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So far in the works by modern Russian research-workers social and ethnic problems in the field of international relations have not been studied broadly enough. Meanwhile it became evident at present that if you do not take into account such things as ethnic and psychological factors or a complex of emotions and mood in the relationships of societies you can't make an authentic analysis of state and perspectives of interstate relations. You can't ignore such things as mutually penetrating stereotypes or contradicting ideas which are formed under the influence of historical traditions as well as ideological activities of the ruling power in the states and class sympathies or antipathies between various social strata.

The authors'task was to point the main features and landmarks in the evolution of stereotypes of Chinese and Japanese mutual understanding, starting with establishing the formal relationships between the two countries in the VII century A. D. up to the 40s of the XX century. They tried to reveal the components of the process which show the themselves in the modern approach of Chinese and Japanese people to each other. The attempt to show systematically the evolution of ideas about Japan in China and also to make clear the perception of the image of Japan within the relationships between China and Japan was regarded by the authors as extremely important. It's important from the point of view of a historical research of a certain stage in the Chinese nationalism as well as merely theoretically. The latter is to discover the mechanism of influence of mutual perception of different nations (on the example of relationships between China and Japan) upon stereotypes in propaganda of their home and foreign policy and also upon their diplomatic practice.This subject is closely connected with the problem of reflection in the social mentality of the process of forcible drawing of traditional China in modern international relations and its accustoming to the modern civilization.

In the Chinese understanding of the outer world Japan was traditionally considered to be very important. The cultural and historical



tradition of China greatly influenced the Japanese society. Japan in its turn, plays an important part in the destiny of China, especially in modernity. A very special place of Japan in the Chinese social mentality was determined by a few factors. On the one hand the countries are geographically close to each other, they belong to the same racial and cultural community. But on the other hand, their development during the last 100 years differs greatly. We witness impetuous rise of Japan against the backward, demicolonial China. Besides political and military pressure upon China predetermined a special place of Japan in the Chinese social mentality.

The authors of the book (Dr. J. Choudodeyev and Dr. Z. Katkova, senior researchers at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) regard the attitude of the Chinese public to Japan (with all the distinctive stereotypes and bies). They try to retrace in consecutive order the evolution of perception of Japan by Chinese social mentality on the elitist ideological level. Such section of public psychology is more subjected to political conjuncture than to momentum of thinking. However there is a thing which makes it related with the level of ordinary thinking. It's a utilitarian attitude of Chinese people towards Japan, which we witness during the whole history of relationships between China and Japan in modernity. The authors think that, such pragmatic attitude penetrates all the layers of Chinese public consciousness and that was confirmed by the concrete historical picture how these two societies develop their relations.

Considering the mutual perception of China and Japan the authors stress both the traditional approach of the feudal elite to Japan (as that to the «Barbarian» society) and also a new view on Japan which is characteristic of progressive social forces. It's necessary to have empirical material to make a sistematic sociological research. Feeling its lack the authors of the monograph tried to fill it up with textological fragments from a number of documents and a good deal of works by the most eminent representatives of social and political thought of China of the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century (such as Huang Tsunhsien, Kang Yuwei, Liang Chichao, Sun Yatsen, Tai Chitao, Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Ching-wei). The research made by the authors indicates that great-power as well as xenophobia still were characteristic of mutual reception of both Chinese and Japanese people as products of Confucian culture.

Japan of Meiji epoch was a model of progress, of dynamic modernization of social economic and political systems for many representatives of progressive Chinese intelligencia. It served as a



phenomenon of transformation of a backward and dependant Asian country into a strong prosperous state. The Chinese reformers' and revolutionaries' approach to Japan mainly rested upon the emotional attitude to the country of «Rising sun». It leant upon subjective understanding of specific cultural and historical traditions and international connections, where racial and cultural community of Chinese and Japanese nations was stressed. In other words this approach was permanently painted in nationalistic colours. Within such an approach Japan was taken as an agressive, militarist power, threatening the Chinese state, but at the same time as «a hope of Asia» that is a country which challenged the colonizers of white race, and made them respect the Asian peoples. In particular, in Sun Jatsen's doctrine of Panasiatism a special significance was given to cooperation of China and Japan as «nations of the same race and the same culture».

The authors come to conclusion that the image of Japan as taken by China, which was formed in the process of long evolution was much more complicated and contradictory than vice versa. The Chinese reception of Japan was characterized by a close connection between positive and negative components. For instance, the feeling of racial community of the two countries was closely connected with the feeling of Chinese superiority over Japan. On the other hand, the feelings of respect and delight to Japan desire to follow its dynamic social and political progress was accompanied by watchfull attitude to it as to the state which became a serious threat for China. The authors think, that a complex combination of negative and positive features are typical for the present reception of Japan in China as well.

Katkova Z. D., Choudodeyev Y. V.

China — Japan: love or hatred? To the problem of evolution of the social-psychological and political stereotypes of mutual perception (VII AD — 40-40s XX cent.)




Chapter one. China and Japan mutual perception:


Genesis and Evolution before Modern Time


Chapter two. The Crisis of the traditional image of Japan:


the Meiji Revolution and the responce of China


Chapter three. The Challenge of the Tradition: a new viewing


of Japan (late XIX - early XX)


The Japanese model of development in the interpretation of


Chinese reformers


The perception of Japan by various circles of the


Chinese society on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution


Sun Yatsen's vision of Japan on the edge of XX Century


Chapter four. Japanese pressure and reaction of China (1910-20)


Japan's Twenty-one Demands, 1915


"The fourth may movement" of 1919 —an explosion


of the anti-japanese nationalism


Japan in the Sun Yatsen's estimation


(late 1910 - early 1920"')


Chapter five. From the resistance towards the war


Japan in the Gomindang leaders' appraisement


(Chiang Kai-shek, Tai Ch'i-tao).




Japan's aggression and the responce of China












Научное издание

Каткова ЗояДмитриевна, Чудодеев Юрий Владимирович

Китай — Япония: любовь или ненависть?

Кпроблеме эволюции социально-психологических

иполитических стереотипов взаимовосприятия (VII в. н. э. - ЗО-40-е годы XX в.)

Издание 2-е, испр. и доп.

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В 2001 году Институт востоковедения РАН выпустит книги:

Левин З.И. Менталитет диаспоры (системный и социокультурный анализ).

Как ощущает себя человек, поселившийся на чужбине? Каковы его мысли, чувства, поведение по отношению к землякам, оказавшимся в том же положении? к принявшей его стране? к покинутой родине? Существуют ли общие закономерности того, как инородцы «приживаются на новой почве» в разные времена и в разных странах? и насколько помогает им в этом «коллективное сознание», позволяющее рассчитывать на взаимовыручку, на помощь «своих» среди «чужих»?

На эти вопросы пытается ответить автор настоящей книги, используя метод исследователей, работающих в других областях науки — системный анализ.

Боровкова Л.А. Царства «западного края» во II-I веках до н.э. (Восточный Туркестан и Средняя Азия по сведениям из «Ши цзи»

и«Хань шу»).

Вкниге исследуются почти все материалы древнекитайских историй «Шицзи» и «Хань шу», касающиеся царств «западного края» (Восточного Туркестана и Средней Азии) во II-I веках н.э., отражаются перипетии борьбы за гегемонию над нимиимперии Ранняя Хань с державой северных кочевников Сюнну. Всесторонне рассмотрены многие, часто спорные вопросы политической истории и исторической географии региона в целом

иего отдельных народов — сюннов, юэчжей, усуней, канцзюев, даваньцев и других — устанавливается или уточняется датировка многих событий и их географическая привязка.

История и культура Японии.

В сборнике исследуются узловые проблемы истории японского общества и государства, его культуры и идеологии с древнейших времен до конца XIX в. В немидет речь о своеобразии японской культуры как целостной системы, влиянии дзэн-буддизма и древнекитайских учений на мышление японцев, националь-

ной эстетической традиции, сохранившей громадное значение и в наши дни. Вводятся в научный оборот новые материалы, добытые авторами непосредственно в ходе их исследования.

Юго-Восточная Азия: идеология и религия.

В статьях, составивших сборник, исследуется роль религий и идеологий в многоконфессиональных обществах Юго-Восточной Азии. На протяжении веков здесь никогда не прерывались религиозные и самобытные культурные традиции, которые впоследствии адаптировались к процессу капиталистической модернизации, начавшйся в этих странах.

Герасимова М. П. Киотский альбом. История, культура, традиции.

В книге воссоздана историко-культурная панорама длиною более чем в 1000 лет, в течение которых Киото был столицей Японии. В ней органически взаимосвязано рассказывается об исторических событиях, движениях религиозной мысли, культурных традициях, зародившихся в Киото и обусловивших появление феноменов, ставших неотъемлемой частью Японии и национального облика японцев. Своеобразными «иллюстрациями» в повествовании выступают памятники архитектуры — буддийские монастыри и синтоистские святилища, в которых впрессована история Киото в ее узловых моментах.