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42. Установите соответствие:

Civil cases are heard every day - Present Simple Passive

Civil cases were heard last week - Past Simple Passive

Civil cases will be heard next week - Future Simple Passive

Civil cases have been heard for two weeks - Past Perfect Passive

Civil cases are being heard at the moment- Present Continuous Passive

Civil cases will have been heard by next week- Future Perfect Passive

Civil cases will had heard by last that time- Past Perfect Passive

43. Signing a contract you should be very attentive to every detail.

44. In Russia, district courts are the courts of a higher instance for Justices of

the Peace.

45.Установите соответствие между судами Великобритании и их

описанием: supreme court

A court consisting of three divisions: Queen’s Bench Division, Chancery

Division and Family Division - High court of justice

A court of summary jurisdiction held before justice of the peace -

magistrates court

A court of criminal jurisdiction trying serious crimes such as murder,

robbery, etc - crown court

A civil court dealing with minor matters such as recovery of debts - county


The final court of appeal in the UK - supreme court

46. He is unlikely to testify in court- Маловероятно, что он даст

свидетельские показания в суде

47. In British court, trial lawyer are referred to as counsel for the defence…

48. The court that adjudicates matters governed by the Constitution is called

The Constitutional court

49. In Russia, Justices of the Peace resolve small claims at the local level

50.Установите соответствие между терминами и определениями:

A court having jurisdiction over criminal cases - criminal court

A court that handles non-criminal matters- civil court

A court in which legal proceeding are begun - court of first instance a

A court to which appeals are made - appellate court

The final court of appeal - supreme court

51. Criminal cases are considered crimes against society and often end in prison

52. A distinctive feature of the British system is that it does not have law

schools qualifying judges.

53. Having listened to the testimony, the judge summed up the case for the jury.

54. Some experts say that by the year of 2025 two more countries will join the

European Union.

55. Disputes regarding business activity are heard before state commercial


2. The PROSECUTOR office is independent from the executive, legislative and

judicial branches of power.

3. Law based on judicial precedent is called COMMON LAW.

5. Barristers working solely for a company are called IN-HOUSE COUNSEL.

6. The Constitutional Court judges are APPOINTED by Federal Counsel upon

nomination by the President.

7. A court to which appeals are made on points of law resulting from the judgment

of a lower court is called AN APPEAL COURT.

9. The Russian judicial system CONSISTS of the Constitutional Court, courts of

general jurisdiction, and the state commercial court.

10. The RF Constitutional Court rules on THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF


11. The main idea of the texts is TO GIVE SOME BASIC INFORMATION


13. Мы знаем, что она работала судьей районного суда много лет.

15. Solicitors ARE BELIEVED to render legal assistance.

18. Many candidates HAVE already SEND(Т) their application to the

administrative office.

19. He HAS ADMITTED his quilt for the car accident today.

20. The company HAS AGREED to settle a dispute out-of-court this week.

26. The barrister is trained in law and in the skills required TO ARGUE a case in


27. An employment contract describes duties and RESPONSEBILLITES of the


28. The offence or wilfully telling an untruth in court of law is called PERJURY

30. Passes a SENTENCE

31. The policemen warned me TO LOCK my doors and windows.

33. He passed a qualifying exam end applied FOR a licence.


Judges preside in the courtroom conduct trials and PASS SENTENSES

After two hours the jury couldn't reach A UNANIMOUS VERDICT

Barrister prepare pleadings and have a right of AUDIENCE IN ANY COURT

Barristers main work is to provide REPRESENTATION IN HIGER COURTS

Generally, solicitor cannot speak IN HIGER COURTS


Everybody BELIEVED

He BELIEVES his barristers


He IS BELIEVED to have

36. The main function of the police is to ENFORCE law.

37. The judicial system is the mechanism that upholds the ORDER of law.

39. It was reported that the industrial tribunal WOULD HANDLE the dispute next


1.Even if you tell your lawyer that you plead guilty as charged, he\she will defend


2. Solicitors are more likely to work as sole practitioners or in small firms.

3.A court having jurisdiction over criminal cases - суд, обладающий юрисдикцией в

отношении уголовных дел;

A court that handles non-criminal matters - суд, занимающийся не уголовными


A court in which legal proceedings are begun - суд, в котором начато судебное


4. The judge rules on points of law, and makes sure that the trial is conducted


5. In Russia, the court that may issue explanations on questions concerning judicial

practice is called the Supreme Court.

6. «The US Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and a

number of Associate Justices fixed by the Congress. The number of Associate Justices

is currently fixed at eight. The power to nominate the Justices is vested in the

President of the United States, and appointments are made with the advice and

consent of the Senate. Once appointed, Justices have life tenure unless they resign or


Appointments must be approved by the Senate.

There are eight Supreme Court Justices.

7. He received his unemployment benefit last month.

8. They hired him to be represent a client.

No law can contradict the US constitution.

1. A lawyer is responsible FOR drafting legal documents.

2. In the UK to become a BARRISTER you need to pass the Bar Final


3. Some experts say that by the year of 2025 two more countries WILL BE

JOINED the European Union.

4. An arbitrator should be able to SETTLE disputes between legal persons.

5. The legal profession in England and Wales is divided into two branches:

barristers and solicitors. Barristers have right of audience in any court in the

land. They do not have to work entirely for the defence or for the

prosecution but may alternate between the two. All barristers are selfemployed and usually work out of chambers. Clients do not have direct

access to barristers, without seeing a solicitor first, and they pay the barrister

through a solicitor.

Barristers are never employed by clients directly

6. LEGAL FEES is money paid for the services of a lawyer.

7. Crown Courts TRY such cases as murder, rape and armed robbery.

8. A person against whom an action or claim is brought in a court of law is


9. In the UK a court that handles non-criminal legal matters is called A CIVIL


10.The police warned everyone TO STAY inside with their windows closed.

11.I`d advise you TO GET more experience.

12.Both private citizens and police officers have a right to use force in

attempting to arrest A SUSPECT.

13.Many civil disputes are dealt with through mediation. But when a case goes

for smaller claims there is a speedy and cheap way of resolving disputes

through jurisdiction award financial damages through the courts, the aim is

to make it as simple as the small court. Judges in the civil jurisdiction award

financial damages…

The small claims court

То, что уже было

• Investigator –someone who carries out investigations especially as

part of their job

• Barrister – a lawyer who has been called to the bar and qualified to

plead in the higher courts.

• Solicitor – a lawyer who advises clients on matters of law drams up

legal documents

• Judge – a public official with authority to hear cases in a court os law

and pronounce judgment upon them

• Bailiff – a public official in a court of law who keeps order looks after


1. The barrister is trained in the law and in the skills required TO ARGUE a

case in court.

2. The professor informed the audience the Supreme Court HAD REPLACED

the House of Lords as the highest court in the UK in 2009.

3. Until quite recently solicitors HAD the right of audience only in lower

courts where they COULD represent clients themselves without the help of a


4. Rulings of the Supreme Court are BINDING.

5. A Magistrates court usually consists of THREE JUSTICES OF THE


6. The investigator is supposed to have solved the crime – Полагают, что

следователь раскрыл преступление.

7. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 established the new Supreme Court of

the United Kingdom to replace the Appellate Committee of the House of


8. The judge has already passed a sentence.

9. Recently legal profession has become more competitive.

10.If the jury find the defendant guilty the judge will pronounce a sentence only

after taking into account such factors as the circumstances of the case, the

impact that the crime has had on the victim, relevant law, mitigation and any

reports and references on the defendant.

a. The main idea of the text is to explain the sentencing process

11.He was charged with armed robbery.

12.The advocate’s work can include defending those accused of committing a


13.Being found not guilty does not necessarily mean you are innocent.

14.In Russia, district courts are the courts of a higher instance for Justices of

the Peace.

15.A lawyer is likely to argue a case before a court.

16. An experienced judge is said to preside over the trial today.

17.The judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed to their position by the

President and must retire at the age of 70.

18.The lecturer told us the Old Bailey was the most famous criminal court in

the world.