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V. Прочтите и переведите:

to prove [prHv]- to prove facts, to prove the idea, to prove the appearance, to

prove the existence: to prove the importance, to prove the necessity

to estimate [‘estimeit] - to estimate results, to estimate symptoms, to estimate

temperature, to estimate condition

to create [krJ’eit]- to create conditions, to create instruments, to create school, to

create group: to create new methods

sign [sQin] - abnormal signs, important signs, natural signs, pathological signs,

signs of the disease, according to the signs

to appear [q’pie] - to appear in children, to appear in the body, to appear suddenly,

signs appeared, unexpected appearance

to connect [kq’nekt] - to connect organs of the body, to connect theory with

practice connect different parts, in connection

to affect [q’fekt]- to affect organs, to affect health, to affect skin, to affect the


experience [iks’piqriqns] - much experience, to gain experience, experience in the

field of medicine: experienced surgeon

VI. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

1. Hippocrates was the greatest practitioner of his time.

2. It is very important to connect theory with practice.

3. He created a new technique of operations on the skull.

4. The scientists estimated a real cause of this disease.

5. This infection affects the organs of the chest.

6. Abnormal signs appeared a week ago.

7. He has much experience in the field of surgery.

8. The doctor proved the importance of his method of treatment.

9. Occupation affects the development of the disease.

10. Fever is a very important sign of many diseases.

11. His scientific work consists of many connected parts.

12. The colour of the face and the skin helped the doctor to make diagnosis.

VII. Поставьте сказуемые в прошедшее время:

1. He must help us.

2. The students must take exams.

3. The scientist must prove his idea.

4. The surgeon must operate this patient.

5. The physician must use a new method of treatment.

VIII. Прочтите и переведите те предложения, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение:

1. The scientist has carried out many experiments.

2. He has much experience in the field of medicine.

3. The surgeon has to perform the operation as soon as possible.

4. The lecturer had to answer many questions.

5. I had good marks at the entrance exams.

6. The students of our group have to take part at the conference,

7. The researcher has proved his ideas.

8. The new method of treatment has been used to diagnose a disease.

9. We have to work hard to become good specialists.

10. They have knowledge and experience to perform operations by themselves.

IX. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

1. The cardiogram showed that the heart was normal.

2. We knew that the condition of the skin was a very important sign.

3. The scientist proved that this disease had an infectious origin.

4. The students learnt that this disease affected the organs of the chest.

5. He created a new method which helped to diagnose many diseases accurately.

6. Hippocrates proved that every disease had a natural cause.

7. In the article we read that many effective drugs produced side effects.