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7. Put the verbs into the correct form, Present Simple or Future Simple

1) If you (learn) another language you (get) a better job.

2) He (get angry) if you (not to invite) him.

3) We (pay) him more if he (work) well.

4) When Tom (see) Miss Bradley, he (give) her your message.

5) If I (make) a mistake, the teacher (find) it.

6) You (have) an accident if you (not to be) careful.

7) When Don (call) me, I (explain) everything to him.

8) I (speak) to Frank if I (see) him.

9) We (discuss) the article as soon as you (translate) it.

10) If she (not to study) hard she (fail) in her exam.

8. Make these sentences negative and ask questions

1) He will know the result in a week.

2) She will give me the money tomorrow.

3) They will wait for us on the corner.

4) Tim will see her tomorrow.

5) The meeting will begin in three hours.

Test 12

1. Insert prepositions where necessary

1) She is good _______ Biology.

2) _______ 7 o’ clock my mother is back _______ home.

3) He failed _______ his exam _______ Physics _______ last year.

4) Later I go _______ the library to read _______ classes.

5) _______ the evening he stays _______ home and watches TV.

6) It’s difficult _______ me to get _______ early in _______ morning.

2. Insert articles where necessary

1) to have _______ bite; 2) to go for _______ walk; 3) to listen to _______ music;

4) to go to _______ library; 5) to get to _______ University; 6) to take _______ rest.

3. Open the brackets using the adjective in the comparative or superlative forms

1) This hotel is in (convenient) part of the town.

2) Which is (hot) place in the world?

3) My city is (clean) than this one.

4) The party was (noisy) than the previous one.

5) Where is (dry) place in the world?

6) Is Ben Nevis (high) mountain in the world?

4. Open the brackets using the Present Simple or Future Simple

1) If Barbara (stay up late) to watch a film she (go) to bed after midnight.

2) If she (go) to bed late she (be) very tired in the morning.

3) If she (be) very tired in the morning she (oversleep).

4) If she (oversleep) she (be) late for work.

5) If she (be) late for work her boss (get) angry with her.

5. Put the verbs in the correct form

1) It (be) cold and rainy tomorrow.

2) I am hungry. I (make) a sandwich.

3) I am cold. I (close) the window.

4) If Tony (save) money he (go) on holiday.

5) If she (stop) eating sweets she (lose) weight.

6) Tom (pass) his exam if he (study) hard.

7) I think it (be) sunny tomorrow.

8) Tom (visit) him next week.

9) I (know) the result in two hours.

10) Tim (go) home as soon as he (finish) his work.

11) If you (learn) to use the computer you (get) a good job.

12) There (be) many children at the party tomorrow.

6. Make these sentences negative and ask questions

1) The president will make a speech tomorrow.

2) Mike will go to work by bus.

3) She will clean the house the next day.

4) Our guests will leave for Oxford tomorrow night.

Test 13

1. Insert articles where necessary

1) I will enter _______ University next year.

2) He fell behind _______ rest of _______ group _______ last month.

3) Nick goes for _______ walk with his dog in _______ evening.

4) In May Mary will take _______ most difficult exam.

5) The students had _______ lecture on _______ Psychology _______ hour ago.

6) After classes he goes to _______ gym.

7) He became _______ second-year student.

8) My friend leaves everything to _______ last minute.

9) If she studies hard she will get _______ scholarship.

10) If Jane gets a degree she will get _______ good job.

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