of conservation of matter and energy, energy can only change its form, it cannot be created nor can it be destroyed.

  3. Chemical energy is a form of potential energy related to the structural arrangement of atoms or molecules.

  4. Today, coal, oil and natural gas are some of the most popular sources of chemical energy that are subjected to combustion to get usable form of energy.

  5. When hydrogen and oxygen gases are reacted, chemical energy stored internally in the reactants is released into the surroundings, usually in the form of heat.

  6. Through photosynthesis, green plants are able to harvest energy from sunlight and convert it to chemical energy at an energy transfer efficiency rate of approximately 97 per cent.

Task 12. Translate the following sentences into English.

    1. В організмі людини хімічна енергія харчових речовин перетворюється на теплову, механічну та електричну.

    2. Перехід хімічної енергії у теплову супроводжується займанням речовини.

    3. Хімічної енергія газу при його спалюванні перетворюється у тепло, що переходить до продуктів згоряння.

    4. Головна роль рослинного світу полягає у накопиченні хімічної енергії й підтриманні балансу вуглецю у природі.

    5. Існування молекул як стійких систем показує, що хімічні зв'язки атомів у молекулах повинні бути обумовлені наявністю між атомами деяких сил взаємодії, що зв'язують атоми в молекулах один з одним.

    6. Атом водню може бути пов'язаний тільки з одним атомом водню, атом вуглецю може зв'язати чотири атома водню, але не більше.


Task 13. As you may know, the law of conservation of energy states that energy can only be transformed, it can’t be created or destroyed. Read below the examples of chemical energy transformation. Think about some more examples based on your general knowledge and observation. Join them to the given statements to create a short paragraph on the topic “Chemical energy transformation”. You may use linking words and phrases from the box to articulate your ideas. Read the paragraph out aloud.

For example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially; this is (clearly) illustrated/shown by the fact that…; one/a clear/striking/ typical example of (this)…; the fact that… shows/illustrates that…; let us see how that works in an example…; the process may be illustrated by a few examples…; another example will be helpful…; this is best made clear by means of examples…; by way of example, let us now consider…; it would be easy to give many more examples of…; each of these examples is concerned with…; in these examples it happens that….


When an explosive goes off, chemical energy stored in it is transferred to the surroundings as thermal energy, sound energy and kinetic energy.


Chemical energy from coal, oil, natural gas can be transformed into heat energy (process of burning the fuel).


The dry wood is a store of chemical energy. As it burns in the fireplace, chemical energy is released and converted to thermal energy (heat) and light energy. Notice that the wood turns into ashes (a new substance).


An internal combustion engine converts the potential chemical energy in gasoline and oxygen into thermal energy which, by causing pressure and performing work on the pistons, is transformed into the mechanical energy that accelerates the vehicle.





