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Modal verbs Must, To Have (to), To Be (to)

  1. State the meaning of the verb must in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. “You see,” Celia said, “I really don’t want you to go, Lanny.” “I’m sorry, Celia, but I must go. That community sent me here.” (P. A.) 2. “You must speak out. You must not allow your father to take such a mad step. You must prevent it, Agnes, while there’s time.” (Ch. D.) 3. “I am afraid I must be going now,” he said. 4. “I must be getting old,” thought old Jolyon. (Glsw.) 5. We must have met somewhere, your face seems very familiar to me. 6. “I am the preacher. You were too young when you went away to remember me, sir, but I remember you.” “Then you must remember my name,” Lanny said. (P. A.) 7. On tiptoe Sister Swartz went into the room. She mustn’t disturb Lanny. He must be very tired after his journey. She looked on the shelf but the sixpence wasn’t there, Mabel must have taken it. (P. A.) 8. Andrew felt that he must laugh. (A. C.) 9. He had the sudden con­viction that he must lose his case tomorrow. (A. C.)

  1. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the rendering of the meaning of the verb must.

1. Her English is very poor, she must study very hard. 2. Her English is rather good, she must be studying hard. 3. Her English has considerably improved, she must have studied hard during her vacation. 4. She must have been studying English these five years. Her English is rather idiomatic and fluent. 5. She must have been studying at that moment, that’s why she did not answer our telephone call. 6. You must always think twice before you say anything. 7. She must be thinking of what I have said. 8. She must be at home now, I saw her leaving the Institute. 9. She must be at home now, she can’t go as there is no one else to take care of her sick father. 10. Eight bars, and all so thick and strong! ... He must have been filing for hours, yes, of course, that was what made his arm ache. (V.) 11. “It is certainly very cold,” said Peggotty. “Everybody must feel it so.” “I feel it more than other people,” said Mrs. Gummidge. (Ch. D.)

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Она, должно быть, ждет нас в институте. 2. Она должна ждать нас в институте. 3. Доктор говорит, что он должен жить на юге. 4. Он, должно быть, живет на юге. 5. Он должен много читать вслух, чтобы исправить свое произношение. 6. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух; у него хорошее произношение. 7. Я должен остаться здесь до зимы. 8. Она, должно быть, гостит у своих друзей, так как она писала, что проведет свой отпуск у них. 9. Они, должно быть, ждут меня, а я никак не могу дать им знать о себе. 10. Книга распродана; надо поискать ее в букинистических магазинах. 11. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти. 12. Они, наверно, пишут сочинение уже около двух часов и скоро должны кончить.

  1. Combine the verb must with the proper form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. Look! People are hurrying along the street with collars and umbrellas up. It must (to rain) hard. 2. Peggotty enclosed the half-guinea in the letter; I was afraid she must (to have) a world of trouble to get it out of Mr. Barkis’s box. (Ch. D.) 3. You must (to follow) my advice. There is no other way out for you. 4. I saw an old woman sleeping soundly in Green Park. A shower was falling at the time, she must (to be) drenched to the skin. (J. L.) 5. All the time we were out the two gentlemen smoked incessantly — which, I thought, if I might judge from the smell of their rough coats, they must (to do) ever since the coats had first come home from the tailor’s. 6. “The hotels must (to do) a tremendous business,” Old Jolyon thought. “A few years ago there had been none of these big hotels.” Then he thought of his son. “... If Jo were only with him. The boy must (to be) forty by now.” (Glsw.) 7. She must (to be) angry with me. She left without saying good-bye. 8. She must (to get) angry with you. She never looked in your direction. 9. Mary must (to be) ill, otherwise she would have come. 10. Mary must (to fall) ill. She looked so pale and tired last night.

  1. Pay attention to the negative form of the predicate group without not. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. You must have misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. 2. She must have failed to understand this rule, that’s why the exercise is done in the wrong way. 3. Our telegram must have never reached them. No wonder they have not come to meet us. 4. Nobody must have seen him enter the hall. Everybody was surprised when he took the floor. 5. What a pity I could not say good-bye to them, but they must have had no chance to warn me about their departure. 6. He must be quite unaware of his clumsiness. 7. He must have left the letter unanswered.

  1. Change the following sentences, making them opposite in meaning. (See Exercise 5).

1. Everybody must have noticed that he was not used to speaking in public. 2. He must have written to them of his arrival in due time. 3. She must have bolted the door forgetting that I was to come later. 4. He must have a fair chance of winning, he is in good form. 5. The man must have understood me, for he nodded his head. 6. She must have been quite conscious of having made a mistake. 7. They must have given us the correct information about the road. I can see all the landmarks they have spoken of. 8. The tele­gram must have certainly come in time. 9. She must have been very careful. She did not spill a drop of milk. 10. He must have done something about it, I see some changes in the design. 11. The dog must have recognized his master. It did not bark as we approached the house. 12. He must have been very experienced in sailing navigation.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English avoiding the use of not:

1. Он давно у нас не был. Ему, вероятно, не сказали, что мы уже в Москве. 2. Вы, должно быть, не узнали меня и поэтому не подошли ко мне. 3. Вы, наверно, и не пытались это сделать, иначе вы бы не говорили, что это очень легко. 4. Иностранец, очевидно, неправильно произнес название этого кушанья, и официант принес ему совсем другое. 5. Вы, должно быть, давно там не были. 6. Вам, наверно, ничего об этом не сказали. Иначе вы бы пришли раньше. 7. Они, должно быть, не опоздали на поезд. Иначе они бы уже вернулись. 8. По всей вероятности, они не попали на поезд, так как вышли из дому слишком поздно. 9. Он, наверно, так и не догадался, почему мы смеялись. 10. Вы, наверно, положили ключ не на то место, и я не смог войти в дом. 11. Вы, наверно, не узнали его. — Нет, это был не он. 12. Их, очевидно, неправильно информировали. Они должны были прийти сегодня. 13. Хотя с 15 апреля введено новое расписание, для утренних поездов оно, скорее всего, не изменилось.

  1. Paraphrase the sentences, using the verb must.

1. I am sure he has got all he needed. Did you see how triumphant he was? 2. The boy was evidently reading some­thing funny. He was smiling all the time. 3. The boy is probably reading something funny. He is smiling all the time. 4. They have most likely not realized what opportunity they were losing. 5. I shan’t bother you any longer; no doubt you are tired of my talking. 6. I see something is eating him. He is like on tenterhooks. 7. It was clear the family were expecting some guests: the mother was bustling about the house tidying up the rooms. 8. She was obviously upset by something. I never saw her so unbalanced. 9. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence.

  1. Analyze the meaning of the verb to have.

1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. I think it is a Repin. 3. I have to answer many letters. 4. I have some information to pass on to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt. 6. I’ll have him come at six o’clock if that suits you. 7. He has just come from abroad. 8. You will have to leave at six to catch the train. 9. Is that all you have to say to me? 10. There are two kinds of speeches: there is the speech which a man makes when he has something to say, and the speech when he has to say something.

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the meaning of the verb to have (to).

1. Thoughtfully Lanny went up the side street to the house where he lodged. Only two more hours before he had to catch his train and then Cape Town would be behind him. (P. A.) 2. The Gadfly and Michele were waiting for an emissary, to whom important directions had to be given. (V.) 3. “You are too young to know how the world changes every day,” said Mrs. Creakle, “and how the people in it pass away. But we all have to learn it, David; some of us when we are young, some of us when we are old, some of us at all times of our lives.” (Ch. D.) 4. Lickcheese. Why not Dr. Trench marry Miss Blanche, and settle the whole affair that way? Cokane. You forget, Mr. Lickcheese, that the young lady, whose taste has to be considered, decisively objected to him. (B. Sh.) 5. They had to repeat what they were doing several times before the engine burst open and started ... (J. A.)

  1. Change the following into the negative and interrogative.

1. Mother has to cook dinner after work. 2. He had to sit up late with this work. 3. You will have to get up very early tomorrow. 4. The girl had to take care of her younger sister and brothers. 5. She will have to do it once over again. 6. These documents have to be filed. 7. They had to cover the whole distance on foot. 8. We shall have to speak to him about it.

  1. Translate into English, using the verb to have in its modal meaning.

1. Мне сейчас приходится много работать, так как я болела и отстала от группы. 2. Вам придется поговорить с ним лично. 3. Нам пришлось переждать дождь на станции. 4. Я вынужден был извиниться, хотя мне это и было неприятно. 5. Книгу необходимо переплести, иначе некоторые страницы могут потеряться. 6. Вам приходится очень рано вставать, не так ли? 7. Он вынужден был сделать вам замечание, не правда ли? 8. Ему не нужно было сдавать вступительные экзамены. 9. Нам не пришлось провожать их в гостиницу. Они сами хорошо знали дорогу. 10. Работу придется сделать сегодня. 11. Он сказал, что вам придется ехать туда одному. 12. Всю страницу пришлось перепечатать из-за одной опечатки.

  1. Fill in the blanks with must or had (to).

1. When I asked him why he was so late, he told me that he had missed an earlier train and ... wait for another one. 2. The man warned us that the place was dangerous to bathe in and we ... look for a safer spot. 3. His wife kept telling him that he ... not ... sit up so late. 4. The doctor told him he ... give up smoking, as it might be ruinous to his lungs. 5. The father said to the children that they ... be careful while crossing the street. 6. The bus was not going that direction, so he ... change. 7. It was not that the work ... be fin­ished soon, but we ourselves wanted to be through with it as soon as possible. 8. I had no special desire to do it, but as I felt it ... be done this way or another, I started on it, though reluctantly. 9. I saw that I ... speak louder to make myself heard. 10. Telling himself that he ... control himself, he did not answer anything. 11. Martin knew that he ... stand up to be introduced. 12. For a moment she felt her heart... break.

  1. Refer the following to the past. Make all the necessary changes.

1. It is getting pretty late. I must leave, or I shall be late for the last bus. 2. This is getting too far, I feel I must do something before it is too late. 3. It can’t go on like this any longer. It must blow up sooner or later. 4. I know it’s a se­cret and I must keep it. 5. He is trying to explain why the measures he proposes must be resorted to if we want to save the situation. 6. He does not understand why such urgent measures as have been taken must be resorted to even in the face of the situation. 7. It is impossible to change any­thing. One must take things as they are. 8. I do not agree with him that one must always take things as they are without trying to change them. 9. Do you realize that you mustn’t mention it to anybody?

  1. Analyze the modal meaning of the verb to be (to) in the following sentences, and translate them into Russian.

1. Large sums are now being spent on educational developments and still larger sums are to be spent in the near fu­ture. 2. He was to leave that night... for Gravesend, where the ship, in which he was to make the voyage, lay, and was to be gone I don't know how many years. (Ch. D.) 3. Mr. Priors was to remain shut up in the room while I was gone, and was on no account to open the door. (Ch. D.) 4. What do you want with my things? Am I to be moved into another cell? (V.) 5. Mrs. Pearce. I want to know on what terms the girl is to be here. Is she to have any wages? And what is to become of her when you've finished your teaching? You must look ahead a little. Higgins. Give her orders: that's enough for her. Eliza, you are to live here for the next six months, learning how to speak beautifully. (B. Sh.) 6. It is evident that we are to have a backward season for grains. (M. T.) 7. A little disconsolate, he watched the steamer splashing down the sound towards the pier. What sort of fellow-travellers was he to have? (Blake.) 8. “My dear Trot!” cried my aunt, in a terrified whisper ... “I don’t know what I am to do!” (Ch. D.) 9. There was something in his manner that was not to be resisted. 10. Why are you late? You were to have come an hour ago.

  1. Explain the difference in meaning between the two sentences in the following pairs:

1. a) The plane was not to take off at night as the weather was too bad. b) The plane was to have taken off at night, but the weather was too bad. 2. a) There was to be an interesting concert last night, but I didn't feel well and had to stay at home. b) There was to have been an interesting concert last night, but the singer fell ill and the concert had to be postponed. 3. a) The order came that we were not to leave the village before dawn. b) We were not to have left the village before dawn, but by the time the order came we were two miles away from it.

  1. Combine the modal verb to be (to) with the proper form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. I stood at the window, looking at them disappear, and my heart kept repeating “Good-bye, good-bye!” I was not (to see) them for nearly five years. (G. E.) 2. You know Mako’s Kraal ... on the other side there is land with water, that was the land Sam was (to buy). There they were (to live). (P. A.) 3. Nobody met me when I came. I was (to arrive) by the ten o'clock train, but I couldn’t get a ticket for it. 4. Remember that we are (to be) at his place not later than eight.

5. Why are you so late? Didn’t you get my letter saying that we were (to meet) at 4? 6. There was a violent storm that night and the Albatross which was (to arrive) at the port in the morning had to drop anchor near an island a hundred miles off the port.

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