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2) Of result.

1. Ребенок слишком мал, чтобы понять вашу шутку. 2. Эта книга слишком большая, чтобы прочитать ее в один день. 3. Он был так поражен, что не мог вымолвить ни слова. 4. Было уже слишком поздно, чтобы менять что-нибудь. 5. Он был достаточно художником, чтобы оценить картину. 6. Они не знают его достаточно хорошо, чтобы доверить ему это ответственное дело. 7. Вопрос был слишком сложным, чтобы решать его так поспешно. 8. Он был достаточно мужчиной, чтобы не растеряться в эту трудную минуту. 9. Это был такой спектакль, что его нелегко забыть. 10. Ураган был такой сильный, что сорвал крыши со многих домов.

  1. Change the structure of the following sentences so as to use the infinitive as subject with or without the anticipatory it.

1. The question is not so easy to answer. 2. There was no necessity to re-do it. 3. The thought of it cheered him up. 4. I was amazed to see it. 5. He felt ashamed when he read the letter. 6. Worrying and fussing was useless. 7. All they wanted was to make themselves understood. 8. He wanted to see the play staged as soon as possible. 9. My companion was discreet enough not to mention it. 10. I must ask you a few questions on the matter. It is my duty. 11. You say he kept his opinion to himself. Is it usual of him? 12. How greatly disappointed we were when we found that it was only a joke! 13. The sight of them made us laugh. 14. The sculpture was completely ruined. The restoration was impossible. 15. The car’s engine is out of order. The repair will take not less than two days.

  1. Make up sentences so as to use the infinitive in bold type as predicative.

1. your next task, the results, to check up, of the observations, is. 2. I meant, was, the last thing, to offend you. 3. every success, and, I have come for, is, to wish you, what, to congratulate you. 4. on the subject of research, to write, his job, abstracts of articles, was, in the laboratory. 5. could do you good, is, the only thing, to take a long rest, that. 6. to see himself, the most exciting experience, for the first time, was, he had ever had, in a film. 7. an experienced law­yer, was, the next move, to consult, he had made. 8. what turn, is the best thing, things will take, to do, to see, now.

  1. Translate into Russian. Note the use of the infinitive as object after the verbs ask, demand, beg, say.

1. He asked to leave for a few minutes. 2. He demanded to know the truth. 3. I beg to inform you of the details of the developments. 4. We asked to be given convincing evidence. 5. They demanded to be shown the authentic documents. 6. You yourself said not to mention it to him. 7. Mr. Chairman, I beg to move that the meeting be adjourned. 8. My wife also asks to join her greetings and thanks (from a letter).

  1. Translate into English.

1. Он требовал, чтобы ему предоставили возможность доказать это на опыте. 2. Она попросила, чтобы ей разрешили осмотреть новый цех. 3. Я прошу, чтобы меня выслушали. 4. Он сказал, чтобы ничего никому не давали без его разрешения. 5. Мы потребовали, чтобы нам дали выслу­шать всех очевидцев. 6. Она попросила, чтобы ей расска­зали подробнее о предстоящей экспедиции. 7. Разрешите доложить. 8. Я попросил разрешения остановиться у них на несколько дней. 9. Почему вы не потребовали, чтобы вам дали копию резолюции? 10. Он попросил, чтобы ему дали прочесть это письмо. 11. Позвольте с вами не согла­ситься.

  1. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the rendering of the infinitive as attribute.

1. The desire to write was stirring in Martin once more. (J.L.) 2. He had a good deal to say about India. (Glsw.) 3. The relief from that long waiting, the feeling of nothing to worry about, was so delicious .... (Glsw.) 4. ... The first person to enter was Mrs. Evans, her face white, her dark frightened eyes avoiding his. (A.C.)5. He looked at the shelves of books to be read and understood. (M.W.) 6. He received a note to say that he was expected at the family dinner. (J.H.) 7. Andrew was the third to go in for interview. (A.C.)

8. You have health and much to live for. (J.L.)

  1. Paraphrase the following using a noun instead of the verb in bold type with the infinitive as attribute, make all other necessary changes.

Model: He offered to help us but we refused. We refused his offer to help us. I don't want to change my mind. I have no desire to change my mind.

1. I was surprised that he refused to go there. 2. We did not know that they planned to leave soon. 3. They demand to be regularly informed, and you will have to comply with it. 4. I remember you promised not to talk of it. 5. I told him that I firmly determined to find out the truth. 6. It was quite obvious that he longed to confide his secret to somebody. 7. He was permitted to leave. 8. I don’t intend to do anything about it. 9. They repeatedly attempted to stage the experiment. 10. He did not wish to let you down. 11. The trainer instructed the cyclists to examine their bicycles before the competition. 12. He consented to fill up the vacancy.

  1. Paraphrase the following using a noun instead of the adjective in bold type with the infinitive as attribute, make all other necessary changes.

Model: They did not conceal that they were impatient to see the whole thing through. They did not conceal their impatience to see the whole thing through. He was too busy, it was impossible to speak to him....we had no chance (opportunity) to speak to him.

1. One could easily notice that she was anxious to change the conversation. 2. I doubt if he is willing to help. 3. I could not understand why he was reluctant to speak. 4. It was funny and pleasant to watch how eager the children were to see the presents. 5. It was clear to everybody that they were not inclined to answer any questions. 6. It is unnecessary to copy the whole text. 7. I never thought of how important it was to do it. 8. Is it possible to get a ticket for to-morrow? 9. I’m not sure it is necessary to remind them of it. 10. It is needless to talk of it now.

  1. Combine the sentences into one using the infinitive as an attribute to the noun in bold type.

Model: He always finds something to justify himself. It has become a tendency with him. He has a tendency to justify himself.

1. The motion was to pass on to the next item on the agenda. It was adopted unanimously. 2. It was necessary to regularly supply the expedition with water. The only way was to transport it by air in helicopters. 3. His ambition in life was to become a good surgeon, and we were sure it would be realized. 4. They were anxious to complete the experiment in three months. To get more people to work on it was the only means. 5. Her long-cherished desire had been to play in a film, and quite recently she got an invitation from the studio.

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