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Appendix – old Star Trek fanzine covers

(from the collection of Věra Ježková)

1 A lifestyle section of the Czech Radio website published an article on fanfiction in 2017, where fanfiction writers were described as mostly girls, between 16 and 18 years of age, and “mostly virgins”: https://wave.rozhlas.cz/udelej-mi-tvrde-pisou-autorky-fanfiction-samy-jsou-vetsinou-panny-rika-5183982

2 It is extremely difficult to get any hard statistical data but there have been a few attempts to analyse an alleged decline in activity on the largest online fanfiction archive, FanFicton.net, and its implications, for example at https://fanfictionrecommendations.com/about-us/

3 Fan work or fan works refer to any fan-produced product regardless of the media (music, written text, art, theatre play etc.)

4 Kindle Worlds is Amazon’s platform for publishing user-created fanfiction stories: https://kindleworlds.amazon.com/

5 “Participatory culture” is a term coined by Henry Jenkins (1992), with the aim to distinguish between an active participation in media culture and passive consumerism.

6 Community of fans centred around and dedicated to an original work (book, movie, TV series, anime), or in a more general sense the subculture of fans.

7 “The International language of storytelling”, available at https://blog.wattpad.com/wattpad/2014/04/11/the-international-language-of-storytelling

8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_fiction, accessed 14 April 2018

9 Some scholars are openly critical about the practice that allows large global corporations to own the rights on stories or characters that have been part of the shared folk culture.

10 More information available at https://fanlore.org/wiki/Slash_Fiction_is_Like_a_Banquet, accessed 18 April 2018.

11 Fanzines, zines or fan magazines are fan-made printed magazines with content made by fans, and distributed among fans, with their golden age being in the 70’and 80’. With the rise of the internet, they inevitably suffered an eclipse. For historical reasons, in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic fanzines played a slightly different role than fanzines in the West, and their golden age also came later (for example Kudláč, 2016).

12 Changing or combining media forms is commonly referred to as transmedia. Fanfiction that changes the medium of the original story (i.e. fanfiction as written prose based on a movie or television series) would be an example of transmedia storytelling.

13 Czechoslovakia was dissolved in 1993 and replaced by two separate countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

14 The year of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of the communist regime.

15 Historie českého Harry Potter fandomu (History of the Czech Harry Potter fandom), http://cs.fanpolis.wikia.com/wiki/Historie_%C4%8Desk%C3%A9ho_Harry_Potter_fandomu, accessed 15 April 2018

16 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was released in 2000 in the UK and in 2001 both in Czech and Slovak.

17 http://xena.molir.cz/xfan_cz.php3, accessed 12 April 2018

18 http://www.xenafan.com/fiction/content/wparthur.html, accessed 12 April 2018

19 For example online archive of one of the Czech Star Trek fan clubs CZ Kontinuum (https://www.kontinuum.cz/) contains about 150 fanfiction stories, with the oldest one dated 2003.

20 She translated The IDIC Epidemic, Star Trek: The Original Series novel, by Jean Lorrah. https://www.legie.info/kniha/6189-epidemie-idic/vydani. Accessed 30 April 2018

21 https://www.kontinuum.cz/databaze/fanziny, accessed 23 March 2018

22 “Fanzin nabízí fantazii bez hranic a s technickými detaily zachází většinou pouze jako s kulisou pro mezilidské vztahy” and “fanzinová tvorba je výlučnou doménou žen”.

23 Responses to several questions sent by email, April 2018

24 The concept of sub-creation was in this sense introduced and examined in his essay “On Fairy Stories.”

25 Society of Friends of the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien (Společnost přátel díla pana JRR Tolkiena), or just “Society”, founded in 1992, and Fellowship of J. R. R. Tolkien (Společenstvo J.R.R. Tolkiena), or just “Fellowship”, founded in 1990 (Kudláč)

26 Imladris regularly published winning stories from the Fellowship’s (one of the Czech Tolkien clubs) annual literary contest

27 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rec.arts.books.tolkien/kIjfoWIkL9A/PlDlVEvgM0IJ, accessed 14 February 2018

28 For example in Imladris 4/1998, 1/1998 or 4–6/2002

29 Such as “Technologie” (Technology), “Metalurgie ve Třetím věku” (Metallurgy in the Third age) or “Obchod” (Trade) by various authors and translated by various translators in Thorin 2/2000, and other instances

30 For example excerpts from books or articles by Paul Kocher in Imladris 4/2001, 1/2003, 4/2003 or excerpts from a book by Patrick Curry in Thorin 1/98, and other instances

31 MB. O klubu. Imladris 4–6/2002

32 Úvodník. Thorin 1/98

33 Úvodník. Thorin 2/00

34 As part of a larger entry listing example fanfiction stories related to the character of Maedhros, https://fanlore.org/wiki/Maedhros, accessed 30 April

35 http://www.jediland.cz/

36 5.10.2000 Tak je to tady ! (5.10.2000 Here we are!), http://www.jediland.cz/, Novinky (News) section, accessed 15 March 2018

37 Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, the first movie of the series, was released in 1991 in the Czech republic

38 “Chceme vyjít vstříc všem, koho omezuje jazyková neznalost a nemůže si přečíst skvosty, které na téma Star Wars vytvořili zahraniční autoři fanfiction. Budeme proto pro Vás překládat jako o život.”, see note 15

39 Soutěže (Challenges) section, http://www.jediland.cz/, accessed 15 March 2018

40 12.2.2001 Milí čtenáři těchto stránek. (12.2.2001 Dear readers of this website.), http://www.jediland.cz/, Novinky (News) section, accessed 15 March 2018

41 5.3.2001 Tak se nám podařilo (5.3.2001 So we managed to), http://www.jediland.cz/, Novinky (News) section, accessed 15 March 2018

42 Šimečková’s MA thesis (2017) traces the history of the Czech SF and fantasy translation from the fan and semi-amateur beginnings before and around 1989 through its gradual professionalization onwards. For an interesting comparison see Petrů’s MA thesis (2011) on videogame translation in the Czech Republic describing a similar process in the field of computer game localization. Both theses are written in English.

43 The editor of the Imladris fanzine, Michael Bronec, is a professional translator and publisher himself (for example Šimečková, 2017)

44 About the OTW, https://archiveofourown.org/about. Accessed 30 April 2018

45 Referred to as RPS

46 https://fanlore.org/wiki/FanFiction.Net. Accessed 30 April 2018

47 Terms of Service, https://archiveofourown.org/tos. Accessed 1 May 2018

48 For example, the feature allowing the translators to link to the original story was announced in release notes for version 0.7.4. in 2010. See https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/56. Accessed 30 April 2018

49 http://destinationtoast.tumblr.com/post/117753986884/toastystats-some-deets-on-wattpad-the-lovely

50 This is reported in various fan demographic researches, for example at http://destinationtoast.tumblr.com/post/108433335254/things-im-doing-instead-of-sleeping-getting

51 http://sosaci.net/

52 http://cs.fanpolis.wikia.com/wiki/Historie_%C4%8Desk%C3%A9ho_Harry_Potter_fandomu

53 Drabble is a short story consisting of exactly 100 words.

54 “Slouží hlavně k přátelskému porovnání různých přístupů k překládanému textu, vzájemnému poučení, povzbuzení a diskuzi.” at sosaci.net/archiv/rukavice/index.htm. Accessed 10 May 2018

55 http://sosaci.net/archiv/rukavice/0107.htm. Accessed 30 April 2018

56 http://www.ffdenik.cz/index.php, accessed 30 April 2018

57 As of 5 May 2018

58 Discussion topic with this purpose “Have you read a fic like this?” in an online discussion forum attached to a renowned Harry Potter archive site Sugar Quill ran through several hundred entries: http://www.sugarquill.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=8411. Accessed 30 April 2018

59 http://www.daily-slash.cz/. Accessed 30 April 2018

60 Wikipedia states that “Slash fiction is a genre of fan fiction that focuses on interpersonal attraction and sexual relationships between fictional characters of the same sex.” Slash as a genre has a long history, interlinked with the very origins of modern fanfiction in the Star Trek and buddy cop shows fandoms (Coppa, 2006, pp. 46–49), and is one of the most important fanfiction classifications and a frequent subject of fanfiction scholarship (for example Busse and Hellekson, 2006, pp. 17–22).

61 http://hpkizi.sk/. Accessed 15 April 2018

62 The number comes from the associated website http://hppreklady.sk/news.php, which was created as a simple database version of the main site to make searching for stories easier.

63 In terms of quality control, various fanfiction archives operate on various selectiveness levels, from completely open, through moderated (where just formatting or adherence to basic grammar rules is checked) up to “invitation-only”. “Moderated” in this case is not a specific defined term and covers a large spectrum of quality control procedures.

64 http://cs.fanpolis.wikia.com/wiki/Hpkizi.sk

65 From the FAQ section: “Preklad poviedky musí byť presný a gramaticky aj slohovo správny. Netolerujú sa vážne chyby ani nepresnosti v preklade alebo naopak doslovné preklady „ako z prekladača“. Pokiaľ si prekladateľ nie je istý, či je jeho preklad korektný, nechá si svoju poviedku obetovať = prekontrolovať ďalšou osobou – betareaderom.“

66 http://onlinepreklady.hpkizi.sk/

67 http://okultnihad.webgarden.cz/

68 http://rokjakozadnyjiny.webgarden.cz/

69 The former was translated in the early years of the Harry Potter fandom in 2003–2004, the latter in the years 2008–2009, see an article at http://cs.fanpolis.wikia.com/wiki/Hpkizi.sk

70 “Toto je priestor pre tých, ktorých sa chcú bez záväzkov podieľať na preklade poviedok na hpkizi.sk, niečo sa naučiť alebo si len overiť svoju úroveň znalosti angličtiny.” http://onlinepreklady.hpkizi.sk/

71 See chapter 4 for a full overview of this web community activities.

72 See chapter 4 for a full overview of this web community activities.

73 Star Wars fanfiction archive, see chapter 4.

74 Slash: a type of a story with homosexual relationships and/or a story that accentuates a queer reading of the original material

75 Brief history of the Harry Potter fandom can be found for example at fanlore.org/wiki/Harry_Potter

76 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, published in 2007 in the UK.

77 A good example of where the social activism aspect is present from within the Harry Potter fandom are fan translations of the official Harry Potter books. The circumstances surrounding these large fan projects in the Czech Republic were in a great detail described by Ešnerová (2012).

78 Role playing game.