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2. Read the beginning of the sentences, and translate them into Russian choosing the proper Russian equivalents of the modal verbs from the list below:

1. It has to be admitted that. . . 2. One can conclude that. 3. It will be remembered that. . . 4. It is to be stated that. 5. It should be stressed that. . . 6. One would expect that 7. It must be borne in mind that. . . 8. One may think that…

можно, необходимо, естественно, есть основания, приходится, следует, нужно.

3. Choose the proper Russian equivalents of modal verbs with negation from the list below:

1. The method is not to be recommended. 2. It may or may not be the case. 3. You must not criticise your ideas while inventing them. 4. They need not be counted. 5. One does not have to accept this viewpoint. 6. The fact cannot be denied. 7. The instrument should not be relied upon. 8. The calculation won't agree with the observation. 9. The theory might not be valid for these conditions.

возможно и не, нельзя, необязательно, возможно не, не следует, упорно не, (никак не), не надо ничто не вынуждает, нет оснований.

4. Use the proper verb basing on the arguments in brackets:

There. . . be a mistake in the calculation (because the author cannot think of any other explanation of the result obtained) 2. Any creature from an outer civilization . . . appear alien to us (because this is the author's personal viewpoint). 3. There were no universities in Greece at all, there were schools. A philosopher . . have a school and a few men . . . come and listen to his lectures (because such was the tradition, the pattern of behaviour). 4. They knew that the project ... be abandoned in a few months (because such was the decision taken or agreement made). 5. At that time it was not certain that the problem of overload ... be overcome at all (because t was not possible to produce necessary conditions). 6. A single good idea . . . sometimes give rise to a series of hypotheses (because here is a chance that this will be so). 7. Most scientists believe hat to make contacts with outer intelligent beings man not leave the Earth (because there are other possible ways of making contacts than travelling). 8. As soon as these results were published the theory ... be revised (because it could not account for the new effect observed).

5. Read the text. Substitute the proper English modal verbs for the Russian words in brackets:

Those who wish to become students at the university (обязаны) take their entrance examinations. Recruitment of students to the university follows certain procedures which no one (разрешено) ignore. If a perspective student is ill and (не в состоянии) appear before the examination board he (надлежит) present a medical certificate to this effect, in which case the examination (приходится) be postponed. Another rule is that no student (не должен) be late for his examination. Also, students (не должны) argue with the examination board, although this is not a regular rule, but rather wise advice. However, whether they strictly observe the rules or not, there are always people who (могут) fail in their examinations and those who (обычно) succeed. This (всегда была и будет) be the situation at all times.