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The principles of the constitution

The essentials of the United Kingdom's (1) are the sovereignty of (2)

and the rule of (3). The latter means that everyone is (4) before the

law. The (5) of law means preventing "arbitrary (6) making" and it

rests on the wisdom of (7) and relies on good sense and judgment. The principle of

Parliamentary (8) means that Parliament is the supreme law- (9)

body: its Acts are the highest source of British (10). It follows that

(11) can alter the (12) simply by passing new Acts of Parliament. Another

consequence of the (13) is that there is no hierarchy among (14) of

Parliament: all parliamentary (15) is, in principle, of equal validity and

effectiveness. However it is possible to indicate a special class of ‘constitutional

(16)’ such as Magna Carta and the 1998 Human (17) Act. With Britain's

membership of the European (18), both these traditional aspects of

  1. law have recently come under debate and scrutiny as part of the process of

  2. reform. Under the 1972 (21) Communities Act, the United Kingdom applies

all European Union (22) that it passes in common with other member


  1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below using a, the or (-). Explain your choice.

delegated from


Another important principle is that (1) UK is (2) unitary

state. (3) authority of (4) local and devolved bodies are

dependent on (5) Acts of (6) Parliament, and they can

in (7) principle be abolished at (8) will of (9) UK

Parliament in (10) London, though in (11) practice it is

extremely unlikely that such (12) step would be taken. Since

1998 each country comprising (13) UK has had its own

government, and although they exercise (14) authority

(15) Parliament at (16) Westminster, they all differ in form and

power. Constitutionally, (17) result of this is that (18) Members of (19) national

Parliament have now lost their right to play any part in (20) legislation for (21)

(24) secondary legislation for

domestic affairs of (22) Scotland and (23) Northern Ireland, and their right to draw up

these rights only for _ sitting for (30)

(25) domestic affairs of (26) Wales. They retain

(27) England, in (28) addition to which, (29) members

constituencies in (31) Scotland, (32) Wales and (33)

(35) process of

Northern Ireland have been deprived of most of their constituency duties.

(36) devolution has transformed (37) Parliament in (38) Westminster into

(39) quasi-federal institution: (40) Parliament for (41) England, (42) federal

Parliament for (43) Northern Ireland and (44) Scotland, and (45) Parliament for

(46) primary legislation for __ (47) Wales.

  1. Work in pairs. Fill in the table below on the basis of exercises 1-5. Then use the table to tell your partner everything you know about the US Constitution.


The sources of the UK Constitution

The uniqueness of the UK Constitution

Sources and role of Conventions

UK Constitution and the European Law


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Meaning and types of Royal Prerogatives

Royal Prerogatives extended to Parliament


The rule of law means

The Parliamentary sovereignty means

UK Constitution and the European Law


The meaning of devolution

The effect of devolution on national MPs


The effect of devolution on MPs from Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland constituencies

The effect of devolution on Westminster Parliament in general

  1. At home write an essay on the UK Constitutional Process in the Light of Uniformity within the European Union. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the present constitution and give your views on the UK Constitution possible arrangement. You may use the stating and justifying opinions elements and the text on constitutional reform below. See also: ‘For and Against’ Essays in the Recommendations on Creative Writing Work.

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