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Гордость и предубеждение / Section 3-4 решение.docx
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  1. Agree or disagree. Comment on the following:

1.Mr. Darcy was pleased to receive Miss Bingley’s commendations when writing a letter. F

He was irritated by her behavior, she was paying too much attention and distracting him from writing.

2. ‘… a person who can write a long letter with ease, cannot write ill.’F

This depends on the content of the email, not its length. Sometimes a short letter conveys the content much better.

3. ‘Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.’ T

You need to be honest about your advantages and disadvantages, not to exaggerate or downplay.

4. Miss Bingley liked to spend evenings reading books. F

She did it to be with Mr. Darcy.

5. Elizabeth couldn’t venture to laugh at such a man as Mr. Darcy. F

She saw no reason to laugh at him, but she could.

6. Mr. Darcy didn’t want to show his affection to Elizabeth. T

He didn't want to show her how much he liked her, so he only said a dozen words to her on the last day.

7. Miss Bingley didn’t want to let Jane and Elizabeth go. F

She liked one sister, and the other was a cause of jealousy, so she waited for her departure.

8. Lady Catherine’s daughter was the brightest ornament of the British court. F She was not presented to the British court.

9. Mr. Bennet preferred to read alone. T

He didn't need companions other than Elizabeth.


1. What was the reason of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy’s argument?

Bingley spoke of his faults, and tried to put them in the best light. Darcy was annoyed.

2. Why didn’t Elizabeth want to dance a reel?

She thought Darcy was laughing at her. She was convinced that he would despise her for her taste.

3. How were Jane and Eliza received at home? Why did they return before Tuesday?

Eliza no longer wanted to stay at Bingleys’. Mrs. Bennet wondered at their coming, and thought them very wrong to give so much trouble, and was sure Jane would have caught cold again. But their father, though very laconic in his expressions of pleasure, was really glad to see them; he had felt their importance in the family circle.

4. Introduce William Collins. What is the purpose of his arrival to Longbourn?

William Collins was Mr. Bennet's cousin. He was a priest. He was a tall, heavy young man of about twenty-five. He was thinking of marrying one of the Bennet daughters to end the family feud.

5. How was Mr. Collins received at Longbourn?

Mr. Bennet indeed said little; but the ladies were ready enough to talk, and Mr. Collins seemed neither in need of encouragement, nor inclined to be silent himself.

6. What did Mr. Bennet think about his cousin William Collins?

He thought his cousin was stupid and ridiculous, and that pleased him.

7. Speak on the walk to Meryton.

Lydia wanted to talk about the officers, so the sisters and William went to see Mrs. Phillips. On the way they met Mr. Denny, his friend Mr. Wickham, Bingley, and Darcy.

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