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164 Chapter 6

time, with good handler participation and continuing basic effleurage at home in order to ease and soothe the nerve endings and to assist vascular exchange, thereby enhancing muscular repair. Physical therapy can commence when the issue is no longer acute.

The misfit

By definition, this type of dog looks as if one end does not match the other, and there seems to be a definite dividing line between the two regions. A lack of stability between the thoracic and pelvic regions can be due to a variety of myofascial issues; a unilateral fascial tear at the myofascial junction of the m. latissimus dorsi is a possible cause. There can also be a deep pelvic problem surrounding the ligaments, but there is also a lack of hip flexor or stifle stability, manifested as a lack of good medial gluteal support. It may just be a result of poor conformation. This is particularly seen in dogs with poor core strength. All groups may be affected, but it is especially seen in the more lively breeds, or dogs that have been overtrained or allowed over-exertion from a young age.

Treatment varies according to the original problem.

Contraindications for canine massage

Massage is contraindicated in situations where using the therapy may cause further injury or exacerbate the existing condition. There are two key tenets that should always be remembered by therapists: Do no harm; if you are in any doubt, don’t.

With those statements in mind, there are additional crucial factors to remember. Practitioners are offering secondary care; therefore, it is important to ensure that the dog has first been given a health check by a veterinary surgeon.

Due to many misconceptions, it is stated too many times that it ‘can’t do any

harm’. That in itself is a potentially harmful statement! As stated previously, massage works on a very deep holistic cellular level, meaning that a topical treatment can be felt far beyond the point of application; thus, massage will influence many body systems. It cannot be stated strongly enough that the advantages and disadvantages of the use of massage must be properly considered before treatment is started. The first and most important precursor is to gain veterinary approval, consent, or referral. Not having this would be a contraindication.

Categories of contraindication

Some contraindications are absolute, when a dog is in such a poor physical state that any type of manipulative intervention that affects the body’s healing processes and the reinstatement of homeostasis would be harmful, e.g. clinical shock or dehydration. Other contraindications are relative, meaning that the patient is at higher risk of complications than others, but that these risks may be outweighed by the potential pain relief offered by the treatment, e.g. in some forms of cancer. Some relative contraindications may also be of a local nature, where a particular area should be avoided, e.g. directly over a wound in its early stages of healing. Finally, some contraindications can be considered to be environmental, meaning when massage would be inappropriate in a normal healthy dog, e.g. just before or just after eating.

However, whatever the situation, massage is not a substitute for veterinary care.

To formulate a full list of contraindications is not possible, as it would not be definitive; Tables 16–18 are merely a guide to the typical situations in which massage is contraindicated. As all cases will have veterinary consent, any questions about treatment and its suitability must be discussed with a veterinary surgeon.



Massage in Physical Therapy




Table 16 Absolute contraindications for massage


Without veterinary approval, consent, or referral

Clinical shock or fatigue


Without an appropriate veterinary health check, underlying health conditions may not be known about, e.g. heart or circulatory conditions such as low blood pressure, anaemia, and so on

This can be a condition that can arise after an accident or when the dog has been, or still is, extremely stressed. In this case, the body ‘switches off’ and concentrates on maintaining the core organs: the brain, the heart, and so on. Massage would deflect heat and energy from these sites

Fever and infection (local or general)

Immediately after an accident or injury, or if a serious injury is suspected

Any form of undiagnosed pain

Over an open wound, bruising, or oedema

Over a lump (diagnosed or undiagnosed)

If a dog is in any way unwell, or indicating an uncharacteristic dislike for touch or massage

Undiagnosed acute or chronic pain, e.g. spinal disc disease

The immune system will be working to resolve and nullify the effects of the condition and needs to do this without manipulative intervention that could prevent a natural healing process

Without any knowledge as to the extent of the injury and possible internal bruising or haemorrhage, more damage can easily be caused

Without knowing the cause, more injury, or worsening of the condition, can be the result

Apart from the risk of causing pain or infection, massage would hinder healing

There is a risk of causing spread of a cancerous tumour by the encouragement of increasing the blood supply

There may be an underlying condition that would be contraindicative

Without any knowledge as to the extent of the injury or condition, serious damage can easily be caused

166 Chapter 6

Table 17 Relative contraindications for massage



In some types of cancer

Depending on the type of cancer, the risk of


metastases can be the deciding factor when


evaluating the potential beneficial effects of



Skin conditions

This depends on the condition: whether or not it


can be spread through touch. If the cause is known,


if it is not contagious, and if touch does not cause


any discomfort, massage can be used as an aid to


ease symptoms

Some post-operative cases

This depends on the type of operation.


Professional advice must be sought

Some heart conditions

Different heart and circulatory conditions present


with different symptoms: massage may be helpful


for some, but not all. Professional advice must be





Massage in Physical Therapy




Table 18 Environmental contraindications for massage


Immediately before being fed or less than 2 hours after treatment


The dog needs to be relaxed before eating. Thus, it should be in the correct neurological state for eating. Because the digestive system requires an enhanced blood supply to digest food successfully, massage will interfere with this process and will redirect the blood towards the muscles, possibly causing serious digestive problems. Also, massage should be avoided if the dog has just had head, neck, or jaw work

After strenuous exercise

The body needs to regain homeostasis; wait until


the dog has resumed normal breathing

If the dog is excessively cold,

The body needs to regain homeostasis

hot, thirsty, or hungry