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Гордость и предубеждение / Section 3-4 решение.docx
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IV. Agree or disagree. Comment on the following:

1. Mrs. Phillips didn’t understand Mr. Collins’s compliment. F

At first, she didn’t understand the compliment because she didn’t have any idea about the Rosings and who was its proprietor.

2. Mr. Wickham was a typical officer. F He differed from them in his person, countenance, air, and walk.

3. Eliza was happy to be seated by Mr. Wickham and have a talk with him.T

4. If you have known a person for a long time you can’t gauge him fairly. If you have known someone too long and too well, you can be a fair judge.T

5. In childhood Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham were intimate friends.F

6. Lady Catherine’s daughter was Mr. Darcy’s bride. Her daughter, Miss de Bourgh, will have a very large fortune, and it is believed that she and her cousin will unite the two estates.F

7. When disputes occur interested people can mispresent each other to the public that’s why it’s impossible to judge them.T

8. Elizabeth was fascinated by Mr. Wickham.T

9. All inhabitants of Longbourn were inspired with Mr. Bingley’s invitation to the ball. F

10. Mr. Collins was a perfect partner for dancing. Mr. Collins, awkward and solemn, apologising instead of attending, and often moving wrong without being aware of it, gave her all the shame and misery which a disagreeable partner for a couple of dances can give. F

11. When dancing Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy were immersed in conversation.F


1. What connected Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham?

They’re not blood relatives. The late Mr Wickham was Mr Darcy’s father steward. He would’ve managed the Pemberley estate on the family’s behalf and lived nearby. Mr Darcy’s father was fond of Wickham as a boy, paid for his education, and paid for him to go to university alongside his son. He intended for Wickham to become a clergyman of the parish church at Pemberley. Mr. Darcy using mr. Wickham ill.

2. What did Elizabeth think about the fact that Mr. Collins had set his heart on her?

She was alarmed, and not pleased with the effect of her charms, especially after Mrs. Bennet made it clear that she was not against their marriage. Realizing the scandal that would cause her refusal, Elizabeth chose to act as if she did not understand the hints.

3. because she didn’t want to break her sister’s engagement with a close friend of Mr. Darcy.

3. Elizabeth believed Mr. Wickham at once but she didn’t want to accept Mr. Darcy’s alternative account of the events reproduced by Jane, Mr. Bingley and his sister.

4. Why did Mr. Bennet have to prevent Mary’s exhibition?

Because Mary's powers were by no means fitted for such a display; her voice was weak, and her manner affected. Elizabeth looked at two Mr. Darcy’ sisters, and saw them making signs of derision at each other, and at Darcy. She looked at her father to entreat his interference, lest Mary should be singing all night.

5. Why was Elizabeth vexed by her mother’s behavior at the table?

The behavior of Elizabeth's mother at the table embarrasses her because she understands the proper and improper modes of conduct at such an event.

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