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Classification of consonants

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I. According to the degree of noise.

II. According to the place of articulation.

III. According to the degree of noise and the manner of articulation.

I. Classification of the English noise consonants according to the degree of noise

  • According to the work of the vocal cords



  • According to the force of articulation

Weak (lenis)

(produced with a weak breath effort)

[b, d, g, v, ð, z, dʒ, ʒ]

Strong (fortis)

(produced with more muscular energy and stronger breath effort)

[p, t, k, f, θ, s, ∫, ʧ, h]

  • Sonorants:

According to the position of the soft palate:

[m, n, l, w, j, ŋ, r]

Nasal: [m, n, ŋ]

Oral: [r, w, j, l]

II. Classification of consonants based on the place of articulation




is articulated in the glottis [h]

NO in Russian


(articulated when both lips are active)

[p, b, m, w]


(with the lower lip against the edge of upper teeth)

[f, v]

* Forelingual

(producedwith the tip or the blade of the tongue)

according to the position and work of the tip of the tongue they may be:


(produced with the middle part of the tongue raised high to the hard palate)



(produced with the back part o the tongue raised towards the soft palate)

a) dorsal – NO in E..; in R.: [т, д, н, с, з, ч, ц]

b) apical(the tip of the tongue is active – [t, d, s, z, n, l, θ, ð])

c) cacuminal (the tip of the tongue is at the back of the teeth ridge – [r])


[k, g, ŋ])

Russian –[к, к’, г, г’, х, х’]

* According to the place of obstruction forelingual consonants may be :

1) interdental (are made with the tip of the tongue projected between the teeth [θ, ð]- NO in Russian)

2) dental/dentals (are produced with the blade of the tongue against the upper teeth – NO in E., in R.: [т, д, с, з, ц, л]

3) alveolar consonants/ alveolars (are articulated with the tip against the upper teeth ridge – [t, d, s, z, n, l]

4) post alveolar consonants/post alveolars (are made when the tip of the blade of the tongue is against the back part of the teeth ridge or just behind it – English -[r], Russian- [р].

5) palato-alveolar consonants/palato-alveolars (are made with the tip or the blade of the tongue against the teeth ridge and the front part of the tongue raised towards the hard palate, thus having 2 places of articulation – [dз, t∫, ∫, ʒ]).

III. Classification of consonants based on a degree of noise and the manner of articulation

Noise consonants




(are called stops because the breath is completely stopped at some point of articulation and then it is released with a slight explosion, that is why they are also called plosives). According to the work of the vocal cords they may be voiced and voiceless: [p, b, t, d, k, g]. Complete obstruction (are sounds in the production of which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in the mouth).


(are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the resonator). Fricatives:voiced and weak:[v, ð, z, ʒ]; voiceless and strong: [f, θ, s, ∫, h]



[t∫, dʒ]

Occlusive sonorants

[m, n, ŋ]

Constrictive sonorants

[w, r, l, j]

NO in English.

In Russian – [р]

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