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Curriculum Vitae

  1. Name

  2. DOB

  3. Address, telephone

  4. Nationality

  5. Marital status

  6. Present employment / occupation / position

  7. Previous employment / occupation / position

  8. Skills

  9. Interests

  10. Referees

Ex. 20. Translate the sentences in Present Simple.

  1. Обычно друзья зовут его Майком. 2. Мы каждый день слушаем джаз,

но мы никогда не слушаем поп-музыку. 3. Мы даже не смотрим эстрадные концерты по ТВ. 4. Вы всегда носите очки? – Нет, только когда читаю. 5. Моему племяннику не нравится и работать и учиться, не так ли? 6. Она замужем или разведена? (divorced) 7. Где учатся ваши дети? 8. Отец Ольги опытный водитель? 9. Каждый год семьи Браунов и Уайтов отдыхают в Орегоне. 10. Когда отправляется поезд на Киев? 11. Дядя Том иногда ссорится со своей соседкой. (quarrel)


special features – особые черты

marital status – семейное положение

experienced – опытный

auburn – темно-рыжий, bald – лысый, shoulder-length hair – волосы до плеч

I am six years your senior / junior. – Я на шесть лет старше (младше) тебя

to interfere with – мешать, вмешиваться

to possess – обладать

reliable – надежный

selfish – эгоистичный

sensible – практичный, разумный

anxious – беспокойный, озабоченный, тревожный

confident - уверенный,

efficient – умелый, квалифицированный

fair – справедливый

industrious – прилежный, трудолюбивый

arrogant - высокомерный

skill – навык, мастерство

referees (references) – лица, дающие рекомендацию

Unit II. Seeking for a job

Ex. 1. It is not so easy both to study and work. It is not easy to find a good job either. Harry attended an interview at Rod and Bob Co. Mrs. Dalone, the Human Resources Manager of the Company, asked him to fill in the Application Form given below. You are to answer these questions too. This Application and your interests, stated in it, will be key factors in the development of your position, when you get a job, enter an educational institution or join some program.

Application form

Application date (m/d/y): ________________

1. Personal Data

Last name: ________ First name: _________ Patronymic: _____________________

Home address: ____________ Other address at which you can be reached: ________

Telephone number: ________________ E-mail: _____________________________

Date of birth (m/d/y): __________ Place of birth: ___________ Citizenship: _______

Marital status: single ___ married ___ divorced ___

Father’s occupation:

Position ________ Employer ________ Location ________ Telephone ___________

Mother’s occupation:

Position ________ Employer ________ Location ________ Telephone ___________

2. Career

Time preferable for work: from ___ to ___ Date available for employment: ________

What department(s) or type(s) of work are you interested in: ____________________

What are your career objectives: __________________________________________

Minimum starting gross income expectation per month _________________________

3. Education

High school: _________________________

Universities, Institutes, Academies attended: ________________________________

Courses or other optional education: _______________________________________

4. Activities

Extracurricular activities (clubs, class organizations, athletics, publications, etc): ____

Outside interests (including civic activities and hobbies): _______________________

5. Work experience

Give more information regarding present and former employment (exclude military service). If paid on commissions, estimate your average monthly earning. Include part time work as well as permanent employment. Be sure to complete all boxes for each period of employment.

Name and address of employer

From – to

Full, part, flexible time

Nature of your work

Monthly earnings

Reason for leaving

6. Military service

Active ______ Completed ________ Non completed _________ Non required ______

7. General information

Languages: _____

Do you know how to use a personal computer: yes/no

Typing speed: fast ____ average ____ slow ____

Do you have a driving license: yes/no

Do you have a passport for international travel: yes/no

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