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Conditionals Unreal Condition I

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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using a suitable conditional:


Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1.If both computers tried to use the disk simultaneously, there would obviously be problems, so various systems are used to ensure that every machine on the network checks that the network is free.

2.If we were to build a robot to be used in the assembling of automobiles and if our robot had the specific task of mounting wheels on the car, the instructions for this process would be input into the computer.

3.If the computer were to print on paper eighty characters wide, there would be eighty hammers in the use on that printer.

4.If the hidden unit activations were allowed to propagate to the output of the network, the characteristic response would appear.

5.If we were to stand motionless and hold a weight in our arms, we would grow tired, but we would not be performing work in physical sense of the term.

6.If you made up data and put it into a computer problem, you would not be able to have any idea of whether the computer results are correct or incorrect.

7.If a customer were not satisfied with the end result, even if the software met the requirements, then for the customer, it would not be a good quality.


8.If the workstation were located in a place where only authorized or trusted people had access, the securing the BIOS or the boot loader would not be necessary.

9.If many copies were needed then the ink-jet printer would have to print each copy individually.

10.If a program were written too hastily, valuable time might be lost subsequently in implementing the necessary changes.

11.If large public displays could be integrated into this kind of game, the content would be viewed and shared.

12.If one of the component circuits developed a fault, it would be needed to locate the faulty unit, throw it away and plug in a new one.

13.If the Holmes system should somehow become obsolete or unusable in the future, the data would remain usable because XML preserves structure.

14.Should a man go into store-rooms for radioactive materials, the radiation would kill him.

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences.

1. If you were always near ... . 2. If I ever told you a lie ... . 3. If they really knew each other ... . 4. If they were allowed their own way ... . 5. If you left me alone in the house ... . 6. If the weather weren't so nasty now ... . 7. If he did his job in time ... . 8. If you stayed with us in summer ... . 9. If she liked apples ... . 10. If we lived in Moscow ... . 11. If he worked harder

... .

Exercise 4. Supply the following sentences with suitable if- clauses.

1. ... you would get into trouble. 2. ... the man would return to his native place. 3. I'd be at a loss what to do if... . 4. He would visit us much oftener if ... . 5. She would oblige me greatly if ... . 6. I should feel much safer if ...

. 7. Where would you live if ...? 8. We should miss the news on the radio if




... . 9. He would work in the garden if ....

10. The girl would buy this dress

if ... .

11. They wouldn't recognize me if

... . 12. We should be tired if ... .

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вы знали бы грамматику лучше, если бы уделяли ей больше внимания. 2. Если бы вы знали грамматику лучше, вы не делали бы так много ошибок. 3. На вашем месте я бы выучил сначала слова. 4.

Если бы вас действительно интересовали иностранные языки, вы изучали бы их. 5. Если бы он не был занят, он помог бы нам. 6. Если бы она не была так упряма, она пошла бы с нами. 7. Если бы не было так холодно сейчас, мы пошли бы гулять в парк. 8. Было бы чудесно,

если бы в субботу не было дождя. 9. Я научился бы водить машину,

если бы она была у меня. 10. Если бы он вернулся, вы не узнали бы его, ведь прошло много времени. 11. Если бы он был сейчас в городе,

он бы поздравил тебя с днем рождения. 12. Кто бы еще мог это сделать, если бы тебя не было здесь? 13. Они чаще ходили бы в музеи, если бы у них было больше свободного времени. 14. К кому бы вы обратились за помощью, если бы попали в беду?

Exercise 6. Imagine something you want very much. Make your own statements as follows:

If only I had money I'd travel a lot.

If only I had your talent I'd become a film-star.

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