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Present simple

I. Listening and reading

Listen to the text

Read and translate the text

Another day, Another dollar

James Cash is a very rich man – in fact, he's a multi-millionaire. He is thirty-five years old and lives in a mansion in the country. He is the chairman of a big company.

Every day he has breakfast in bed. He usually has boiled eggs and champagne! He makes phone calls and reads the newspapers at breakfast time. Then he gets dressed. His servants help him. He always wears a smart suit to the office.

At seven o'clock his chauffeur drives him to his office. He has business meetings every morning. Every afternoon he looks at the sales reports. Sales go up every year because business is good.

In the evenings he likes to entertain important business clients. They often go to his favourite night club, Madame JoJo's. They have dinner, drink champagne and watch a cabaret.

At two o'clock in the morning his chauffeur drives him home. He goes to bed half an hour later, and dreams about sales figures. James is always exhausted. The next day is exactly the same. Would you want a job like his?

II. Vocabulary

  1. a multi-millionaire [ˌmʌltiˌmɪljəˈneər]


  1. mansion [ˈmænʃən]

Mansion has extensive grounds

особняк, большой дом

Вокруг особняка обширный парк.

  1. chairman [ˈtʃeərmən]

Mr. Chairman, may I be recognized?

председатель, президент

Г-н председатель, прошу слова!

  1. company [ˈkʌmp(ə)ni]

Max works for a large oil company.

фирма, сообщество, собственник

Макс работает в крупной нефтяной компании.

  1. to have breakfast [ˈbrekfəst]

to have lunch [lʌntʃ]

to have dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)]

to have supper [ˈsʌpə(r)]





  1. boiled [ˌbɔɪld]


  1. egg [eɡ]


  1. champagne [ˌʃæmˈpeɪn]

Break out the champagne!


Откройте шампанское!

  1. to make a phone call [fəun kɔːl]


  1. to get dressed [ɡet drest]


  1. servant [ˈsɜːrvənt]

слуга, прислуга

  1. to wear [weər] (wear-wore-worn)

He wears jeans and T-shirts.


Он носит джинсы и футболки

  1. suit [suːt]

smart suit


деловой костюм

  1. chauffeur [ˈʃəufər]

Discover a good chauffeur.

водитель, шофер

Найти хорошего шофера.

  1. to have a business meeting

[ˈbɪznəs ˈmiːtɪŋ]

I often take notes at business meetings.

деловая встреча

Я часто пишу заметки на деловых встречах.

  1. sales report [seɪlz rɪˈpɔːrt]

отчет о продажах,торговый отчет, объем продаж

  1. to entertain [ˌentə(r)ˈteɪn]

They entertain a great deal.

принимать, развлекать гостей

Они часто устраивают приемы.

  1. client [ˈklaɪənt]

A lawyer acts for his client.

постоянный покупательклиент

Адвокат ведёт дела своего клиента.

  1. favourite [ˈfeɪv(ə)rət]

Mathematics is my favourite subject.

любимый; излюбленный

Математика – мой любимый предмет.

  1. madame [ˈmædəm]

 Madame Tussaud's

мадам, сударыня; госпожа

Музей мадам Тюссо

  1. cabaret [ˈkæbəreɪ]

Cabaret show

кабаре ; кафешантан

Эстрадное представление в ресторане

  1. figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)]

A figure expressed as a percentage

цифра; число; количественные данные;

Число, выраженное в процентах

  1. to be exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd]

Exhaust all possibilities

быть изнуренным, быть в изнеможении

Исчерпать все возможности

  1. exactly [ɪɡˈzæk(t)li]

Arrive exactly on time.

точно; как раз; именно

Приехать точно в назначенный час.

  1. the same [seɪm]

 A picture by the same hand.

тот же самый; однообразный

Картина кисти того же художника.