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5 курс / Пульмонология и фтизиатрия / Clinical_Manifestations_and_Assessment_of_Respiratory

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CF mutation then have the option of having the father of the fetus tested. If both of the parents test positive for a CF mutation, the fetus has a one in four chance of having CF.

If desired, the fetus can be tested for CF by amniocentesis after the first trimester. The amniotic fluid is obtained by ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of amniotic fluid from around the fetus. Fetal cells are tested for the presence of CF mutations and identified as CF affected, CF carrier, or normal. Because most genetic screening only tests for 32 to 85 of more than 2400 mutations associated with CF, a negative or normal result does not entirely rule out the possibility of the person carrying one of the less common CF mutations. Infants have been born with CF when both parents have been normal by genetic screening.

Genetic counseling is very important in all cases of prenatal testing for CF to explain this uncertainty or residual risk to prospective parents. Amniocentesis and genetic analysis of fetal cells can be used to diagnose a large number of genetic disorders and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Stool Fecal Fat Test

The stool fecal fat test measures the amount of fat in the infant's stool and the percentage of dietary fat that is not absorbed by the body. The test is used to evaluate how the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines are functioning. Fat absorption requires bile from the gallbladder, enzymes from the pancreas, and normal intestines. An elevated stool fecal fat value (i.e., decreased fat absorption) is associated with a variety of disorders, including CF. Fecal elastance is an easier test of pancreatic function because it requires only a small stool sample for analysis. Infants with CF and pancreatic insufficiency will have a fecal elastance of less than 50 µg/g of stool (normal is greater than 300 µg/g of stool).

Overview of the Cardiopulmonary Clinical Manifestations Associated With Cystic Fibrosis

The following clinical manifestations result from the pathophysiologic mechanisms caused (or activated) by atelectasis (see Fig. 10.7), bronchospasm (see Fig. 10.11), and excessive bronchial secretions (see Fig. 10.11)—the major anatomic alterations of the lungs associated with CF (see Fig. 15.1).

Clinical Data Obtained at the Patient's Bedside

The Physical Examination

Vital Signs

Increased Respiratory Rate (Tachypnea)

Several pathophysiologic mechanisms operating simultaneously may lead to an increased ventilatory rate:

Stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors (hypoxemia)

Decreased lung compliance–increased ventilatory rate relationship


Increased temperature

Increased Heart Rate (Pulse) and Blood Pressure

Use of Accessory Muscles During Inspiration

Use of Accessory Muscles During Expiration

Pursed-Lip Breathing

Increased Anteroposterior Chest Diameter (Barrel Chest)


Digital Clubbing

Peripheral Edema and Venous Distention

Because polycythemia and cor pulmonale are associated with severe cystic fibrosis, the following may be seen:

Distended neck veins

Pitting edema

Enlarged and tender liver

Cough, Sputum Production, and Hemoptysis

Chest Assessment Findings

Decreased or increased tactile and vocal fremitus

Hyperresonant percussion note

Diminished breath sounds

Diminished heart sounds

Bronchial breath sounds (over atelectasis)



Spontaneous Pneumothorax

Spontaneous pneumothorax is commonly seen in patients with CF. The incidence is greater than 20% in adults with CF. When a patient with CF has a pneumothorax, there is about a 50% chance that it will recur. The respiratory therapist must be alert for the signs and symptoms of this complication (e.g., pleuritic pain, shoulder pain, sudden shortness of breath). Precipitating factors include advanced lung disease, excessive exertion, high altitude, and positive-pressure breathing (see Chapter 23, Pneumothorax).

Clinical Data Obtained From Laboratory Tests and Special Procedures

Pulmonary Function Test Findings

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Moderate to Severe Cystic Fibrosis (Obstructive Lung Pathophysiology)1

Forced Expiratory Volume and Flow Rate Findings



FEV1/FVC ratio






Lung Volume and Capacity Findings






N or ↑

N or ↓

N or ↓






RV/TLC ratio

N or ↓

N or ↑

N or ↑

1CF is primarily an obstructive lung disorder. However, when extensive total lung obstruction (from mucus plugging) and atelectasis are present throughout the lungs, restrictive pulmonary function testing values will likely appear.

Arterial Blood Gases

Mild to Moderate Stages of Cystic Fibrosis

Acute Alveolar Hyperventilation With Hypoxemia2 (Acute Respiratory Alkalosis)





SaO2 or SpO2








(but normal)



2See Fig. 5.2 and Table 5.4 and related discussion for the acute pH, PaCO2, and changes associated with acute alveolar hyperventilation.

Severe Stage of Cystic Fibrosis

Chronic Ventilatory Failure With Hypoxemia3 (Compensated Respiratory Acidosis)





SaO2 or SpO2












3See Table 5.6 and discussion for the pH, and related discussion for the pH, PaCO2, and changes associated with chronic ventilatory failure.

Metabolic Alkalosis

In rare cases, hypokalemia and secondary metabolic alkalosis are known complications of CF, especially during warm weather and exercise. Because of the dysfunctional CFTR in the sweat ducts of patients with CF, there can be excessive losses of chloride and sodium. The hypokalemia seen with heat stress is secondary to sweat as well as potassium wasting. The metabolic alkalosis is maintained by the excessive sweat sodium chloride loses, which leads to extracellular fluid (ECF) volume contraction and chloride depletion. Thus the metabolic alkalosis seen in some patients with CF is most likely secondary to hypokalemia with ECF volume contraction.

Acute Ventilatory Changes Superimposed on Chronic Ventilatory Failure4

Because acute ventilatory changes are frequently seen in patients with chronic ventilatory failure, the respiratory therapist must be familiar with and alert for the following two dangerous arterial blood gas (ABG) findings:

Acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure, which should further alert the respiratory therapist to record the following important ABG assessment: possible impending acute ventilatory failure

Acute ventilatory failure (acute hypoventilation) superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure

4See Table 5.7, Table 5.8, and Table 5.9 and related discussion for the pH, PaCO2, and changes associated with acute ventilatory changes superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure.

Oxygenation Indices5

Moderate to Severe Stages















6The DO2 may be normal in patients who have compensated to the decreased oxygenation status with an increased

cardiac output, an increased hemoglobin level, or a combination of both. When the DO2 is normal, the O2ER is usually normal.

5, Arterial-venous oxygen difference; DO2, total oxygen delivery; O2ER, oxygen extraction ratio; QS/QT, pulmonary shunt fraction; , mixed venous oxygen saturation; VO2, oxygen consumption.

Hemodynamic Indices7

Moderate to Severe Stages


























7CI, Cardiac index; CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; LVSWI, left ventricular stroke work index; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RAP, right atrial pressure; RVSWI, right ventricular stroke work index; SV, stroke volume; SVI, stroke volume index; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.

Abnormal Laboratory Tests and Procedures


Increased hematocrit and hemoglobin

Increased white blood cell count


Hypochloremia (chronic ventilatory failure)

Increased serum bicarbonate (chronic ventilatory failure)

Sputum Examination

Increased white blood cells

Gram-positive bacteria

Staphylococcus aureus

Haemophilus influenzae

Gram-negative bacteria

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Burkholderia cepacia complex

Radiologic Findings

Chest Radiograph

Translucent (dark) lung fields

Depressed or flattened diaphragms

Right ventricular enlargement (cor pulmonale)

Areas of atelectasis and fibrosis

Tram tracks

Bronchiectasis (often a secondary complication)

Pneumothorax (spontaneous)

Abscess formation (occasionally)

During the late stages of CF the alveoli become hyperinflated, which causes the residual volume and functional residual capacity to increase. Because this condition decreases the density of the lungs and thereby reduces the resistance to x-ray penetration, the chest radiograph appears darker. Tram-track opacities (also called tram lines) may be seen on chest x- rays. Tram tracks are parallel or curved opacity lines of varying length caused by bronchial wall thickening. As the patient's residual volume and functional residual capacity increase, the diaphragm moves downward and appears flattened or depressed on the radiograph (Fig. 15.6).

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FIGURE 15.6 Chest x-ray of a patient with cystic fibrosis. Note the lung overinflation, the diffuse infiltrates, and the large main pulmonary artery segment, reflecting pulmonary hypertension.

Fig. 15.7 presents four serial chest radiographs of the progression of CF over 26 years. Because right ventricular enlargement and failure often develop as secondary problems during the advanced stages of CF, an enlarged heart may be identified on the radiograph. In some patients, areas of atelectasis, abscess formation, or a pneumothorax may be seen. Finally, computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans may be helpful when borderline radiographic findings are present.

FIGURE 15.7 Cystic fibrosis. Serial chest imaging over a 26-year period showing the progressive changes of cystic fibrosis. (A) At 3 years of age, the patient had right middle lobe pneumonia. (B) Mild hyperinflation and bronchial wall thickening (arrow) manifested at age 7 years. (C) At age 15 years, the patient demonstrated progressive hyperinflation, bronchiectasis, and enlargement of the hila on the chest radiograph. (D) Lateral chest radiograph at 29 years shows typical findings of end-stage cystic fibrosis. Note marked hyperinflation and “barrel chest” deformity, severe bronchiectasis, and tubular opacities consistent with mucous plugs. (From Hansell, D. M., Lynch, D. A., McAdams, H. P., et al. [2010]. Imaging of diseases of the chest [5th ed.]. Philadelphia, PA:


Common Nonrespiratory Clinical Manifestations

Meconium Ileus

Meconium ileus is an obstruction of the small intestine of the newborn that is caused by the impaction of thick, dry, tenacious meconium, usually at or near the ileocecal valve. This results from a deficiency in pancreatic enzymes and is the earliest manifestation of CF. The disease is suspected in newborns who demonstrate abdominal distention and fail to pass meconium within 12 hours after birth. Meconium ileus may occur in as many as 25% of infants with CF.

Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome

Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS) (previously known as meconium ileus equivalent) is an intestinal obstruction (similar to meconium ileus in neonates) that occurs in older children and young adults with CF.

Malnutrition and Poor Body Development

In CF, the pancreatic ducts become plugged with mucus, which leads to fibrosis of the pancreas. The pancreatic insufficiency that ensues inhibits the digestion of protein and fat. This condition leads to a deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin K deficiency may be the cause of easy bruising and bleeding. About 80% of all patients with CF have vitamin deficiencies and therefore show signs of malnutrition and poor body development throughout life.

Nasal Polyps and Sinusitis

Nasal polyps are seen in between 10% and 30% of patients with CF. The polyps are usually multiple and may cause nasal obstruction; in some cases, they cause distortion of the normal facial features. Between 90% and 100% of patients with CF have sinusitis.


About 99% of men with CF are infertile. Women with CF who become pregnant may not be able to carry the infant to term. An infant who is carried to term will either have CF or be a carrier (see Fig. 15.2).

General Management of Cystic Fibrosis

The management of CF entails an interdisciplinary approach. The primary goals are to prevent pulmonary infections, reduce the amount of thick bronchial secretions, improve airflow, and provide adequate nutrition. The patient and the patient's family should be instructed regarding the disease and the way it affects bodily functions. They should be taught home care therapies, the goals of these therapies, and the way to administer medications. Patients with CF commonly are best managed by a pulmonary rehabilitation team. Such teams include a respiratory therapist, a physical therapist, a respiratory nurse specialist, an occupational therapist, a dietitian, a social worker, and a psychologist. A pediatric or adult, pulmonologist, or an internist trained in CF care and respiratory rehabilitation outlines and orchestrates the patient's therapeutic program.

Patients with CF should have regular medical checkups for comparative purposes to determine their general health, weight, height, pulmonary function abilities, and sputum culture results. In addition, oral time-released pancreatic enzymes, such as pancreatic lipase, are prescribed for patients with CF to aid food digestion. Patients are also encouraged to replace body salts either by heavily salting their food or by taking sodium supplements. Supplemental multivitamins and minerals are also important.

Respiratory Care Treatment Protocols

Oxygen Therapy Protocol

Oxygen therapy is used to treat hypoxemia, decrease the work of breathing, and decrease myocardial work in patients with CF with advanced pulmonary disease or during acute exacerbations. The hypoxemia may not respond well to oxygen therapy when true or capillary pulmonary shunting is present (see Oxygen Therapy Protocol, Protocol 10.1).

Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol

Because of the excessive mucus production and accumulation associated with CF, a number of respiratory therapy modalities are used to enhance the mobilization of bronchial secretions. Aggressive and vigorous airway clearance therapy should be performed regularly on patients both while in the hospital and at home. Because many patients with CF require airway clearance therapy at least twice a day for 20 to 30 minutes, manual chest physiotherapy and postural drainage can be overwhelming for the caretaker. Several options for hospital or home care include use of a mechanical percussor with chest physiotherapy and postural drainage, use of a high-frequency chest compression vest, or use of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation to move thick bronchial secretions and improve compliance with prescribed care. Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) and flutter-valve therapy are also effective airway clearance techniques and also can be employed with deep breathing and coughing (Fig. 15.8) (see Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol, Protocol 10.2).

FIGURE 15.8 An 18-month-old female patient with cystic fibrosis wearing a high-frequency chest compression (HFCC) vest (the inCourage System). Today, HFCC is a commonly used bronchopulmonary hygiene treatment for airway clearance in patients with cystic fibrosis.

Lung Expansion Therapy Protocol

Lung expansion therapy may be administered to help offset the alveolar atelectasis associated with CF. Deep breathing and effective cough are key to reversing consolidation caused by mucus plugging (see Lung Expansion Therapy Protocol, Protocol 10.3).

Aerosolized Medication Protocol

A variety of bronchodilators (both beta2-adrenergic agonists and anticholinergic drugs) and mucolytic agents are commonly used to induce bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and mucous thinning.

Bronchodilators: Inhaled bronchodilators are routinely administered to all patients with CF, especially during the following situations:

Immediately before the patient receives chest physiotherapy or exercise to help mobilize airway secretions.

Immediately before the patient receives inhalation of nebulized hypertonic saline, antibiotics and/or DNase (dornase alpha) to offset bronchial constriction that can

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occur with use of these agents and to help improve the penetration and distribution of the drugs throughout the airways.

Recommended bronchodilators include beta2-adrenergic agonists such as the short-acting agent albuterol or long-acting

agents such as salmeterol or formoterol. The anticholinergic agent ipratropium bromide and the longer acting tiotropium are also used to treat patients with CF.

Mucolytic agents

Inhaled DNase (dornase alpha) (Pulmozyme) has been shown to be especially helpful in the management of patients with moderate to severe CF. This aerosolized agent is an enzyme that breaks down the DNA of the thick bronchial mucus associated with chronic bacterial infections with CF. Dornase alpha has shown good results in improving the lung function of patients with CF while reducing the frequency and severity of respiratory infections (Fig. 15.9).

FIGURE 15.9 Dornase alpha (Pulmozyme). Illustration of the mode of action of dornase alpha in reducing DNA polymers in cystic fibrosis sputum. Confocal micrograph showing cystic fibrosis sputum stained (with YOYO-1) for DNA before (A) and after (B) treatment with dornase alpha in vitro. The long DNA polymers are degraded into short units after dornase treatment. (From Gardenhire, D. S. [2016]. Rau's respiratory care

pharmacology [9th ed.]. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.)

Inhaled hypertonic saline may be administered to help hydrate thick mucus in the airways of patients with CF who are 6 years of age or older, have a chronic cough, and have a reduced FEV1. A typical treatment regimen is, first, the administration of a bronchodilator (e.g., albuterol), followed by 4 mL of a 3% to 7% saline solution, twice a day.

Inhaled N-acetylcysteine has not been clinically proved to be effective in treating patients with CF. In addition, because of its potential to cause airway inflammation and/or bronchospasm and inhibit ciliary function, along with its disagreeable odor and relatively high cost, its use is not recommended (see Protocol 10.4: Aerosolized Medication Protocol, and Appendix II on the Evolve site).

Mechanical Ventilation Protocol

Because acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure is occasionally seen in patients with severe CF, mechanical ventilation may be required to maintain an adequate ventilatory status. Continuous mechanical ventilation is justified when the acute ventilatory failure is thought to be reversible—for example, when pneumonia complicates the condition. Noninvasive ventilation, such as bilevel positive-pressure ventilation by face mask, is generally preferred to intubation when feasible (see Ventilator Initiation and Management Protocol, Protocol 11.1, and Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Protocol, Protocol 11.2).

Other Medications and Special Procedures Prescribed by the Physician

CFTR Modulators

Much of the current research in CF is focused on correcting the cellular defects in CF. Small molecules (medications that work when taken by mouth) that can help CF-mutated cells function more normally are being studied to improve the ability to treat CF. These medications are designed to treat the underlying cellular defects in CF rather than secondary complications of CF, which have been the focus of medical therapy of CF for the past 50 years.

Correctors are drugs that help mutated CFTR reach the epithelial cell surface where the CFTR protein normally functions as a transmembrane regulator of chloride movement out of the cell and sodium transport into the cell. Potentiators are drugs that help mutated CFTR function more effectively at the epithelial cell surface transporting chloride out of the cell and inhibiting the movement of sodium into the cell. Correctors are often designed to work on a specific CF mutation or class of mutations (e.g., mutations that alter proper folding of the CFTR protein; ΔF508 is this type of mutation). Potentiators improve the function of mutated CFTR that has reached the epithelial cell surface (gating mutations; G551D is this type of mutation) and are somewhat less mutation specific.

Ivacaftor (Kalydeco) is a new oral potentiator molecule that has been proved effective to improve cell function and clinical status in patients with CF with the G551D mutation. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2013 for patients over 6 years of age with CF with the G551D mutation. Ivacaftor is the first drug developed that targets the underlying causes of CF, the faulty CF gene G551D, and its defective CFTR protein. Ivacaftor appears to be remarkably effective for this mutation, significantly reducing sweat test values and improving lung function and weight gain. Unfortunately, the G551D mutation occurs in only 3% to 5% of all patients with CF. All patients with CF should have CFTR genotyping performed to determine if they carry the G551D mutation and could benefit from this breakthrough drug. Ivacaftor has now been approved for several other gating mutations.

Lumacaftor/ivacaftor (Orkambi), for patients who are homozygous for delta F508, combines a corrector and potentiator

and offers improvement in pulmonary function and pulmonary exacerbations.


Antibiotics are commonly administered to prevent or combat chronic respiratory tract infections. Antibiotics are administered orally, via inhalation, or intravenously depending on the infecting organism and the severity of the exacerbation. For example, azithromycin is often recommended for patients 6 years and older who are infected with P. aeruginosa and have evidence of airway inflammation, such as a chronic cough or a reduction in FEV1. Inhaled antibiotics

widely used to treat P. aeruginosa in CF include inhaled tobramycin (Bethkis) and inhaled aztreonam. Several other inhaled antibiotics are under study for the treatment of P. aeruginosa in CF at this time, such as amikacin, colistin, ciprofloxacin, and levofloxacin.

Unfortunately, a major drawback of long-term use of antibiotics is the development of bacteria that become resistant to antibiotic therapy. Moreover, the long-term use of antibiotics may lead to fungal infections of the mouth, oral pharynx, and tracheobronchial tree (see Appendix II on the Evolve site).


High-dose ibuprofen is recommended in children and young adolescents with mild CF and who have good lung function (an FEV1 less than 60% predicted) and no contradictions (e.g., gastrointestinal bleeding or renal impairment). Ibuprofen has

been shown to reduce bronchial inflammation without hindering bacterial clearance, reducing the decline in the patient's FEV1 per year, with no remarkable side effects except painless gastrointestinal bleeding in 1% to 2% of patients. High-dose

ibuprofen is thought to work by decreasing neutrophil migration and inflammation in the lungs. The initiation of ibuprofen is not recommended after the age of 13 years. Only a small percentage of US children are being prescribed ibuprofen.

Inhaled Corticosteroids and Systemic Glucocorticoids

In patients with CF, but without airway reactivity or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, the administration of inhaled corticosteroids has not shown any clear benefits and therefore is not recommended. However, inhaled corticosteroids may be beneficial in patients with CF who demonstrate airway reactivity. Systemic glucocorticoids are not recommended in children and adolescents with CF. The benefits of systemic glucocorticoids are outweighed by the adverse effects on growth retardation, glucose metabolism, development of CF-related diabetes, and cataract risks.

Lung or Heart-Lung Transplantation

Several large organ transplant centers are currently performing lung or heart-lung transplantations in selected patients with CF whose general body condition is good. According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, there has been a steady growth in the number of procedures performed annually since 2000, and 4122 adult lung transplants were reported in 2015.

The success of lung transplantation in patients with CF is as good as or better than in patients with other lung diseases (e.g., emphysema). More than 90% of patients with CF are alive 1 year after transplantation, and 80% are alive after 5 years. Lung transplantation does not change the recipient's CF abnormalities of the sinuses, trachea, pancreas, intestines, sweat glands, and reproductive glands. Patients with CF who receive normal lung transplants risk infecting their new lungs with “CF organisms” harbored in their sinuses and trachea. Immunosuppressive drugs required posttransplant may decrease the recipient's ability to fight infections caused by P. aeruginosa and B. cepacia complex. Many lung transplant centers will not accept CF patients who have B. cepacia because of demonstrated lower survival rates.3

Case Study Cystic Fibrosis

Admitting History

A 27-year-old man has a long history of respiratory problems caused by CF. Even though his medical records are incomplete, he reported on admission that his parents told him that he had experienced several episodes of pneumonia during his early years. He is an adopted child and therefore does not know his biologic family history. His parents are actively involved in his general care, which entails the home care suggestions and therapeutic procedures presented by the pulmonary rehabilitation team. He takes supplemental multivitamins and timed-release oral pancreatic enzymes regularly, as prescribed by his doctor.

During his teens he had fewer respiratory symptoms than he has today and was able to lead a relatively normal life. During that time, he took up water-skiing and became proficient in the slalom event. He is known to most of his associates as a “wonder.” Although he qualifies for disability income because of his continual shortness of breath, he is able to do various small jobs, which always relate to water-skiing. He is well known throughout the water-skiing circuit as an excellent chief judge at national and regional tournaments. In addition, he is a certified driver for jump-trick and slalom events and recently has become involved in selling water-ski tournament ropes and handles, which provides him with a small additional income.

Over the past 3 years, his cough has become more persistent and increasingly productive, with about a cupful of sputum noted daily. Over the same period, he has noted becoming short of breath when climbing stairs. Even though the man has a normal appetite, he has lost a great deal of weight over the past 2 years. On admission, he reported a history of severe shortness of breath. He denied experiencing any recent changes in bowel habits, despite his weight loss, but said that he has noticed a tendency to pass rather pale stools. Much to the chagrin of his doctor, 3 years ago he began smoking about 10 cigarettes a day, his reason being that the cigarettes “help him cough up the sputum.”

Physical Examination

On examination the patient appeared pale, cyanotic, and thin. He had a barrel chest and was using his accessory muscles of respiration. Clubbing of the fingers was present. He demonstrated a frequent, productive cough. His sputum was sweetsmelling, thick, and yellow-green. His neck veins were distended, and he showed mild to moderate peripheral edema. He stated that he had not been this short of breath in a long time.

He had a blood pressure of 142/90, heart rate of 108 beats/min, and respiratory rate of 28 breaths/min. He was afebrile. Palpation of the chest was unremarkable. Expiration was prolonged. Hyperresonant notes were elicited bilaterally during percussion. Auscultation revealed diminished breath sounds and heart sounds. Coarse crackles were heard throughout both lung fields. During his last medical checkup (about 10 months before this admission) a pulmonary function test (PFT) was conducted. Results revealed moderate to severe airway obstruction. Blood gases were not analyzed.

His chest x-ray examination on this admission revealed hyperlucent lung fields, depressed hemidiaphragms, and mild cardiac enlargement (Fig. 15.10). His hemoglobin level was 18 g%. His ABGs on 1.5 L/min oxygen by nasal cannula were

pH 7.51, PaCO2 58 mm Hg, 43 mEq/L, PaO2 66 mm Hg, and SaO2 94%. On the basis of these clinical data, the following SOAP was documented.

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FIGURE 15.10 Chest x-ray film from a 27-year-old man with cystic fibrosis.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “I've not been this short of breath in a long time.”

O Known CF patient. Skin: Pale, cyanotic; barrel chest, and use of accessory muscles of respiration; digital clubbing; cough frequent and productive; sputum: sweet-smelling, thick, yellow-green; distended neck veins and peripheral edema; vital signs: BP 142/90, HR 108, RR 28, T° normal; bilateral hyperresonant percussion notes; diminished breath sounds; coarse crackles;

CXR: Hyperlucency, flattened diaphragms, and mild cardiac enlargement; ABGs

(1.5 L/min O2 by nasal cannula): pH 7.51, PaCO2 58, 43, PaO2 66; and SaO2



Respiratory distress (general appearance, vital signs)

Excessive tracheobronchial tree secretions (productive cough, coarse crackles)

Infection likely (yellow-green sputum)

Hyperinflated alveoli (barrel chest, use of accessory muscles, CXR)

Acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with mild hypoxemia (history, ABGs)

Possible impending acute ventilatory failure

Cor pulmonale (distended neck veins, peripheral edema, CXR)

P Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (cough and deep breathe Tx q4 h), sputum culture). Oxygen Therapy Protocol (2 L/min by nasal cannula). Monitor possible impending ventilatory failure closely (pulse oximetry, vital signs, ABGs).

Forty-Eight Hours After Admission

The respiratory therapist from the consult service noted that the patient was still in respiratory distress. The man stated that he could not get enough air to sleep even 10 minutes. He appeared cyanotic and was using his accessory muscles of respiration. His vital signs were blood pressure 147/95, heart rate 117 beats/min, respiratory rate 32 breaths/min, and temperature 37°C (98.6°F).

He coughed frequently, and although his cough was weak, he produced large amounts of thick, green sputum. Hyperresonant notes were produced during percussion over both lung fields. On auscultation, breath sounds and heart sounds were diminished. Coarse crackles and wheezing were heard throughout both lung fields. No recent chest x-ray film was available. A sputum culture obtained at admission suggested the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. On a 2 L/min

oxygen cannula, his SpO2 was 92% and his ABGs were pH 7.55, PaCO2 54 mm Hg, 45 mEq/L, PaO2 57 mm Hg, and SaO2 93%.

On the basis of these clinical data, the following SOAP was documented:

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “I can't get enough air to sleep 10 minutes!”

O Cyanosis and use of accessory muscles of respiration; vital signs: BP 147/95, HR 117, RR 32, T 37°C (98.6°F); cough: frequent, weak, and productive of large amounts of thick, green sputum; Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultured; bilateral hyperresonant notes and diminished breath sounds; coarse crackles and wheezes; on a 2 L/min oxygen cannula, SpO2 92%. ABGs:

pH 7.55, PaCO2 54, 45, PaO2 57, and SaO2 93%. A

Continued respiratory distress (general appearance, vital signs, use of accessory muscles)

Excessive bronchial secretions (cough, sputum, coarse crackles)

Poor ability to mobilize secretions (weak cough)

Acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with mild to moderate hypoxemia (ABGs)

Possible impending ventilatory failure

P Start Aerosolized Medication Protocol (0.5 mL albuterol in 2 mL NS, followed by 2 mL DNase bid). Up-regulate Airway Clearance Therapy per protocol (CPT and PEP therapy q2h). Upregulate Oxygen Therapy Protocol (Venturi oxygen mask at FIO2 0.35). Continue to monitor

possible impending ventilatory failure closely.

64 Hours After Admission

The respiratory therapist noted that the patient was in obvious respiratory distress. The patient said he could not find a position that allowed him to breathe comfortably. He appeared cyanotic, was using pursed-lip breathing, and was using his accessory muscles of respiration. His vital signs were blood pressure 145/90, heart rate 120 beats/min, respiratory rate 22 breaths/min, and oral temperature 38°C (100.5°F). Chest palpation was normal, but bilateral hyperresonant percussion notes were elicited. Auscultation revealed coarse crackles and wheezing bilaterally. No recent chest radiograph was

available. ABGs on an FIO2 of 0.4 Venturi mask were pH 7.27, PaCO2 83 mm Hg, 36 mEq/L, PaO2 37 mm Hg, and SaO2 73%.

On the basis of these clinical data, the following SOAP was entered in the patient's chart.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “I can't get into a comfortable position to breathe.”

O Cyanosis; pursed-lip breathing and use of accessory muscles of respiration; vital signs BP 145/90, HR 120, RR 22, T 38°C (100.5°F); bilateral hyperresonant percussion notes, coarse

crackles, and wheezing; ABGs on FIO2 of 0.4 were pH 7.27, PaCO2 83, 36, PaO2 37, and SaO2 73%.


Continued respiratory distress (general appearance, vital signs, use of accessory muscles, pursed-lip breathing)

Acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with severe hypoxemia (ABGs, vital signs, worsening)

Lactic acidosis likely

Excessive bronchial secretions (cough, sputum, breath sounds)

P Contact physician stat. Consider Mechanical Ventilation Protocol. Continue Aerosolized Medication Protocol and Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (after patient has been placed on ventilator). Up-regulate Oxygen Therapy Protocol (initially, FIO2 0.50 and reevaluate when

patient is placed on ventilator). Monitor closely.


The science of respiratory care has advanced over the years, and the prognosis for patients with this multisystem genetic disorder has improved. In this patient's lifetime, the following therapeutic landmarks can be noted:

1.Vigorous use of chest physiotherapy (percussion and postural drainage), including percussion aids

2.The proven benefits of new drugs, such as DNase (Pulmozyme) and ivacaftor (Kalydeco)

3.Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy

4.Lung transplantation (when all else fails)

This patient had received at least three of these treatments and was in the hands of caring parents. His own stubborn nature and interest in athletics were clearly helpful in his prolonged survival. Important to note are the circumstances surrounding his admission, especially the fact that he had experienced hemoptysis, dyspnea, and weight loss during the several years preceding his admission. Note also that he had started smoking cigarettes.

In this case study, the patient's chief complaints purposely have been buried in the admitting history. The reader should have discerned that the patient was coughing productively and had dyspnea and weight loss. The recommended therapeutic strategy arises from recognition of these three presenting complaints. Note also that on admission the patient had neck vein distention and peripheral edema, suggesting cor pulmonale. If the experience with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can be extrapolated to patients with CF, this is a bad prognostic sign and one that clearly calls for intensification of the therapeutic regimen, probably from the time of the first assessment and treatment plan selection.

Note that on the initial physical examination, the patient demonstrated excessive bronchial secretions and a productive cough; no baseline ABGs existed with which to compare his current values (see Bronchospasm, Fig. 10.10). Thus the observation of an elevated PaCO2 should initially be taken very, very seriously.

At the time of the second evaluation the patient clearly was not improving. The up-regulation of Airway Clearance Therapy (see Protocol 10.2) and addition of the Aerosolized Medication Protocol at this point were appropriate (the increased chest physical therapy, along with PEP therapy every 2 hours, and Pulmozyme therapy). A repeat chest x-ray study would not be out of order at this time. At that time, more might have been made of the enlargement of pulmonary artery seen in Fig. 15.10. One could argue that the Aerosolized Medication Protocol and more aggressive bronchopulmonary hygiene should have been started earlier, including the use of mucolytics.

The third assessment clearly suggests that the patient was deteriorating despite vigorous noninvasive therapy. At this point, the patient was placed on an FIO2 of 0.5, and the stat call to the physician regarding the acute ventilatory failure

was appropriate. The addition of mechanical ventilation at this time would prevent fatigue, allow deep tracheal suctioning, and facilitate repeat therapeutic bronchoscopy if it were to become necessary.

After this initial downhill course, the patient was placed on a ventilator and slowly improved. Over the next 7 days, he was weaned from noninvasive mechanical ventilation. The therapist should note that despite all the “good” things the patient and family did to treat his illness, the patient's initiation of smoking clearly could be a “last-straw” phenomenon. The patient should be placed on a smoking cessation program. His outpatient program should have been reevaluated, more closely monitored, and possibly up-regulated as to modality selection and frequency. These steps are as important for the

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long-term prognosis, as is the skill of the practitioner caring for him during this episode of acute ventilatory failure.

Self-Assessment Questions

1. Which of the following organisms is(are) commonly found in the tracheobronchial tree secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis?


2.Haemophilus influenzae


4.Pseudomonas aeruginosa

a.1 only

b.2 only

c.1 and 4 only

d.1, 2, and 4 only

2.When two carriers of cystic fibrosis produce children, there is a: 1. 75% chance that the baby will be a carrier

2. 25% chance that the baby will be completely normal

3.50% chance that the baby will have cystic fibrosis

4.25% chance that the baby will have cystic fibrosis

a.1 only

b.3 only

c.2 and 4 only

d.1 and 2 only

3.The cystic fibrosis gene is located on which chromosome?





4.In cystic fibrosis the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following? 1. Increased FEVT

2.Decreased MVV

3.Increased RV

4.Decreased FEV1/FVC ratio a. 1 only

b. 3 only

c. 3 and 4 only

d. 2, 3, and 4 only

5.During the advanced stages of cystic fibrosis, the patient generally demonstrates which of the following?

1.Bronchial breath sounds

2.Dull percussion notes

3.Diminished breath sounds

4.Hyperresonant percussion notes

a.1 and 3 only

b.2 and 4 only

c.1 and 4 only

d.1, 3, and 4 only

6.About 80% of all patients with cystic fibrosis demonstrate a deficiency in which of the following vitamins? 1. A

2. B




a.3 and 4 only

b.1, 4, and 5 only

c.2, 3, and 4 only

d.1, 3, 4, and 5 only

7.Which of the following agents targets the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis, the faulty gene G551D, and its defective CFTR protein?



c.Inhaled DNase


8.Which of the following is(are) mucolytic agents?


