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Capital – столица

To be situated – располагаться

Population – население

Mention – упоминание

Measuring instruments – измерительные приборы

Optic devices – оптические приборы

Medical equipment – медицинское оборудование

Goods - товары

Product – изделие, продукция

Contribution – вклад

Diverse – разнообразный

Ancestors – предки

Unique – уникальный

Acknowledged – признанный

Due to the efforts – благодаря усилиям

Along with – наряду

Citizens – граждане, горожане

Guests – гости

At their disposal – в своем распоряжении

Named after – названный в честь

Prominent – выдающийся

Numerous – многочисленный

Turn out – выпускать

Fur – мех

Answer the following questions:

    1. Where is Kazan situated? Is it a big city? How large is it?

    2. Who founded it?

    3. Is it an old city? When was it first mentioned in historical records?

    4. What are the architectural symbols of Kazan?

    5. How old is Kazan University?

    6. What can you say about its cultural life?

    7. How does Kazan look like?

    8. What is produced in the capital?

Topic IX Chistopol

My home town is lovely indeed with its big blocks, fine old-styled houses, beautiful streets and offices. There are plenty of old streets and by-streets that remain from very old times. Perhaps, there is some harmony between old and modern in Chistopol.

Its history goes back to the 18th century. So Chistopol is over 230 years old.

A small settlement of the peasants appeared on the bank of the Kama river. Those peasants ran from their landowners and were engaged in agriculture, hunting and fishery. But soon those peasants were arrested and sent back to their former landowners. Instead of that settlement only bare field "Chistoye Pole" was left. Because of the advantageous location, in 1781 "Chistoye Pole” became one of the main towns of Kazan Province. Gradually Chistopol became the centre of grain-trade of Kazan Province. Grain was exported to France, England, Germany.

During the first five-year plans the first power station, lumber mill, brick mill, ship repairing plant were built in our town. At the beginning of the 40-s Chistopol was on the second place after Kazan in economic, cultural development and population.

About 11 thousand citizens of Chistopol were killed during the Great Patriotic War. Such names of the heroes of the Soviet Union as Marinin, Valeev, Kalashnikov, Chekin, Mironov, Sitdikov, Privalov are well known to any man of our town. We have the Alley of Heroes and the Eternal Fire in the centre of Chistopol.

Chistopol was like a hospitable shelter for many writers and poets, actors and musicians during the war. Boris Pasternak, Isakovsky, Marshak, Paustovsky, Leonov, Tvardovsky, D. Bedny were evacuated to Chistopol.

Chistopol has grown greatly, during the last years. Today it has a population of about 80 thousand people. The production of such enterprises as Watch plant "Vostok", radio company "Vektor” and many joint-ventures is well-known not only in our country, but abroad.

We have 2 museums, Palaces of Culture, a music school and an artistic school, a modern Sport Centre and Ice Palace.

Chistopol is famous for its beautiful forests and Kama's banks. It is surrounded by meadows, fields and lakes. Many people from other towns and cities like to have their rest on Kama's banks.

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