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5 курс / Пульмонология и фтизиатрия / Clinical_Manifestations_and_Assessment_of_Respiratory

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13.5). When possible, the combination of NIV with long-term oxygen therapy is preferred in patients with stable severe COPD. NIV has shown benefit in patients with significant daytime hypercapnia who have recently been hospitalized. In addition, there are excellent benefits of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in patients who have both COPD and obstructive sleep apnea. The following provides an overview of benefits of NIV, and the indications for invasive mechanical ventilation:

Benefits of Noninvasive Ventilation

Avoidance of endotracheal intubation

Reduction of problems associated with intubation

Comfort of the patient during ventilation

Reduction of muscle fatigue

The improvement of alveolar and arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide levels

The reduction of work of breathing

Indications for Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Unable to tolerate NIV

Respiratory or cardiac arrest

Massive aspiration

Severe ventricular arrhythmias

Severe hypoxemia in patients unable to tolerate NIV

Because acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure is often seen in patients with COPD exacerbation, ventilatory support is justified when the acute ventilatory failure is thought to be reversible; for example, when acute pneumonia exists as a complicating factor (see Mechanical Ventilation Protocol Protocol, 11.1, and Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Protocol Protocol, 11.2).

Aerosolized Medication Therapy Protocol

As outlined earlier by GOLD, pharmacologic therapies are used to (1) reduce the patient's symptoms, (2) decrease the risk and severity of exacerbations, and (3) improve the patient's overall health status and exercise tolerance. GOLD recommends using the clinical data obtained from the Combined COPD Assessment Tool—that is, severity of airflow, patient symptoms, and future risk for exacerbation—as the basis for establishing a safe and effective pharmacologic treatment algorithm (see Figs. 13.9 and 13.18). Furthermore, GOLD recommends an up-regulation and/or down-regulation strategy for patients placed in the Combined COPD Assessment Tool Groups (i.e., Groups A, B, C, and D) (see Fig. 13.18 and Aerosolized Medication Protocol, Protocol 10.4).

Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol

Selected patients who have excessive secretions or an ineffective cough may benefit from a number of techniques used to enhance the mobilization of bronchial secretions, such as postural drainage, positive expiratory pressure therapy, forced expiratory techniques, and flutter valve therapy (see Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol, Protocol 10.2).

Implications of the GOLD Guidelines for Respiratory Care

IMPORTANT: As the GOLD Guidelines for COPD become implemented in care settings where the respiratory therapist is employed, he or she should be aware that the Guidelines set a standard of care to an even greater extent than do therapistdriven protocols (TDPs). Thus the GOLD Guidelines almost certainly will be used as the basis for malpractice litigation and reimbursement denial—that is, if and when the Guidelines are violated. The role of the respiratory therapist to guard against this (to the extent that he or she can) cannot be overemphasized.

Case Study Chronic Bronchitis

Admitting History and Physical Examination

This 71-year-old man has worked in a cotton mill in South Carolina for the past 37 years. He smoked 40 cigarettes a day for 30 years (60 pack/year), and he also chews tobacco regularly. He sought medical assistance in the chest clinic because of a worsening chronic cough. He described it as a “smoker's cough” and stated that it was present about 4 to 5 months of the year. For the past 3 years, his cough occasionally produced grayish-yellow sputum during the winter months. The sputum was thick and yellow. He stated that he recently was short of breath during moderate exercise. He attributed this to “getting older.” The patient stated he had not been taking any pulmonary medications.

On physical examination, the patient was in mild respiratory distress. He was obese (270 lb). He occasionally generated a strong productive cough during the visit. His sputum appeared grayish-yellow. Auscultation of the chest revealed medium bilateral crackles and scattered wheezes. On a 1 L/min nasal cannula, an ABG assessment showed pH 7.36, PaCO2

87 mm Hg, HCO348 mEq/L, PaO2 64 mm Hg, and SaO2 91%. The chest radiograph revealed hyperinflation.

PFTs showed a decrease in the FEV1/FVC (65%) and a decreased FEV1 (55% of predicted). The patient's mMRC was 1,

and he had no reported exacerbations during the past 12 months. Based on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool, the patient would be classified as GOLD Grade 2, Group A (Low Exacerbation Risk, Fewer Symptoms) (see Fig. 13.9).

The respiratory therapist's assessment at this time was documented in the patient's chart as follows.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “Smoker's cough,” sputum production, dyspnea.

O Strong productive cough observed. Sputum: Yellow-gray. Breath sounds: Medium bilateral crackles throughout and scattered wheezes. On a 1 L/min nasal cannula ABG: pH 7.36, PaCO2

87, HCO348, PaO2 64, and SaO2 91%. X-ray: Hyperinflation. PFTs: FEV1/FVC ratio 65%, FEV1

55% of predicted. mMRC 1. Exacerbations 0. GOLD Grade 2, Group A. A

Combined COPD Assessment: GOLD Grade 2, Group A—Low Exacerbation Risk, Fewer Symptoms

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Mild acute exacerbation (history, physical examination, Combined COPD Assessment Tool).

Bronchospasm (wheezes)

Moderate airway secretions (medium crackles)

Good ability to mobilize secretions (strong cough and sputum production)

Chronic ventilatory failure with mild hypoxemia (ABG)

P Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (cough and deep breathing, PRN). Patient education on smoking. Refer to Smoking Cessation Clinic. Aerosolized Medication Protocolinhaled shortacting antimuscarinic antagonist (SAMA)—for example, ipratropium bromide (PRN). Continue Oxygen Therapy Protocol (1 L/min nasal cannula).

At discharge, the patient was advised to stop smoking and seek medical assistance if his sputum became progressively more thick and yellow or his dyspnea became worse. The physician also prescribed PRN use of a long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (LAMA) and a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. The Smoking Cessation Clinic prescribed slow-release nicotine patches, and the patient attended a week-long smoking cessation program. The patient did well, and at the 6-month follow-up visit he was no longer smoking. At this time, the patient stated that he had not had his “smoker's cough” or produced any sputum in weeks.

Ten Months Later

Emergency Department History and Physical Examination

The patient presented in the emergency department and was clearly not doing well. He was back to his three-packs-per- day cigarette smoking habit, and he had been physically inactive and gained 30 lb (to a weight of 300 lb) over the past 10 months. He stated that he frequently coughed, and the cough was more troublesome in the early morning. The patient also reported that his cough was now routinely productive—about 3 to 4 tablespoons of thick yellow and green sputum daily. He complained of dyspnea during light exercise (e.g., stair climbing produced shortness of breath). On some days, his increased work of breathing was more noticeable than on others. He denied hemoptysis, chest pain, orthopnea, fever, chills, or leg edema. In general, he tended to minimize his symptoms.

Despite the patient's history, on observation, his ankles were swollen, with pitting edema of 3+. His neck veins were distended. He was cyanotic. Vital signs were blood pressure 165/90, heart rate 116 bpm, and respiratory rate 26 breaths/min. His oral temperature was 98.4°F. Auscultation of the chest revealed bilateral posterior basilar wheezes and coarse crackles, which partially cleared with coughing. Expectorated sputum was copious, purulent, and yellow and green.

A bedside spirometry showed an FEV1/FVC ratio of 51% and an FEV1 of 37% of predicted. The patient's mMRC was 2,

and he had one exacerbation 10 months earlier, for a total of two per year at this point in time (see previous first SOAP note). Based on the Combined Assessment of COPD Tool, the patient was classified GOLD Grade 3, Group D (High Risk, More Symptoms) (see Fig. 13.9).

On a 1 L/min oxygen nasal cannula, his ABG values were pH 7.51, PaCO2 51 mm Hg, HCO339 mEq/L, PaO2 41 mm Hg, SaO2 84%. His resting SpO2 on room air was 83%. This improved to 89% on 2 L/min oxygen via nasal cannula. His chest x-

ray showed diffuse, fibrotic-appearing lung markings and a moderately enlarged right side of the heart. His hemoglobin was 17.8 g%.

At this time, the respiratory therapist recorded the following SOAP note in the patient's chart.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S Complains of productive cough and exertional dyspnea (history).

O Bibasilar wheezes and coarse crackles, cyanosis, obesity. Neck veins distended. 3+ leg edema. Vital signs: HR 116, BP 165/90, RR 26/min. Cough: Productive with copious yellow and green sputum. PFT: FEV1/FVC (51%), FEV1 (37% of predicted). mMRC 2. Exacerbations 2/yr:

GOLD Grade 3, Group D. CXR: Diffuse fibrotic lung markings and cardiomegaly (possible cor pulmonale). ABG on a 1 L/min nasal cannula, pH 7.51, PaCO2 51, HCO339, PaO2 41, SaO2 84%. SpO2 on 2 L/min O2 89%. Hemoglobin 17.8 g%.


Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

Combined COPD Assessment: GOLD Grade 3, Group D (High Risk, More Symptoms)

Worsening since last assessment 10 months previously

Acute exacerbation (history, physical examination, Combined COPD Assessment)

Acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with moderate to severe hypoxemia (ABG, SpO2)

Impending ventilatory failure

Bronchospasm (wheezes)

Excessive mucous accumulation (sputum, coarse crackles)

Infection (yellow and green sputum)

Tobacco addiction-worsening (history)

P Aerosolized Medication Therapy Protocol: Start on long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (LAMA) qid. Reassess in 2 hours. If exacerbation persists, change to LAMA plus LABA (longacting beta2-agonist). Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (cough and deep breathing under

supervision four times daily, cautious trial of chest physiotherapy [CPT] with postural drainage to lower lobes, three times per day). Continue Oxygen Therapy Protocol (1 L/min nasal cannula; monitor SpO2). Call physician about impending ventilatory failure and chest x-ray

report of cardiomegaly.

Over the next 2 weeks and over 60 additional SOAP assessments the patient progressively improved. Mechanical ventilation was not needed in the next 6 months of recorded follow-up. Upon discharge the patient was placed on an LAMA and an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) regimen and checked off by respiratory care on the appropriate self-administration of the bronchodilator. In addition, he was scheduled for a follow-up appointment for pulmonary rehabilitation and a smoking

cessation program.


In the first portion of this case study, clearly some of the clinical manifestations caused by excessive bronchial secretions (see Fig. 10.11) were present. These findings were documented in the first SOAP note when the therapist charted the presence of a productive cough, coarse crackle sounds, and pulmonary function findings that indicated airway obstruction. Unfortunately, the first SOAP note (and for that matter the initial admitting history) provided no clue as to the time-course of the patient's complaints. Was his condition stable or worsening? The first part of this case also illustrates a definite role for the modern respiratory therapist. Such a professional may well be working in outpatient settings (e.g., urgent care centers or emergency departments) that necessitate the evaluation and treatment of patients such as this one.

During writing of the first SOAP, the therapist appropriately identified the patient as GOLD Grade 2, Group A on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool. This classification was based on the fact that the patient demonstrated an FEV1/FVC

ratio of 65%, an FEV1 of 55%, an mMRC of 1, and no recent exacerbations (see Fig. 13.9). In addition, because the patient

was placed in Group A (Low Exacerbation Risk, Low Symptoms), the initial Aerosolized Medication Protocol—that is, the inhaled short-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (SAMA)—was appropriate according to the GOLD standard guidelines (see Fig. 13.18).

During the second portion of this case, there were more of the classic clinical manifestations associated with chronic bronchitis. For example, the patient's excessive bronchial secretions (see Fig. 10.11) not only resulted in hypoxia and cyanosis secondary to a decreased V/Q ratio and pulmonary shunting but also produced increased airway resistance that resulted in coarse crackles and a further worsening of the patient's pulmonary function performance.

The respiratory therapist correctly identified the patient as GOLD Grade 3, Group D (High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms) on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool. This was based on these clinical data: FEV1/FVC 51%, FEV1 37% of

predicted, mMRC 2, and two exacerbations during the past 12 months. Because the patient's airflow limitation was severe (GOLD Grade 3), and because his dyspnea and exacerbation risks placed him in Group D, the Aerosolized Medication Protocol appropriately included a long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist (LAMA) (see Fig. 13.18). In addition, it was noted that if the patient's exacerbation persisted after 2 hours, the treatment plan would be up-regulated to a LAMA plus a LABA (long-acting beta2-agonist) per GOLD's recommendation (see Fig. 13.18).

Regarding the second SOAP, it should be noted that the respiratory therapist was deficient in not fully documenting the new—and serious—chest x-ray findings that strongly suggested pulmonary fibrosis and cor pulmonale. This important clinical information should have been recorded in the patient's assessment and treatment plan. The presence of cor pulmonale places the patient in a 1- to 2-year survival outlook in the less than 50% range. This was a serious assessment oversight, and it should have been recognized by simply recording the abnormal chest x-ray findings in the SOAP.

At discharge, the stable patient was appropriately prescribed a LAMA and ICS regimen. In addition, a prescription for roflumilast might be considered to help reduce the number of flare-ups or exacerbations associated with excessive airway secretions (see Box 13.2). Referral to pulmonary rehabilitation was clearly indicated (see Box 13.3).

It should be noted that this case study started with the patient's persistent smoking, along with increased symptoms and worsening of his obstructive pulmonary disease (dyspnea and productive cough). At the emergency department visit, the findings on the chest radiograph also suggested cor pulmonale, which often occurs in severe bronchitis. His pulmonary function was worsening, and he had acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with moderate to severe hypoxemia. Impending ventilatory failure was a serious concern.

In addition to treating the acute symptoms with Aerosolized Medication Protocol (see Protocol 10.4) and Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (see Protocol 10.2), the respiratory therapist does not give up on the longer term and extremely important goal of modifying behavior (smoking cessation) in the patient. A complete pulmonary function test in the near future would further define the patient's disease process, in both its nature and severity. Such data are often helpful to the patient's understanding of just how ill he is and may constitute a “teachable moment” for the physician and therapist. Complete pulmonary function testing is not, however, recommended during an acute exacerbation.

Case Study Emphysema

Admitting History and Physical Examination

This 27-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with the chief complaint of dyspnea on exertion. He had a 3-year history of recurrent respiratory problems that had necessitated several hospitalizations of several days’ duration in the past. A diagnosis of alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency had been made in the outpatient clinic. This was his third hospitalization in the

past 12 months. Recently, his respiratory status had deteriorated to the point where he had to stop working. He had been employed for several years as a cook in a fast-food restaurant, where he was continuously exposed to a smoky environment. He had never smoked. On questioning, the patient related that he had been very short of breath for the past 6 weeks. He further stated that he was unable to walk up one flight of stairs without stopping; his walking tolerance had decreased, and he was walking slower and required more frequent stops when walking at his normal pace.

On physical examination, the patient appeared anxious. He was sweating profusely and was in moderate respiratory distress. He demonstrated a regular heart rate of 120 bpm, blood pressure of 140/70, respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min, and an oral temperature of 100°F. Inspection of the chest revealed suprasternal notch retraction, with some use of the accessory muscles of inspiration. The lungs were hyperresonant to percussion, and breath sounds were diminished. His I/E ratio was 1 : 4. He had a barrel chest deformity, and his nail beds were moderately cyanotic. The patient was slightly confused and unable to concentrate well.

The chest x-ray showed moderate to severe hyperinflation of the lungs. Some infiltrates were present in the lower lung regions, and possible infiltrates were also noted in the right upper lobe. The radiology report suggested the presence of a pneumonic process superimposed on chronic lung disease.

Bedside spirometry showed an FEV1/FVC ratio of 45% and a FEV1 of 25% of predicted—GOLD Grade 4 (see Box 13.5).

The patient's mMRC was 2 (see Table 13.2). He had three exacerbations during the past 12 months. Based on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool, the patient was classified as a GOLD Grade 4, Group D (High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms) (see Fig. 13.9).

His ABGs while on 1 L/min O2 via nasal cannula were pH 7.53, PaCO2 66 mm Hg, HCO353 mEq/L, PaO2 48 mm Hg, SaO2

87%. Laboratory studies revealed a hemoglobin of 16.5 g/dL and a white blood cell count of 15,000/mm3. Sputum Gram stains were positive for a variety of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms. His serum alpha1-antitrypsin level as an

outpatient had recently been 30 mg/dL (normal = 150 to 350 mg/dL). The respiratory assessment read as follows.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “I'm short of breath with any exercise at all.” Cough for past 6 weeks.

O HR 120, BP 140/70, RR 32, and temp 100°F. Use of accessory muscles of inspiration, increased AP diameter, cyanosis. Hyperresonant percussion note and diminished breath

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sounds. I/ E ratio 1 : 4. Lower lung infiltrates, hyperinflation of lungs on CXR. PFT: FEV1/FVC ratio (45%), FEV1 (25% of predicted). mMRC 3. Exacerbations three/year—GOLD Grade 4, Group D. ABGs on 1 L/min nasal cannula: pH 7.53, PaCO2 66, HCO353, PaO2 48, SaO2 87%. Elevated WBC, gram-positive organisms in the sputum. Alpha1-antitrypsin: 30 mg/dL.


Panacinar emphysema (history, alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency)

Combined COPD Assessment Tool: GOLD Grade 4, Group D—High Risk, More Symptoms)

Acute exacerbation (history, physical examination, PFT)

Acute alveolar hyperventilation on chronic ventilatory failure with moderate/severe hypoxemia (ABGs)

Impending ventilatory failure

Pulmonary hyperinflation (x-ray, diminished breath sounds, barrel chest)

Probable pneumonitis (x-ray)

P Notify doctor about acute ventilatory failure stat. Place patient on NIV. Have pressure-limited ventilator on standby. Oxygen Therapy Protocol (Venturi mask at FIO2 0.28). Monitor and

evaluate per ICU standing orders (SpO2, vital signs). Aerosolized Medication Protocol (e.g., LAMA + LABA). Check ABG in 30 min.

The hospital course was relatively smooth. The Venturi oxygen mask therapy, at an FIO2 of 0.28, was enough to increase the patient's PaO2 to an acceptable level. Within an hour the patient's ABGs on an FIO2 of 0.28 were pH 7.36, PaCO2 61 mm Hg, HCO334 mEq/L, PaO2 76 mm Hg, and SaO2 93%. The patient's heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure

returned to normal over the next hour.

Blood serology studies suggested Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Intravenous antibiotics were prescribed. The patient was managed conservatively and improved steadily. When he appeared to have had the maximum benefit from the hospitalization, he was discharged with an oxygen concentrator, a portable “stroller,” and an oxygen-conserving device. He was instructed to use O2 at 1 L/min at rest and 2.5 L/min with exercise for 18 to 24 hours a day. Arrangements were made

to have him enroll in an alpha1-antitrypsin therapy trial and attend pulmonary rehabilitation classes. He was urged to secure employment elsewhere, in a clean air environment.


This fascinating (but fortunately rare) form of emphysema is one in which “pure” emphysema is the dominant pathology. In patients with alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, chronic bronchitis may be present, but it is much less common than is the

usual, cigarette smoking–induced COPD. In this condition, the patient's deficiency of the protease inhibitor alpha1-

antitrypsin resulted in white blood cell–mediated protease destruction of his pulmonary parenchyma. Note the slow, insidious onset of his symptoms.

The respiratory therapist accurately classified the patient as GOLD Grade 4, Group D (High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms).

The clinical data that supported this decision were an FEV1/FVC ratio of 45% and a FEV1 of 25% of predicted, the GOLD

classification of 4, the mMRC of 2, and the fact that the patient had three exacerbations during the past 12 months (see Fig. 13.9).

In this case, because there was no wheezing noted on auscultation, it may not have been absolutely necessary to activate the Aerosolized Medication Protocol to give this patient an inhaled bronchodilator, per GOLD's pharmacologic treatment algorithm guidelines (see Box 13.5). However, given the fact that the ABG findings confirmed acute alveolar hyperventilation on chronic ventilatory failure, which indicates impending ventilatory failure, the administration of LAMA + LABA was justified. Furthermore, because this patient was placed in Group D, a prescription for ICS and a long-acting beta2 agent may be considered at discharge (see Box 13.3).

The patient's emphysema or distal airway and alveolar weakening (see Fig. 10.12) were complicated by additional anatomic alterations of the lungs (i.e., alveolar consolidation) (see Fig. 10.8). The alveolar consolidation was reflected in the patient's immune-inflammatory response (fever and increased white blood cell count), alveolar infiltrates (x-ray), low PaO2 (caused by a decreased V/Q ratio and intrapulmonary shunting), and abnormal vital signs (see Fig. 10.8). The effects

of distal airway and alveolar weakening were reflected in the patient's increased AP diameter, use of accessory muscles of inspiration, hyperresonant percussion note, diminished breath sounds, PFT results, and the chest x-ray film, which showed alveolar hyperinflation and “probable pneumonitis” (see Figs. 13.10, 13.12, and 13.13).

The selection of a good program of oxygen supplementation was certainly indicated. Note the selection of a Venturi oxygen mask, which allowed for a safe and precise FIO2 control regardless of the patient's respiratory rate or tidal volume.

Pneumococcal and influenza prophylaxis was certainly indicated in this case. Frequent intravenous administration of alpha1-antitrypsin replacement represents modern therapy in the treatment of this unusual disease, as does counseling the

patient that he should not knowingly expose himself to irritants such as those present in the smoky environment of his workplace. Replacement alpha1-antitrypsin therapy does not repair the alveolar damage that has already occurred, but is

thought to stabilize the condition.

Case Study Example of Classic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Admitting History and Physical Examination

A 78-year-old man was brought to this Chicago, Illinois, emergency department by his adult son. The son stated that his father had a long history of cardiopulmonary problems with chronic productive cough and had been diagnosed as having COPD about 15 years ago. Over the past 10 years, the patient had been admitted to this hospital on several occasions for COPD exacerbations.

Bedside spirometry showed an FEV1/FVC ratio of 45% and a FEV1 of 25% of predicted—GOLD Grade 4. The patient's

mMRC was 2. He had three exacerbations during the past 12 months. Based on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool, the patient was classified as GOLD Grade 4, Group D (High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms) (see Fig. 13.9).

At the time of his last hospital discharge (7 months ago), the patient's electronic records showed that his baseline FEV1/FVC ratio was 55% and his FEV1 was 35% of predicted—GOLD Grade 3 (see Table 13.1). His DLCO was 60% of

predicted. At the time of this hospitalization his mMRC was 3 (see Table 13.2). It was noted that the patient was experiencing his second exacerbation within the past year. Based on the Combined COPD Assessment Tool, the patient was classified as a GOLD Grade 3, Group D patient (High Risk, More Symptoms) (see Fig. 13.9). On a 1 L/min oxygen cannula,

his baseline ABG values at his previous hospital discharge had been as follows: pH 7.37, PaCO2 93 mm Hg, HCO352 mEq/L, PaO2 63 mm Hg, and SaO2 90%.

The patient had a long history of cigarette smoking, as well as working many long hours in smoke-filled rhythm-and-blues clubs throughout the Chicago area for over 55 years. The patient had been a rhythm-and-blues guitar player since the late 1950s. He had worked with many of the greats—Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, KoKo Taylor, Lonnie Brooks, and Candy Foster and the Shades of Blue. The patient stated that although he no longer worked in smoke-filled bars, he still smoked two to three packs of cigarettes per day. The patient's son stated that when he had checked in on his father earlier that day, he realized that his father was very confused and disoriented. The son immediately transported his father to the emergency department. The patient had “run out” of previously prescribed medications about 2 months earlier. He also stated that he “could not afford” most of them.

On examination, the patient appeared to be in moderate to severe respiratory distress. He was anxious, confused, and disoriented. The patient stated that he could not take a deep enough breath. His vital signs were as follows: respiratory rate 35 breaths/min, heart rate 145 bpm, blood pressure 145/90, and temperature 98.6°F. The patient was moderately overweight and had a barrel chest. His skin appeared cyanotic. He had a frequent weak cough. He produced a moderate amount of purulent, gray-yellow sputum with each cough. In an upright position, he used accessory muscles of inspiration. Exhalations were prolonged with pursed-lip breathing. He had 3+ pitting edema of his legs, ankles, and feet. His neck veins were distended. The patient had clubbing of his fingers and toes.

Palpation revealed decreased chest expansion. Hyperresonant percussion notes were present over both lung fields. Auscultation revealed diminished heart and breath sounds, with bilateral wheezes and coarse crackles heard over all lung fields. An x-ray taken in the emergency department with a portable film showed lung hyperinflation, depressed diaphragms, increased bronchial vascular markings, and an apparent enlargement of the heart. Bedside spirometry was attempted, but the patient was too weak and confused to generate a good expiratory maneuver. ABG values on a 2 L/min oxygen cannula were pH 7.24, PaCO2 110 mm Hg, HCO346 mEq/L, PaO2 47 mm Hg, and SaO2 77%. Laboratory results

revealed a hemoglobin level of 19.0 g%.

The respiratory therapist working in the emergency department documented the following assessment.

Respiratory Assessment and Plan

S “I can't take a deep breath.”

O Moderate to severe respiratory distress. Vital signs: RR 35, HR 145, BP 145/90, T 98.6°F. Barrel chest, cyanotic, frequent weak cough, moderate amount of purulent, gray-yellow sputum, using accessory muscles of inspiration, prolonged exhalation, pursed-lip breathing, 3+ pitting edema of legs, ankles, and feet. Distended neck veins, digital clubbing. Decreased chest expansion. AUS: Diminished heart and breath sounds. Bilateral wheezes and coarse crackles in all lung fields. PFT baseline (7 months earlier): FEV1/FVC ratio 55%, FEV 35% of predicted,

GOLD 3, DLCO 60% of predicted, mMRC 3. Exacerbations: Two/yr. CXR: hyperinflation, depressed diaphragms, increased bronchial vascular markings, and an enlarged heart. ABG values on 2 L/min O2: pH 7.24, PaCO2 110, HCO346, PaO2 47, SaO2 77%. Hemoglobin 19.0 g%.


Combined COPD Assessment Tool: GOLD Grade 3, Group D—High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms (GOLD 3, mMRC 3, exacerbations 2/yr.)

Acute COPD exacerbation (history, physical examination, PFT)

History of poor medication compliance, persistent smoking

Acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure with moderate to severe hypoxemia (ABGs)

Bronchospasm (wheezing)

Excessive airway secretions (COPD history, coarse crackles, purulent, gray-yellow secretions)

Pulmonary infection (yellow sputum)

Poor ability to mobilize secretions (weak cough effort)

Air trapping (hyperresonant percussion notes, hyperinflation on x-ray film, barrel chest)

Probable cor pulmonale (swollen feet, ankles, and legs; enlarged heart on x-ray)

P Notify physician stat regarding acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure. Possible cor pulmonale. Recommend noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation Protocol and Oxygen Therapy Protocol. Start Airway Clearance Therapy Protocol (chest physical therapy four times daily, suctioning PRN). Start Aerosolized Medication Protocol (e.g., SABA and antimuscarinic agents) until physician can be reached. If the physician agrees, set up ventilator per noninvasive mechanical ventilation protocol.


This case nicely demonstrates the clinical manifestations associated with both chronic bronchitis and emphysema—that is, COPD. The clinical manifestations of chronic bronchitis seen in this case include chronic productive cough, cor pulmonale (swollen lower extremities and distended neck veins), coarse crackles and wheezing on auscultation, digital clubbing, and polycythemia (elevated hemoglobin level).

The clinical indicators that supported that the patient's bronchitis was also complicated by emphysema was shown by his DLCO of 60% of predicted, the use of his accessory muscles of inspiration, his hyperresonant percussion note, and the presence of his pursed-lip breathing. The fact that he was in hypoxemic, hypercapnic—and that he required ventilatory support—does not help separate the two diagnoses. These ABG abnormalities can be seen in either condition.

The clinical manifestations (clinical scenarios) in this case are caused by the anatomic alterations of the lungs associated with both chronic bronchitis (see clinical scenarios shown in bronchospasm Fig. 10.10, excessive bronchial secretions Fig. 10.11, and emphysema, see clinical scenario shown in Fig. 10.12 [distal airway and alveolar weakening]).

The respiratory therapist appropriately classified the patient as GOLD Grade 3, Group D—High Exacerbation Risk, More Symptoms via the Combined COPD Assessment Tool. The justification for this was based on the patient's FEV1/FVC of 55%,

FEV1 of 35% of predicted, GOLD classification of 3, mMRC of 2, and the fact that the patient had two exacerbations during the past 12 months (see Fig. 13.9).

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Treatment in this case was first driven by the selection of noninvasive ventilation in the Ventilator Management Protocol —the patient demonstrated hypoxemic, hypercapnic respiratory failure, and clearly required ventilator support (see Chapter 11, Respiratory Insufficiency, Respiratory Failure, and Ventilation Management Protocols). With this in place, the Oxygen Therapy Protocol and elements of the Airway Clearance Therapy and Aerosolized Medication Protocols were begun with standard protocol specifics. Because the patient was evidently in an acute COPD exacerbation, the Aerosolized Medication Protocol appropriately included SABA and antimuscarinic agents per the GOLD COPD acute exacerbation guidelines (see Box 13.5). In addition, the administration of systemic corticosteroids may have been considered in this case to help shorten the patient's recovery time and improve his FEV1 and PaO2 level (see Box 13.5). Once the patient is stable,

long-term therapy with ICS with LABA should be prescribed (see Box 13.2). In addition, a prescription for roflumilast might be considered to help reduce the number of flare-ups or exacerbations associated with excessive airway secretions (see Box 13.2).

Unfortunately, this patient did not do well and became ventilator-dependent. He died in a skilled nursing facility 3 months later, still “missing his smokes” and listening to rhythm-and-blues on his iPod.

Self-Assessment Questions

1.In chronic bronchitis:

1.The bronchial walls are narrowed because of vasoconstriction

2.The bronchial glands are enlarged

3.The number of goblet cells is decreased

4.The number of cilia lining the tracheobronchial tree is increased

a.1 only

b.2 only

c.3 only

d.3 and 4 only

2.Which of the following bacteria are commonly found in the tracheobronchial tree of patients with chronic bronchitis?


2.Haemophilus influenzae


4.Streptococcus pneumoniae

a.1 only

b.2 only

c.3 and 4 only

d.2 and 4 only

3.In chronic bronchitis, the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following? 1. Increased FVC

2.Decreased FEV1/FVC ratio

3.Increased VC

4.Decreased FEV1

a.2 only

b.1 and 3 only

c.2 and 4 only

d.3 and 4 only

4.The patient with severe chronic bronchitis (late stage) commonly has which of the following arterial blood gas values?

1.Normal pH

2.Decreased HCO3

3.Increased PaCO2

4.Normal PaO2

a.1 only

b.1 and 3 only

c.2 and 3 only

d.3 and 4 only

5.Patients with severe chronic bronchitis may demonstrate which of the following? 1. Peripheral edema

2.Distended neck veins

3.An elevated hemoglobin concentration

4.An enlarged liver

a.3 only

b.2 and 4 only

c.2, 3, and 4 only

d.1, 2, 3, and 4

6.What type of emphysema creates an abnormal enlargement of all structures distal to the terminal bronchioles?

a.Centrilobular emphysema

b.Alpha1-protease inhibitor deficiency emphysema

c.ZZ phenotype emphysema

d.Panlobular emphysema

7.What is the normal range of alpha1-antitrypsin?

a.0 to 150 mg/dL

b.150 to 350 mg/dL

c.350 to 500 mg/dL

d.500 to 750 mg/dL

8.The DLCO of patients with severe emphysema is:




d.The DLCO test is not used to assess emphysema patients.

9.Patients with severe emphysema commonly demonstrate which of the following oxygenation indices?


2.Increased O2ER

3.Decreased DO2


a.1 only

b.3 only

c.4 only

d.1, 2, and 3 only

10.Which phenotype is associated with the lowest serum concentration of alpha1-antitrypsin?

a.MM phenotype

b.MZ phenotype

c.ZZ phenotype

d.M phenotype

11.Which of the following pulmonary function study findings are associated with severe emphysema?

1.Increased FRC

2.Decreased PEFR

3.Increased RV

4.Decreased FVC

a.3 and 4 only

b.2 and 3 only

c.2, 3, and 4 only

d.1, 2, 3, and 4

12.The patient with severe COPD commonly demonstrates which of the following hemodynamic indices?

1.Decreased CVP


3.Decreased RVSWI

4.Increased PVR

a.1 only

b.3 only

c.2 and 4 only

d.1 and 2 only

13.Because acute ventilatory changes are often seen in patients with chronic ventilatory failure (compensated respiratory acidosis), the respiratory therapist must be alert for this problem in patients with severe COPD. Which of the following arterial blood gas values represent(s) acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure?

1.Increased pH

2.Increased PaCO2

3.Increased HCO3

4.Increased PaO2

a.2 only

b.2 and 4 only

c.1 and 3 only

d.1, 2, and 3 only

14.The lung parenchyma in the chest radiograph of a patient with emphysema appears:



3.More translucent than normal


a.2 only

b.1 and 3 only

c.2 and 3 only

d.3 and 4 only

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15.What is the single most common etiologic factor in emphysema?

a.Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

b.Cigarette smoking


d.Sulfur dioxide

1Modified from GOLD, Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Revised 2018. (http://www.goldcopd.org). GOLD is recognized as a worldwide leading authority for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of COPD.

2The asthma and COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) is discussed in Chapter 14, Asthma.

3Biomass energy sources include the burning of garbage, crop residue, landfill, alcohol fuels, and wood.

4It should be noted that the current definition for these respiratory disorders (i.e., chronic bronchitis and emphysema), even if occurring as a singular disease, is often called COPD if there is airflow limitation.

1Chronic bronchitis and emphysema frequently occur together as a disease complex referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Patients with COPD typically demonstrate clinical manifestations of both chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

5To obtain the complete report of the GOLD management program for COPD, go to http://www.goldcopd.org.

6Thus, all cause readmission prevention program (CRPP) .

7Asthma and COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) is discussed in Chapter 14, Asthma.

C H A P T E R 1 4



National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Global Initiative for Asthma

Anatomic Alterations of the Lungs

Etiology and Epidemiology

Risk Factors in Asthma

Diagnosis of Asthma

Other Diagnostic Tests for Asthma

Overview of the Cardiopulmonary Clinical Manifestations Associated With Asthma

General Management of Asthma

Control-Based Asthma Management Program

The Stepwise Management Approach to Control Asthma Symptoms and Reduce Risk Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the Treatment of Asthma

Indications for Referral for Expert Evaluation Protocol When Asthma Is Controlled Management of Asthma Exacerbation

Management of Asthma With Comorbidities and Special Populations

Respiratory Care Treatment Protocols Case Study: Asthma Self-Assessment Questions


After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

Describe the role of the national and international guidelines in the management of asthma.

Describe the anatomic alterations of the lungs associated with asthma.

Describe the etiology and epidemiology of asthma.

List risk factors associated with asthma.

Describe the cardiopulmonary clinical manifestations associated with asthma.

Describe the general management of asthma.

Describe the clinical strategies and rationales of the SOAPs presented in the case study.

Define key terms and complete self-assessment questions at the end of the chapter and on Evolve.


Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) Allergic or Atopic Asthma

Anaphylactic Hypersensitivity Reaction Anaphylaxis

Anticholinergic Agents Aspirin-Induced Asthma (AIA)

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) Asthma Control Action Plan

Asthma Phenotype Beta2-Agonist Bronchial Thermoplasty Charcot-Leyden Crystals Controller Medications

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Cough Variant Asthma

Curschmann Spirals Difficult-to-Treat Asthma Dust Mites Environmental Factors Eosinophils

Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) Extrinsic Asthma (allergic atropic asthma)

Fractional Concentration of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Host Factors Immunologic Mechanism

Immunoglobulin E–Mediated Allergic Reaction Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICSs)

Instrinsic asthma (nonallergic or nontopic asthma) Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (LTRA)

National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Occupational Asthma

Occupational Sensitizers Pulsus Paradoxus

Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST) Refractory Asthma

Reliever (Rescue) Medications Remodeling

Respiratory Infectious Disease Panel (RIDP) Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Short-Acting Beta2-Agonists (SABAs)

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Specific Immunoglobulin E (sIgE) Status Asthmaticus

Sublingual Allergen Immunotherapy (SLIT) Treatment-Resistant Asthma

Valved Holding Chamber (VHC)

Hippocrates first recognized asthma more than 2000 years ago. Today, asthma remains one of the most common diseases encountered in clinical medicine. The burdens associated with asthma in the United States—and worldwide—are enormous. Although the precise annual numbers are not known, it is estimated that asthma is linked to a multitude of lost school days, countless missed work days, numerous doctor visits, frequent hospital outpatient visits, and recurrent emergency department visits and hospitalizations.

Asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation and is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and cough that vary over time and in intensity and includes variable expiratory airflow limitation. Both the symptoms and airflow limitation typically vary over time and in intensity. The variations in symptoms and airflow limitation are commonly triggered by factors such as exercise, allergen or irritant exposure, change in weather, or viral respiratory infection. The patient's symptoms and airflow limitation may resolve spontaneously or in response to medications and may be absent for weeks or months at a time. In addition, the patient may experience episodic flare-ups (exacerbation) that may be life-threatening. Asthma episodes are usually associated with airway hyperresponsiveness to direct and indirect stimuli and chronic airway inflammation.

Asthma is also described as a heterogeneous disease that commonly has a set of observable characteristics that result from the interaction of the patient's genotype with the environment—called asthma phenotype. The more common asthma phenotypes include the following:

Allergic or atopic asthma: This asthma phenotype is the most easily identified. It typically appears in childhood and is associated with a family history of allergic disorders such as eczema, allergic rhinitis, or food or drug allergies. Before treatment, the sputum of these patients often reveals eosinophilic airway inflammation. Patients with allergic asthma usually respond well to therapy with inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs).

Nonallergic asthma: This asthma phenotype is seen in some adults who do not have allergies. The cellular characteristics of the sputum in these patients may be neutrophilic, eosinophilic, or only a few inflammatory cells. Patients with nonallergic asthma usually do not respond well to ICS therapy

Late-onset asthma: Some adults, especially women, develop asthma for the first time in adult life. These patients are usually nonallergic and typically require higher doses of ICS therapy and are relatively resistant to corticosteroid treatment.

Asthma with fixed airflow limitation: Some patients with a long history of asthma develop a