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Беляева-Станден Елена Ивановна, США, Сент-Луис, Миссури, belyaeva@slu.edu

Боронин Александр Анатольевич, к.ф.н., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Московского государственного медико-стоматологического университета, (495) 684 51 53

Василевич Александр Петрович, д.ф.н., проф., ведущий научный сотрудник сектора пси- холингвистики Института языкознания РАН, (495) 290 14 64

Гольдин Валентин Евсеевич, д.ф.н., проф. Саратовского государственного университета им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, goldinve@yandex.ru

Горошко Елена Игоревна, д.ф.н., проф., зав. каф. межкультурной и деловой коммуника- ции Национального технического университета «Харьковский политехнический ин-

ститут», pelena@lin.com.ua

Григорьев Андрей Александрович, д.ф.н., доц. кафедры психологии развития и профес-

сиональной деятельности Московского государственного областного университета Измалков Борис Николаевич, психолог, Всероссийская государственная телерадиокомпа-

ния Казакова Мария Феликсовна, психолог, Московский институт иностранных языков.

Лемяскина Наталия Александровна, д.ф.н., проф. кафедры теории и методики дошколь- ного и начального общего образования Воронежского областного института повыше- ния квалификации и переподготовки работников образования, nlemyaskina@mail.ru

Леонтьев Дмитрий Алексеевич, д.псих.н., проф. психологического факультета МГУ Никитина Елена Сергеевна, к.ф.н, доц., старший научный сотрудник. сектора психолин-

гвистики Института языкознания РАН, sima@globonet.ru

Овчинникова Ирина Германовна д.ф.н., проф. кафедры общего и славянского языкозна- ния Пермского государственного университета, iri-ovchinniko@yandex.ru

Павлова Анна Владимировна, к.ф.н., Германия, переводчик, фирма SAP, An- na.Pavlova@gmx.de

Сорокин Юрий Александрович, д.ф.н., проф., главный научный сотрудник сектора психо-

лингвистики Института языкознания РАН Стернин Иосиф Абрамович, д.ф.н., проф., зав. каф. общего языкознания и стилистики

Воронежского государственного университета Тарасов Евгений Федорович, д.ф.н., проф., зав. сектором психолингвистики Института

языкознания РАН, eft35@mail.ru

Уфимцева Наталья Владимировна, д.ф.н., проф., главный научный сотрудник сектора психолингвистики Института языкознания РАН, nufimtseva@yandex.ru

Фрумкина Ревекка Марковна д.ф.н., проф., главный научный сотрудник сектора психо- лингвистики Института языкознания РАН, (495) 290 14 64

Шаховский Виктор Иванович, д.ф.н., проф., зав. каф. общего языкознания Волгоградско- го государственного университета, shakhovsky2007@yandex.ru



Elena Beliaeva-Standen

Gender peculiarities of Russians’ compliments

In the following article the authors make an attempt to analyse the realization of complementary speech acts basing on the data of different psycholinguistic experiments. Their results give us an idea of men and women behavior in complementary situations.

Alexander Boronin

Phenomenon of misunderstanding and interpretation of a literary text

The subject-matter of the present article is the phenomenon of Misunderstanding taking place in the interpretation of a literary text. Misunderstanding is considered to be part and parcel of the literary text perception. Misunderstanding predetermines and intensifies the interpretative procedures, hence it should not be treated exceptionally as a negative factor. The system of microtexts (e.g. direct speech microtexts) is devised by a writer to prevent a reader’s misunderstanding.

Alexander Vasilevitch

Alcohol loosens the tongue

Chronic drunkards and teetotalers were encouraged to write down words, as many as they could, that were associated to the core notion drinking: names of spirits, description of the process of buying and drinking them, occasions for and consequences of the booze, etc. The two groups of Ss significantly differed in the share of various reaction categories. A simple index is suggested to distinguish between the two groups on the basis of the reaction words. Alcoholic vocabulary including about 200 words is attached.

Vladimir Goldin

Russian associative lexicography and investigating age dynamics of associative fields.

The author compares the materials of different Russian associative dictionaries in order to reveal the specific features of word associations depending on the age of the participant of the associative experiments.

Olena Goroshko

IT through Linguistic Consciousness Lenses: Gender Analysis

Based on the underlying assumption that gender is a social and performative construct, the paper describes gender aspects in perception of IT images and symbolic figures in computer-mediated communication (CMC). It also examines the resources and techniques for constructing gender on the Net and investigates the role of the Net as an agent of social change in matters relating to gender. This exploration is aimed towards understanding the ways in which the Net as a very specific and not gender-neutral medium impacts and contributes to the construction of gender and gender practices in our linguistic consciousness.

Andrei Grigoryev, Boris Izmalkov, Maria Kazakova

To the question of the presentation of nature objects and artifacts in the language consciousness It is commonly recognized that there is difference in the semantic processing of words denoting living and nonliving things. However, the sources of this difference are still unclear. Models, attempted to account for this difference, are based on the presupposition that two global categories, living and nonliving things, are two homogeneous domains with respect to semantic processing. The results of this study are consistent with the assumption that there are differences within these domains as to processing involved in a simple categorization task.



Natalia Lemyaskina

Experimental research of communicative personality of pupils of primary school age

In this article the results of research of linguistic personality of a pupil of primary school age are represented from positions of communicative paradigm, within the bounds of which a linguistic personality in communication is regarded by the author as a communicative personality.

The author suggests integrative approach to the research of linguistic personality, which combines methods of traditional linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics.

Dmitri Leontyev

From words to reality: the opportunities of the language and the ontological status of the message

The article analyses the boundary area between psychology and linguistics that is the relations existing between two types of realities: the one created by the language and texts and the reality itself. Texts can correlate with the world we live in differently. To pass from the text to the reality it is necessary to penetrate into the text meaning and on the other hand to evaluate the status of the text information (in what way it coincides with the world we live in and the values we respect). Thus the author suggests distinguishing various types of texts functioning differently in our life.

Elena Nikitina

About the semiotic nature of consciousness

The consciousness has a semiotic structure. There are million confirmations of this fact. But for describing consciousness as semiotic formation it is necessary to consider it as the text, precisely, as the Global Text (abstraction of structuralism). By the way, such substance examination of consciousness as the text does not contradict the authority of the Bible statement where is said that before the world was created, the Word had been already existing; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. God made all things through him. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to mankind. The text lives and develops in communication; it is born and dies there. Communication covers all spheres of human life, and the text as the intrinsic form of embodied consciousness, reflects their semantics, logic and pragmatics. What is the text structure of consciousness, who is the author, the editor, and the critic – these are problems discussed in semiotic researches of post postmodernist tradition.

Irina Ovchinnikova

About the connectionists interpretation of speech activity

The author of the article deals with the connectionalist modelling of speech activity, origin of speech, development of language competence on the basis of an input treated as perceptive experience (including the communicative one). The author analyses the crucial aspects of connectionalism and gives the examples of children’s speech.

Anna Pavlova

Psycholinguistic aspect of inversion

The author analyses the psycholinguistic mechanisms which stand behind the way we percept sentences. It is shown in the article that the word order in the Russian language is formally free. In reality the change of the word order in the Russian language is formally free. In reality the change of the word order can be understood as inversion caused by some stylistic reasons or as inversion connected with a hidden contrast. According to the author’s conclusion the difference



between inversion and contrast depends on the lexical meanings of the words and word combinations which build the sentence.

Yuri Sorokin

Cross-lingua-cultural conflicts: retrospective analysis

In the article the author deals with the relations between the language and the culture, analyses some theoretical and practical results which illustrate the way the languages and cultures co-exist. Finally the author draws the conclusion that their co-existance can be looked upon as both conflict and non-conflict.

Iosif Sternin

Meaning in the language consciousness: the specification of its description

In the article the experimental description of the psychological word meaning is in the focus of the author’s attention. This description reveals some semantic components which build the meaning as well as gives an opportunity to understand the true complex of the word meaning and ranges them according to their psychological vividness.

Evgeny Tarasov

The image of Russia: the methodology of investigation

The image of Russia as part of Russian language consciousness together with the methods of its investigation is under the author’s consideration in the article. The images of the reflective sphere of consciousness and social myths are constructed apart from our everyday realty with which they are connected through other (sensitive) images reflecting human life.

Natalia Ufimtseva

Ethnopsycholinguistics: yesterday and today

This article deals with the history of development and the contemporary state of a particular sphere of interests of Moscow Psycholinguistic School that is ethnopsycholinguistics and its relation to the theory of cross-cultural communication.

Viktor Shakhovsky

Emotions are the basis of human consciousness

In the article the author analyses emotions as an integral part of human consciousness. The adaptive function of it is connected with emotions as the motive of human activity. Emotions are considered to be the operators of objects categorization.



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Статьи в журнал «Вопросы психолингвистики» принимаются по электронному адресу:


Балясникова Ольга Вениаминовна (ответственный секретарь).

Тел. р. (495)290 14 64, д. (495) 770 99 79, моб. 8 926 211 74 23

Требования к публикации:

Объем не более 1 авторского листа (16 страниц), шрифт Times New Roman, 14, интервал 1, 5.

Ссылки на литературу даются в тексте статьи в квадратных скобках,

например [Текст как явление культуры, 1989: 93].

Аннотация на английском языке (70-80 слов).

Список литературы оформляется по образцу:

Алпатов В.М., Крючкова Т.Б. О мужском и женском варианте японского языка // Вопросы языкознания, 3, 1980.

Речевое воздействие: психологические и психолингвистические проблемы: Сб. ст. АН СССР, ИЯ / Отв. ред. Тарасов Е. Ф. – М.: Наука, 1986.

Культурные практики толерантности в речевой коммуникации: Коллективная моно- графия / Отв. ред. Купина Н.А., Хомяков М.Б. – Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2003. – 595 с.

∙ Сведения об авторе: Ф.И.О., город, место работы, адрес, контактный телефон, электронный адрес.

Дополнительная информация на сайте: www.iling-ran.ru (страница сек- тора психолингвистики).