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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения»

Кафедра «Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация»

О.С. Немтинова



Методическое пособие по развитию устной речи

2-е издание, дополненное и переработанное

Хабаровск Издательство ДВГУПС


УДК 811.111(075.8)

ББК Ш143.21-923 Н 506


Кафедра «Иностранные языки» Тихоокеанского государственного университета (заведующий кафедрой кандидат социологических наук

И.Ф. Уманец)

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» Дальневосточного государственного университета путей сообщения

А.Н. Бессонова

Немтинова, О.С.

Н 506 Наш университет – Our University : метод. пособие по развитию устной речи / О.С. Немтинова. – 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. – Хабаровск : Изд-во ДВГУПС, 2014. – 51 с.

Методическое пособие соответствует рабочей программе дисциплины «Иностранный язык».

Пособие включает речевой материал, связанный с описанием жизни студента и его учебы в университете и имеют своей целью развитие навыков устной речи.

Предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов всех форм обучения направления 38.03.01 «Экономика» и специальности 23.05.01 «Наземные транспортно-технологические средства».

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК Ш143.21-923

© ДВГУПС, 2006, 2014



Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов неязыковых вузов с целью развития навыков устной речи. В основе лежит тематический принцип, ориентированный на активизацию лексики. Пособие помогает развить такие навыки речевой деятельности как перевод, пересказ, ведение самостоятельной беседы на английском языке.

Пособие включает в себя три урока (Units), посвященные описанию жизни студента и его учебы в университете. Каждый урок включает основной текст (Text), список лексических и фразеологических единиц, рекомендуемых для усвоения (Active Vocabulary), вопросы, проверяющие понимание текста (Comprehension questions), упражнения, направ-

ленные на активизацию словаря (Vocabulary Practice Exercises),

упражнения по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи (Additional Reading and Speech Practice Exercises), темы для письменных работ (Writing)

Раздел «Supplementary Reading» содержит дополнительные тексты, взятые из оригинальных источников и Интернет-ресурсов. Тексты подобраны с учетом их познавательной ценности, информативности и актуальности. Их можно использовать как для работы в классе, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Данное пособие можно использовать как на первых занятиях английского языка в университете, так и на 2-м курсе для повторения соответствующих устных тем перед экзаменами. Пособие может быть также полезно аспирантам и всем, кто занимается совершенствованием английского языка, изучая его самостоятельно.



I. Text About myself

Hello, friends. My name is Andrey, my surname is Ivanov. I am 17 years old. My birthday is on the 25th of October. I live in Khabarovsk. It’s my native city. I'm a first-year student of Far Eastern State Transportation University. My father wanted me to follow in his footsteps and become a businessman, but I think this profession is not good for me. I am not interested in business or economics. I want to become a programmer. I am interested in computers. My favourite subjects at school were mathematics, physics and computer science. That’s why I’ve entered the Institute of Operation, Automation and

Telecommunication. I think that the profession of a programmer gives a lot of opportunities. We are living in the age of information and I think that the future is just filled with computers. I spend much time online, surfing the Net in search of interesting information in different spheres of life and technology. It's my favourite pastime.

Reading is the best way of relaxation for me. I prefer to read science fiction, fantasy, historical novels or detective stories. My favourite book is «The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes» by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. These stories are brilliantly written, full of bizarre crimes and they’ve got a terrific

Victorian atmosphere. When you read them you really feel like you’ve been carried back to the nineteenth-century London.

Sport is an essential part of my life. I can play basketball and football rather well. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. I'm also fond of swimming. I'm very happy that on the campus there are excellent sports facilities: a stadium, a well-equipped gymnasium, a swimming-pool.

I think, I am open and friendly – I get on well with most people – but I’m sometimes quite shy too. For example, I don’t like going to parties; I find it difficult to meet new people. I’m hard-working and ambitious. I set high goals for myself and I work hard to achieve them. I don’t respect rude, selfish and aggressive people. I hate it when people lie and don’t keep their promises.

I have a lot of dreams and plans. I would like to improve my English and to learn one more language – either Japanese or Korean. Learning languages is important for me because I want to know what's going on around me in the world. With recent developments in technology the world is changing rapidly in many fields such as engineering, arts, medicine and it's important for me to keep up with these changes.

Another dream is travelling all over the world. I'd be glad to see as many countries and cities as possible. So far I've been to Moscow and St.


Petersburg. We went there with my parents three years ago. St Petersburg impressed me greatly by its magnificent architecture. I've never been abroad.

Now, as I've become a student, my life has changed. I have much less free time now than I had at school. I can't see my friends as often as I used to do or do something just for pleasure. I have to learn not to waste my time. Student's life is hard sometimes, but it's also very interesting. I think, you agree with me, don't you?


1.surname (last name, family name) – фамилия

2.full name – полное имя

3.first-year student (Am.E. freshman) – первокурсник

4.follow in smb’s footsteps – идти по чьим-либо стопам

5.enter the University – поступать в университет

6.surf the Net (brows the Internet) – «бродить» по Интернету

7.pastime (hobby) – приятное времяпрепровождение, занятие

8.spare time (free time, leisure time) – свободное время

9.science fiction – научная фантастика

10.on the campus – на территории университета

11.sports facilities – спортивные сооружения

12.gymnasium (gym) – спортивный зал

13.get on well with smb. – быть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо

14.keep up with smth. – держаться наравне, не отставать

15.waste time –терять время, тратить время впустую

16.personality traits – черты характера

affectionate – нежный ambitious – честолюбивый athletic – спортивный boastful – хвастливый

bossy – любящий командовать charming – очаровательный

cheerful – веселый, жизнерадостный

competitive – любящий соревнование, конкуренцию creative – творческий

critical – разборчивый

easy – going – добродушно-веселый, беззаботный energetic – энергичный

friendly – дружелюбный generous – щедрый grouchy – ворчливый

hard-working – трудолюбивый


helpful – отзывчивый, услужливый honest – честный

hot-tempered – вспыльчивый

(im)patient – (не)терпеливый independent – независимый intelligent – умный

kind – добрый lazy – ленивый

level-headed – уравновешенный, рассудительный light-hearted – беззаботный, веселый

loyal – верный, преданный

moody – легко поддающийся переменам в настроении modest – скромный

organized – организованный

outgoing –общительный, дружелюбный polite – вежливый

reliable – надежный reserved – сдержанный responsible – ответственный romantic – романтичный rude – грубый

selfish – эгоистичный

sensitive – впечатлительный, чуткий sensible – разумный

sociable – общительный

sympathetic – благожелательный, сочувствующий shy – застенчивый

stingy – скупой stubborn – упрямый

studious – трудолюбивый talkative – разговорчивый (un)tidy – (не)аккуратный vain – тщеславный


What have you found out about Andrey from the text? Answer the questions.

1.What is his full name?

2.When is his birthday?

3.How old is he?

4.What's his native city?

5.What University does he study at?


6.What’s his major?

7.What is his favourite pastime?

8.What kind of books does he prefer to read?

9.Who is his favourite writer?

10.What sports does he play?

11.What dreams and plans does he have?

12.Has he ever been abroad?

13.In what way has his life changed now?

14.What kind of person is Andrey?


1.Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

студент-первокурсник, Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения, идти по чьим-либо стопам, интересоваться чем-то, поступить в (институт), давать много возможностей, любимое занятие, различные области техники, «бродить» по Интернету, в поисках информации, свободное время, научная фантастика, важная часть жизни, участвовать в соревнованиях, на территории университета, спортивные сооружения, хорошо оборудованный спортзал, ставить высокие цели, сдерживать обещания, совершенствовать английский язык, идти в ногу с изменениями в …

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

first-year student, family name, full name, follow in smb’s footsteps, enter the university, sphere of modern technology, spare time, surf the Net, best way of relaxation, ambitious person, favourite pastime, be fond of reading, take part in competitions, on the campus, set a goal, achieve goals, keep one’s promise, keep up with changes in technology, be abroad, do something for pleasure, waste time

3. Substitute the underlined words with their synonyms.

1.My friend's surname is Petrov.

2.He is a freshman.

4.His hobbies are fishing and computer games.

5.He spends much time online, browsing the Net.

6.He has less free time now than he used to have at school.

7.He enjoys swimming.

8.He has taken part in a number of sporting events this year.

9.There are many buildings and places for playing sport on the campus.

10.A new library was built in the centre of a University ground.


11.She wants to remain level with the changes in fashion.

12.My brother and I have never had a friendly relationship.

4. Write an adjective of personality for each comment.



















1.«I’m going to beat him if it’s the last thing I do.»

2.«Take your time – I can wait.»

3.«I don’t like working. I prefer to sit and watch TV».

4.«No problem. You can depend on me.»

5.«I really love seeing my mum and we always give each other a big hug.»

6.«I have a list of all the possible films, where they are on and the

time they start.»

7.«Oh, great! A party! I love being with my friends!»

8.«I don’t want to go to the party. I hate meeting new people.»

9.«I understand exactly how you feel.»

10.«Right, John, go and buy the food. Maria, tidy the room.»

11.«Of course, I could have beaten him even more easily, but I wanted to give him a chance.»

5. Insert prepositions, where necessary.

1 She was born the 16th August 1992.

2.My friend studies Far Eastern State Transportation University.

3.. school she was interested physics and mathematics.

4.She's entered the University this summer.

5.She spends a lot of time front of the computer.

6.She's fond sewing, knitting and cooking.

7.She's talented making things hand.

8.Her brother likes to play football.

9.It's important for an engineer to keep with the changes going on in technology.

10.She'd like to travel all the world.

11.She enjoys staying home her free time.

12.Do you live campus or town?

13.Do you get well with your groupmates?



1.Answer the questions in the quiz to discover what type of person you are.





















1.Are you usually smiling and happy?

2.Do you enjoy the company of other people?

3.Do you find it difficult to meet new people?

4.Is it important for you to succeed in your career?

5.Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason?

6.Do you notice other people's feelings?

7.Do you think the future will be good?

8.Can your friends depend on you?

9.Is your room always in a mess?

10.Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything?

11.Do you put off until tomorrow what you could do today?

12.Do you work hard?

13.Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?

14.Do you often give presents?

15.Do you talk a lot?

16.Are you usually calm and not worried by things?

2.А) Read the introduction to the article. Do you agree with the psychologists?

В) Read the rest of the article. Which category(ies) do you fit into best?

What’s Your Soundtrack?

Your taste in music can reveal a lot about you …

The question «What kind of music do you like?» is very revealing. It is the number one topic of conversation among young adults who are getting to know each other, according to psychologists from the universities of Cambridge and Texas. Their research has shown that knowing another person’s musical tastes can provide remarkably accurate personality predictions. For most people, music is a very important part of their lives and psychologists believe that their preferences reveal information about their character and their lifestyle. They think that personality clues are conveyed in the music’s tempo, rhythm, and lyrics.


A) Upbeat and simple music

Fans of pop, country and soundtrack music tend to be more conventional and conservative compared with fans of other genres; family and discipline are important life values. They are typically cheerful, outgoing, and sociable kinds of people who enjoy helping people. In their free time they often enjoy doing or watching sport. They also enjoy watching major Hollywood films, especially comedies. According to the psychologists, «People who like country and pop try to avoid making their lives unnecessarily complex.»

B) Energetic and rhythmic music

Hip hop, funk, rap, dance and electronic music attracts people who are talkative, extrovert and romantic and who tend to express their thoughts impulsively. They are the kind of people who love going to parties and for whom friendship and social recognition is very important. They tend to see themselves as physically attractive. When they go to the cinema, they typically enjoy watching action films, science fiction, gangster films, or comedies.

C) Complex and reflective music

Fans of classical jazz, and other «complex» music typically have above - average intelligence. They tend to be creative and open to new experiences and lovers of classic or foreign films. Regarding lifestyle, fans of this kind of music tend to be politically liberal, are usually quite sophisticated, and often don’t like sport.

D) Intense and rebellious music

Fans of alternative, heavy metal, rock music, and gangsta rap tend to be people who enjoy taking risks and having thrilling experiences. They are usually physically active. They are typically independent, curious about the world, and rebellious. They’re the kind of people who are likely to enjoy watching action films, fantasy, war, and horror movies. Parents often worry that this kind of music promotes aggressive behaviour in teenagers, but research has found no direct link. In fact, younger fans of gangsta rap or heavy metal are often quiter and shyer than other young people.

С) According to the article, what kind of music would these people like best? Choose A, B, C or D.

1.Someone who is quite vain.

2.Somebody who enjoys doing dangerous sports.

3.A person who speaks their mind without thinking.

4.Someone who watches subtitled films.

5.A person who does voluntary work in the community.

6.Somebody who enjoys the simple things in life.

7.A person who might have been quiet as a child.

8.Someone who is intellectual.