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II cеместр Рекомендации к оформлению личного письма

  1. Адрес пишущего указывается в правом

верхнем углу

  1. Под адресом дата. Например:

Saturday, March 1st, 1999,

или менее официально: 9 September 1999;


  1. Письмо начинается с обращения.

Например: Dear Sally,

Dear Aunt Jane,

Dear Mr. Brown,

My darling,

После обращения ставится запятая.

  1. В начале письма автор обычно:

А) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную

корреспонденцию, например:

Thanks for …, Many thanks for…,

How nice of you to…,

I was awfully glad to get your letter…

Б) извиняется, что не писал раньше, например:

I must apologise for not writing…

I really should have written sooner…

  1. Основная часть письма. В ней

должны быть раскрыты все аспекты,

указанные в задании.

  1. В конце письма автор обычно упоминает о дальнейших контактах, например:

I will write again soon.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Hope to hear from you soon.

  1. Завершающая фраза письма зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после нее всегда ставится запятая, ниже приводятся пять возможных вариантов от наименее формального (1) к более формальному (5).

    1. I love you so much,

    2. Lots of love, Much love,

    3. Love,

    4. Best wishes, All the best,

    5. Yours.

  1. Подпись автора. Личные письма подписываются без указания фамилии: Sally, David.

Exercise 1. Look at the organization of the following informal letter.


38 Clifton Gardens

London NW6


27 September 1991


Dear Maria,

Previous contacts

Thank you for your letter. I’m very pleased that we are going to be pen friends. I’ll tell you a little about myself and you can do the same when you write me.

Body of the letter.

I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near the centre, but there are parks nearby where I take my dog, Mickey for a walk. I live with my parents and my younger brother, Paul.

I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of friends. At the weekends I like going swimming or horse-riding.

Further contacts

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Much love,


Francis Janes

Exercise 2. Write a letter.

A) This a part of a letter from Maxine, your English pen friend.

It’s my parents’ 20th wedding anniversary next week. Do you think I should organize a celebration? Have you ever organized anything like that? We could have a party, or go out for a meal, or maybe do something else? What do you think would be a good idea?



Write back to Maxine answering her questions.

B) You got a letter from your pen friend Kevin. He writes that he is dreaming about a motorbike, but his parents think that it is better to buy a good bicycle. He asks you about your opinion. Write him back, give your advice presenting your reasons.

Exercise 3. The envelope.

The sender – отправитель

The sender’s company name – компания - отправитель

The return address – обратный адрес

The sender’s street/flat/apartment – улица/квартира отправителя

The sender’s town / the town the letter comes from – город, откуда приходит письмо

The ZIP Code – индекс

The Zip Code in the return address – индекс в обратном адресе

The addressee - адресат

The addressee’s company name – компания-адресат

The mailing address – адрес, куда отправлена

The street name/flat/apartment in the mailing address – ули- ца/квартира адресата

The town the letter goes to - город, куда идет письмо

The Zip Code in the mailing address – индекс адресата

Exercise 4. Answer the questions (1-6) using the information given on the envelope. Find the answers (A-I).

1. Who is the sender?

2. Where is Miss Annette Twain from?

3. Where does Miss Annette Twain live?

A. Peter Ivanov;

B. Miss Annette Twain;

C. Russia;

D. the USA;

E. in Tomsk;

F. in Appleton Wisconsin;

G. 345789;

H. 10016;

I. Pushkin Street.

4. What is the Zip Code in the mailing address?

5. Who is the addressee?

6 What is the street name in the mailing address?

Miss Annette Twain

56 Fletcher Street


Appleton, Wisconsin 10016


Peter Ivanov

39 Pushkin Street

Apt. 2

Tomsk, Russia 345 789