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Unit 6


1. Подберите для английских слов и словосочетаний русские эквиваленты.


a plaintiff


уголовное дело


a defendant


подавать в суд


a civil suit


ответчик по апелляции


a government


гражданский иск


to prosecute


подавать апелляцию


to sue




a criminal case




to file an appeal


преследовать в судебном или уголовном порядке


an appellant



10. an appellee



2.Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из упражнения 1.

1.____________ sues _______________ in civil suits in trial courts.

2.The government _____________ defendants in a ______________________ in trial courts.

3.The losing party may ask a higher (appellate) court to review the case. If the law gives the loser the right to a higher court review, his or her lawyers will ________________ .

4.A person who files a formal appeal demanding appellate review as a matter of right is known as the _______________. His or her opponent is the __________________.

5.In a ___________, the victim brings a case against the offender or a third party for causing physical or emotional injuries.

6.The judicial process in a _____________ differs from a civil case in several important ways.

3.Подберите для английских слов и словосочетаний русские эквиваленты.








предмет спора или тяжбы




краткое письменное изложение дела




процессуальная история


procedural history



















4. Прочитайте (2 мин) краткое изложение дела (BRIEF). Соедините части текста (1 - 7) с их описаниями (a - g).


A student brief is a short summary and analysis of the case prepared for use in classroom discussion. It is a set of notes, presented in a systematic way, in order to sort out the parties, identify the issues, ascertain what was decided, and analyze the reasoning behind decisions made by the courts.

Case briefing helps you acquire the skills of case analysis and legal reasoning. Briefing a case helps you understand it.

a) The chain of argument which led the judges in either a majority or a dissenting opinion to rule


as they did.

b)Who are the parties to the lawsuit, what is their dispute, and how did they get to the court?

c)The majority’s basic answer to the basic legal question in the case.

d)Name of the case (parties, date published, case-reporting publication, court).

e)The basic legal question regarding what specific provision of law that is to be decided in the case.

f)The disposition of the case in the lower court(s) that explains how the case got to the court whose opinion you are reading.

g)The political, economic or social impacts of the decision.








Sample Legal Brief

1.Citation: Goss v. Lopez, No. 73-898, SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, 419 U.S. 565; 95 S. Ct. 729; 42 L. Ed. 2d 725; 1975 U.S. LEXIS 23, October 16, 1974, Argued, January 22, 1975

2.Facts: Students in the Columbus, Ohio, public schools brought this suit. The students claimed that their constitutional right to due process had been violated when they were suspended temporarily without a hearing prior to their suspensions. The Ohio Code provides for free education for all students between the ages of six and twenty one. Principals may suspend students for misconduct for up to ten days or expel them. In such cases, the school officials must notify parents of the suspension or expulsion within twenty four hours and include a notice of the reasons. Suspended students may appeal to the board of education. The suspensions of the ten students, who brought this action, occurred during a period of widespread unrest in the Columbus public schools.

3.Issue: Whether students may be suspended for ten days or less without due process of law.

4.Procedural History: The district court held that due process applies when students are suspended from school for ten days or less.

5.Holding: Suspensions of ten days or less are not de minimis. Due process is required before school officials can suspend students.

6.Reasoning: Under Ohio law, the plaintiffs had a right to public education; therefore, school officials must accord them due process before depriving them of protected interests. Schools have broad authority to establish and enforce standards of conduct; however, such authority is subject to constitutional limitations. Students have a property interest under the Fourteenth Amendment to an education. The court reasoned that “the State is constrained to recognize a student’s legitimate entitlement to a public education as a property interest which is protected by the Due Process Clause and which may not be taken away for misconduct without adherence to the minimum procedures required by that Clause.” The Due Process Clause also protects liberty interests to a good name and reputation from arbitrary action by the state. Short suspensions are less intrusive on students’ rights than are expulsions; however, exclusion from the educational system for ten days is not de minimis.

In order to protect property and liberty interests, courts cannot permit school systems to impose suspensions in any way they deem appropriate. If due process applies, what process is due? Due process requires notice and a hearing prior to suspension for ten days or less. A hearing consists in giving the student “an opportunity to explain his/her version of the facts.”

The court stopped short of requiring more extensive due process protections—right to counsel, confronting and cross examining witness-es, and compulsory process for witnesses—in suspensions of


ten days or less. The court recognized that requiring extensive due process protec-tions in short-term suspensions would overwhelm the resources of the schools. Providing students and their parents with notice and an informal hearing to tell their version of the incident “will provide a meaningful hedge against erroneous action.” The court further noted that more extensive due process requirements are required in long-term suspensions.

7. Significance: Goss established that due process is required before students may be suspended for ten days or less. The nature of the due process required will depend upon the severity of the consequences for the students. In general, suspensions, of ten days or less, require notice and an opportunity to be heard. Longer suspensions usually require a formal hearing with the opportunity to present witness, the opportunity to subpoena witness, the opportunity to confront witnesses, and the right to counsel.

5.Прочитайте разделы 1 и 2 краткого изложения дела. Ответьте на вопросы.

What is the name of the case? Who is the defendant?

Who is the plaintiff (claimant)?

What is the defendant alleged to have done?

6.Прочитайте остальные разделы (3 - 7). Ответьте на вопросы.

What was the lower court ruling?

What was the decision of the Supreme Court and the reasoning for it?

7. Самостоятельная работа. Используя различные источники, найдите примеры дел и составьте краткое письменное изложение дела.



1. Прочитайте описание уголовного дела и ответьте на вопросы.

On June 17, 1987, at 10:32 p.m., a call was received at the 911 service of the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. The female caller said, "I just shot my husband," and gave the address as 1799 Lamont Street, N.W. Detective Sal Palmer responded to the call and reached the house at 10:38 p.m.

Detective Palmer met Martha Monroe at the door. Mrs. Monroe led the Detective to a bedroom upstairs. When Detective Palmer entered the bedroom, he saw a fully clothed man, later identified as George Monroe, Martha Monroe's husband, lying face down on the bed covered with a light blanket. The blanket had three bullet holes in it, and several blood stains.

Detective Palmer ascertained that the man on the bed was dead, and asked Mrs. Monroe who he was and what had happened. She responded "I shot my husband," and pointed to the dresser near the bed on which was a revolver. Detective Palmer read Mrs. Monroe her Miranda rights, and placed her under arrest.

Later, at the station, Mrs. Monroe waived her right to counsel and to remain silent. Detective Palmer questioned her, after which he wrote up a statement. Mrs. Monroe signed it. The prosecution charges Mrs. Monroe with the First Degree Murder of her husband, George Monroe [D.C. Code, Sec. 22-2401].

Martha Monroe admits that she shot her husband, but now, through her attorney, asserts that the she acted in self defense. Mrs. Monroe now claims that for the entire time of her marriage to George Monroe she has been the victim of severe and continual physical and emotional abuse from him; she says the last time he beat her he almost killed her. She claims that because of this abuse she is suffering from Battered Woman Syndrome, and that she shot her husband because she had a reasonable belief that even though her husband was asleep, her life was in imminent danger. She claims she had no choice but to kill him.

What happened on June 17, 1987, at 10:32 p.m.?

Who came to the place of the crime? What did he find?

Who is the defendant?

What did Martha Monroe say to Detective?

What did she claim later? How did she explain her action?

2. Работа в парах. Заполните повестку в суд для Марты Монро.


Indictment – обвинительный акт

Superseding Indictment – новый обвинительный акт, заменяющий предыдущий в связи с изменением обстоятельств дела

Probation Violation Petition – заявление о нарушении правил условного освобождения Information – жалоба, обвинение

Superseding Information – новое обвинение, заменяющее предыдущее в связи с изменением обстоятельств дела

Supervised Release Violation Petition – заявление о нарушении правил освобождения под


Violation Notice – уведомление о допущенном нарушении Order of Court – судебный приказ

Complaint – официальное обвинение, иск perjury – лжесвидетельство

NOTE: More serious criminal charges are called indictable offences. Major indictable offences include offences such as murder, rape, arson, perjury, threatening or endangering life and culpable driving causing death.



District of Columbia

United States of America v.



Case No.


YOU ARE SUMMONED to appear before the United States district court at the time, date, and place set forth below to answer to one or more offenses or violations based on the following document

filed with the court:








Superseding Indictment

Probation Violation Petition





Supervised Release Violation Petition


Superseding Information




Violation Notice

Order of Court













Courtroom No.:







Date and Time:









This offense is briefly described as follows:

Date: _________________________



Issuing officer’s signature




Printed name and title

I declare under penalty of perjury that I have:


Executed and returned this summons

Returned this summons unexecuted

Date: ________________



Server’s signature




Printed name and title


3. Изучите повестку в суд по гражданскому делу. Сравните ее с повесткой по уголовному делу. На английском языке расскажите о сходствах и различиях.


__________ District of __________






Civil Action No.


To: (Defendant’s name and address)

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are:

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court.



Date: ______________________



Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk

4. Самостоятельная работа. Используя различные источники (Интернет, Гражданский процессуальный кодекс), найдите образцы повесток в суд в России и ответьте на вопросы.

1.Who usually receives summons?

2.How are summons delivered to the participants of the trial?

3.What information does the summons include?

4.What happens if somebody refuses to accept a summons?

5.Compare American and Russian summons. What does it have in common? What is different?



Повторение грамматики: причастие в функции определения, обстоятельства, объектный падеж с причастием и самостоятельный причастный оборот

1. Причастие в функции определения (Present Participle Active, Present Participle Passive, Past Participle Passive):

The judge presiding over the trial was totally impartial.

The witness being questioned by the prosecutor is giving false testimony. The judgments made by the court should always be fair.

2.Причастие в функции обстоятельства (any Participle forms):

While hearing the case, the judge dealt with different evidence. Being interested in this court trial, I follow all news.

Having given evidence, the witness left the witness box.

3.Объектный падеж с причастием после глаголов физического восприятия (to hear, to see etc.), глаголов, выражающих приказание, мнение, предположение.

The public watched the trial being broadcast.

The defendant heard his sentence pronounced by the judge. The victim saw the defendant coming into the courtroom.

Самостоятельным причастным оборотом называется такая конструкция, в которой причастие имеет свое собственное подлежащие, выраженное существительным (в общем падеже) или местоимением (в именительном падеже) и стоящее непосредственно перед причастием. Таким образом, в подобных предложения существуют два подлежащих: одно – в основном предложении, а второе – в виде одного из компонентов в причастном обороте.

Самостоятельный причастный оборот всегда отделяется запятой. Самостоятельный причастный оборот переводится с помощью придаточных предложений причины, времени и условия, а также с помощью союзов причем, при этом, поскольку, а, и в то время как.


The defendant being ill, the judge had to delay

Так как обвиняемый был болен, судья

the trial.

отложил судебное разбирательство.

The trial being over, everybody left the





закончилось, все вышли из зала суда.





1.Переведите предложения с причастием на русский язык.

1.The lawyer received a brief written by his assistant.

2.The defendant heard his sentence pronounced by the judge.

3.The defendant felt the victim watching him.

4.Trying the case this judge was very attentive.

5.The Patents Court of the Chancery Division deals with cases concerning intellectual property, copyright, patents and trademarks, including passing off.

6.Military courts consider disputes involving military personnel.

2.Переведите предложения с самостоятельным причастным оборотом на русский язык.

1.Russia being composed of over eighty subjects, the system of courts is divided into two levels.

2.The qualifying judicial board receiving complain about a judge's activity, the judge could be


subject a disciplinary penalty.

3.The Constitutional court has jurisdiction to decide whether a federal law is consistent with the country’s Constitution, Constitutional Courts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation interpreting Regional Constitutions and Charters.

4.Appeals against decisions of justices of the peace go to district courts, the decisions of which being final.

5.The court being the mechanism of justice, any citizen should have the free access to the justice.

6.With the judicial reform having been carried out, Russian system of justice changed.

7.The system of courts of general jurisdiction has four-tiered structure, with the Supreme Court being on top.

8.The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to supervise over the courts of lower level, Courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation supervising over subordinate district courts.

9.The Regulation of the Supreme Court being passed, all courts become legally binding to follow it.

10.The ten Federal District Arbitration Courts act as court of cassation only, the Appellate Courts considering appeals as a re-hearing with new evidence.

3.Преобразуйте предложения, используя причастие в нужной форме или самостоятельный причастный оборот.


1.As the US government is divided into federal and state, the court system consists of federal and state courts.

The US government being divided into federal and state, the court system consists of federal and state courts.

2.The crime is under state legislation, it will be considered by the state court. Being under state legislation, the crime will be considered by the state court.

1.The federal government is supreme with regard to those powers expressly or implicitly delegated to it. The states remain supreme in matters reserved to them.

2.Traffic court usually handles minor violations that concern traffic laws.

3.The judge determines issues of law, while the jury determines findings of fact.

4.If the court has a jurisdiction over this case, it will take it into consideration.

5.When the Senate gives its consent, the President appoints a justice to the federal court.

6.After the President has received the consent of the Senate, he appoints a justice to the federal court.

7.The judge, who presided over the hearing, made up a decision.

8.As the defendant had been found guilty, he was sent to prison.

9.The US Supreme Court deals with crimes under statuses enacted by congress, while Highest State Courts deal with crimes under state legislation.

10.The federal courts have jurisdiction over several types of cases that arise from acts of Congress.

4.Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя причастие в нужной функции или самостоятельный причастный оборот.

1.Если граждане будут смотреть судебные разбирательства по телевизору, то они будут более уверенны в системе правосудия.

2.Адвокат выступает от имени ответчика, а прокурор выступает от имени государства.

3.Так как свидетель был болен, судье пришлось отложить судебное разбирательство.

4.Если адвокату дадут больше времени, он сможет доказать невиновность подсудимого.

5.Судебный секретарь, ведущий запись судебного заседания, должен быть очень внимательным.

6.Публика в зале судебного заседания увидела, как судья говорил с приставом.

7.Когда обсуждение закончилось, присяжные вернулись в зал суда.


8.Если судья позволит, прокурор сможет допросить еще одного свидетеля.

9.Дело, рассмотренное мировым судьей, может быть обжаловано в районном суде.

10.Дело, рассматриваемое сейчас Верховным судом Российской Федерации, имеет огромное значение.

5.Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя причастие в нужной форме или самостоятельный причастный оборот.

1.Дело, о котором идет речь, должно рассматриваться Верховным судом.

2.Споры, касающиеся развода, опеки над детьми, расторжения брака, рассматриваются отделением по семейным делам (Высокого суда правосудия в Великобритании).

3.Так как была проведена судебная реформа, Лорд-главный судья получил больше полномочий.

4.Мы слышали, как его имя упоминали на суде.

5.Если истец не доволен решением по делу, его адвокат может подать апелляцию.

6.Отделение по уголовным делам апелляционного суда рассматривает апелляции из Суда Короны, в то время как отделение по гражданским делам апелляционного суда рассматривает апелляции из Высокого суда правосудия.

7.Так как Объединенное королевство не имеет единой судебной системы, структура судов в Ирландии, Шотландии и Уэльса отличается от английской.

8.Будучи студентом юридического вуза, я должен знать, как функционирует национальная судебная система.

9.Когда обвиняемый был признан невиновным, дело было закрыто.



http://files.stroyinf.ru/Data1/7/7090/ ЗДАНИЯ СУДОВ ОБЩЕЙ ЮРИСДИКЦИИ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1367506/Showing-court-cases-TV-increase-

confidence-legal-system.html MAIL Online

icj.org International Commission of Jurists. The State of the Judiciary in Russia. Report of the ICJ on 20-24 June 2010, Geneva, Switzerland November 2010.

http://www.arbitr.ru/law/docs/10035300-002.htm Федеральный конституционный закон от

31 декабря 1996 г. N 1-ФКЗ "О судебной системе Российской Федерации" http://www.arbitr.ru/law/docs/10003670-001.htm Закон РФ от 26 июня 1992 г. N 3132-I "О

статусе судей в Российской Федерации"

http://www.ceae.ru/urids-sud-sistema.htm Центр экономического анализа и экспертизы.

Судебная система.

http://www.vsrf.ru/catalog.php?c1=English&c2=Documents&c3=&id=6800 Judicial System of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

http://www.vsrf.ru/vscourt_detale.php?id=6806 Constitution of the Russian Federation http://www.eu-russiacentre.org/russia/judicial-system The Judicial System of the Russian


http://www.uscourts.gov/EducationalResources/FederalCourtBasics.aspx - basic information about the structure and function of the US courts

http://www.justis.com/support/faq-courts.aspx#family — The Law Online. Courts in the UK http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/you-and-the-judiciary/going-to-court/going-to-court.htm - this

website explains the roles and work of judicial office-holders in the civil, criminal and family courts, and in tribunals.

D.C. Street Law Project at Georgetown University Law Center and Street Law, Inc. Mock Trials.United States vs Martha Monroe.

Ucla.edu. Goss v. Lopez.419 U.S. 565.Mary.Martin. Sample Legal Brief uscourts.gov Summons in Criminal Case. Summons in Civil Case.

Amy Krois-Lindner, Matt Firth. Introduction to International Legal English. A course for classroom or self-study use. Cambridge University Press.

Е.К. Старшинова, М.А. Васильева, А.И. Шилюгина. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Под редакцией проф. Т.П. Розендорн. 1994 — 238 с.


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