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Литература по описанию свойств вирусов

  1. Болезни собак и кошек./Братюха С.И., Нагорный И.С., Ревенко И.С., Ревенко И.П., и др. // М. Колос. 1989.

  2. Дубова Р.Г. Некоторые биологические свойства вируса норок// Биология и ветеринария в клеточном пушном звероводстве и промышленном кролиководстве. М. 1986. С. 88.

  3. Парвовирусная инфекция собак/ Мутафаров Л., Ганева Л., Калфов К., Енчев С.// Вет. сбирка, 1988.№1.С.38-39.

  4. Рахманина М.М. Выделение парвовируса собак и изучение некоторых биологических свойств/ Разраб.методов контроля биол. препаратов и диагностических средств. ВГНКИ, М. 1989. С.114-121.

  5. Симонович В.Н., Бондаренко В.В. Парвовирусный энтерит// Ветеринария. 1982. №12. С.37.

  6. Сулимов А.А., Селиванов А.В., Груздев Н.К. Парвовирусный энтерит собак//Тезисы конф."Патология членистоногих и биологические средства борьбы с вредными организмами" Киев. 1981. С.32-41.

  7. .Appel M., Cooper B.G., Greisen H. Canine viral enteritis. J. status report on corona and parvolire enterilides// Cornell Vet., 1979, vol.69, pp.123-133.

  8. .Appel M., Scott F.W., Carmichael L.N. Isolation and immunization studies of a canine parvolike virus from dogs with haemorrhagik enteritis //Vet. Rek., 1979, vol.105. pp.156-159.

  9. .Astel C.R., Smith M., Chow M.B. Structure of the a 3`hairpin termini of four rodent parvovirus genomes: Nucleotide seguence homology at the origins of DNA replication// Cell, 1979, vol.17, pp.691-695.

  10. .Astell C.R., Gardiner E.M., Tattersal P. DNA secuence of the lymphotropic variant of minute virus of mice, MVM (i) and its comporison with the DNA secuense of the fibrotopic prototype strein// J. Virol., 1986, vol. 57, pp.656-659.

  11. Bachmann P.A., Hoggan M.D., Kurster E. Parvoviridae: second report// Intervirology, 1979, vol .11. pp.248-251.

  12. Binn L.N., Lazar E.C., Eddy G.A. Recovery and characterization of a minute virus of canines// Infect. Immun., 1970, vol. 1, pp. 503-508.

  13. Baurguignon G.Y., Tattersall P.J., Ward D.C. DNA of a minute virus of mice: Self-priming, nonpermuted, singlie-stranded genome with a 5`-terminal hairpin duplex// J. Virol.,1976,vol. 20, pp. 290-311.

  14. Bolin V.S: The cultivation of feline panleukopenia virus in tissue culture// Virology, 1957, vol. 4, pp. 389-390.

  15. Burtonbox G., Coignoul F.,Delferrieren P. Canine haemorrhagik enteritis. Detection of partikles by elektron mikroscopi// Arch. Virol., 1979, vol. 61, pp. 1-11.

  16. Casal J.I., Ranz A., Mancrus J.J. Construction of an infections genomic clone of Porcine Parvovirus: Effect of the 5`End on DNA replication// Virologi, 1990, vol. 177, pp. 764-767.

  17. Caste B.C., Goodheart C.R. Inhibition of adenovirus transformation in vitro by AAV-1// Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 1972, vol.140, p.72.

  18. Carmicael L.E. Canine parvovirus type2 an evolving pathogen of dogs// Ann. med. Vet., 1994, vol. 7, pp. 459-469.

  19. Carmichael L.E., Joubert J.C., Polloc R.V. Hemagglutionation bу canine parvovirus: Serologic studies and diagnostic application// Amer. J. Vet. Res. 1980. vol. 40, pp. 784-791.

  20. Christensen J., Storgaard T., Viuff B. Comparison of promoter activiti in Aleutian minc disease parvovirus, minute virus of mice, and canine parvovirus: possible role of wear promoters in the pathogenesis of a leutian mink disease parvovirus infection// J. Virol. 1993, vol. 67, pp. 1877-1886.

  21. Comparative studies of physicochemical and biological properties between canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus // H.Goto, T.Hirano, E.Uchida e.a./ Japan. J. Veter. Sc., 1984, vol. 46, pp. 519-526.

  22. Cortes E., San Martin C. Topographical analys of canine parvovirus virions and recombinant VP2 capsids// J. Virol., 1993, vol. 74, pp.2005-2010.

  23. Cotmore S.F., Tattersal P. The autonomously replicating parvoviruses of vertebrates// Adv. in virus reseach, 1987, vol. 33, pp. 326-400.

  24. Crawford L.V., Follet E.A., Burdon M.G. The DNA of a minute virus of mise// J. Gen. Virol. 1969. vol. 4, pp. 37-40.

  25. dela-Maza L.M., Carter B.G. Мolekular structure of adeno-associated virus vasriant DNA // J. Biol. Chem., 1980, vol.25, p. 3194.

  26. Experimental infection of feline panleukopenia virus in specifik pathogenfree cats// Goto H., Hosokawa S., Ichio S./ Jpn. J. vet. Sci., 1983. vol. 45, pp. 109-112.

  27. Experimental parvovirus infection in dogs// Potgieter L.N., Gones J.B., Patton C.S./ Can. J. Comp. Med., 1981,. vol. 45, pp.212-216.

  28. Feline viruses 15 Transplacental infection in spontaneous panleucopenia of cats// Csiza C,K., Scott F.W., de Lahunta A./ Cornell Vet., 1971, vol. 61, pp.423-439.

  29. Gerry H.W., Kelly T.J., Berns K.L. Arrangement of nucleotide seguences in adeno-associated virus DNA// J. Mol.Biol., 1973, vol. 79, pp.207-211.

  30. Gillespie J.H., Scott F.W. Feline viral infection// Adv. Vet. Sc. Camp. Med., 1973, vol. 17, pp.163-200.

  31. Green M.R., Roeder R.G. Transcripts of the adenovirus-associated virus genome: Mapping of the major RNAs// J. Virol., 1983, vol.45, p.79.

  32. Hagen K.W., gorham J.R. The hоst range for canine distemper and feline panleukopenia virus// Southwest. Vet., 1969, vol.22, pp. 191-193.

  33. Hauswirth W.W., Berns K.J. Origin, terminationof adeno-associated virus DNA replication// Virology, 1977, vol.79, p.488.

  34. Johnson F.B., Hoggan M.D. Structural proteins of HADEN-virus// Virol., 1973, vol. 51, pp. 129-132.

  35. Johnson R.H. Isolation of a virus from condition simulation feline panleucopaenia in a leopard// Vet. Rec., 1964, vol. 76, pp. 1008-1013.

  36. Johnson R.H., Margolis G., Kilham L. Identity of feline ataxia virus with felime anleucopenia virus// Nature, 1967, vol. 214, pp. 175-177.

  37. JonsonR.H. Feline panleukopenia// Vet. Rec., 1969, vol. 84, pp. 338-340.

  38. Jonson R.H., Spradbrow P.B. Isolation from dogs with severe enteritis of a parvovirus related to feline panleukopenia virus// Aust. Vet. J., 1979, vol. 55, pp. 151-155.

  39. Kelly W.R. A enteric disease of dogs resem bling feline panleukopenia// Austr. Vet. J., 1978, vol. 54, pp. 593-599.

  40. Kesel M.L., Nell D.H. Combined MLV canine parvovirus vaccine immunosuppression wwith infective shedding// VM. SAC., 1983, vol. 78, pp. 687-691.

  41. Kilharn L., Margolis G.M Viral etiology of spontaneous ataxia of cats// Am. J. Pathol., 1966, vol. 48, pp. 991-1011.

  42. Kilhman L., Margolis G., Colby E.D. Cerebellar ataxia and its congenital transmission in cats by feline panleukopenia virus// J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 1971, vol. 158: Suppl 2, pp.888-901.

  43. Kolleck R., Tseng B.Y., Goulian M. DNA polymerrase reguirements for parvovirus H1 DNA replication in vitro// J. Virol., 1982, vol.41, p.982.

  44. Kongsvik J.R., Toolan H.W. Capsid components of parvovirus H-1// Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., vol. 139, p. 1202.

  45. Kramer J.M., Meunier P.C., Polloch R.V. Canine parvovirus: update// VM. Sac., 1980, vol. 75, pp.1541-1555.

  46. Lysby E., Fife R.H., Berns K.J. Nucleotide seguense of the inverted teminal repatition in adeno-associated virus//J. Virol., 1980, vol. 34, p.402.

  47. Macartneu L., Parrish C.R., Binn L.N., Carmichael L.E. Characterization of minute virus of canines (MVC) and its pthogeniciti for pups// Cornell Vet., vol. 78, pp. 131-145.

  48. Mac Master G.K., Tratschin J.D., Siegl G. Comparison of canine parvovirus with mink enteritis virus by rrestriction site mapping// J. Virol. vol. 38,1984, pp.368-371.

  49. Mac Pherson L.W. Feline enteritis virus-its, transmission to minc under natural and experimental conditions// Can. J. Camp. Med. vol. 20,1980, pp. 197-202.

  50. Milks H.J., Goldberg S.A. Infections enteritis of cats// Cornell Vet., 1920, vol. 10, pp. 189-202.

  51. Moraillon a. Distinction des parvovirus felins et canins par hemagglutination// rec. Med. Vet., 1982, vol. 158, pp. 799-804.

  52. Parrish C.R., Gorham J.R., Schwartz T.M., Carmichael L.E, Characterization of a nonhemagglutinating mutant of canine parvovirus// Virology, 1984, vol. 163, pp. 230-232.

  53. Parrish C.R. et al. Natural variation of canine parvovirus// Sciene, 1985, vol. 230, pp. 128-132.

  54. Parrich C.R., Aquadro C.F., Carmichael L.E. Canine Host Range and a Specific Epitope Map along with Variant Seguences in the Capsid Protein Gene of Canine Parvovirus and Related Feline, Minc and Raccon Parvovirus// Virology, 1988, vol. 166, №2, pp.293-307.

  55. Parrich et al. The Global Spread and Replacement of Canine Parvovirus Strains// J. gen. virol., 1988, vol. 69, №5, pp. 1111-1116.

  56. Rhode S.L. Nucleotide seguence of the coat protein gene of canine parvovirus// J. Virol., 1985, vol.54, pp. 630-633.

  57. Surleraux M., Bodeus M., Burtonboy G. Strudy of canine parvovirus polypeptides by immunoblot analysis// Arch. Virol., 1987, vol. 95, pp. 271-281.

  58. Schofield F.W. Virus enteritis in mink// North. Amer. Vet., 1949, vol. 30, pp. 651-654.

  59. Structure of the 3` hairpin termini of four rodent parvovirus genomes: Nucleotide sequencs homology at the origins of DNA replication/ AstellC.R., Smith M., Chow M.B., Ward D.C.// Cell, 1979, vol. 17, p. 691.

  60. Scott F.W. Feline ranleukopenia// Current Veterinary Therapy, 4 Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, 1971, pp. 644-649.

  61. Thomas N.J., Foreyt W.J., Evermann J.F. Seropreva lence of canine parvovirus in wild coyotes from Texas, Utah and Jdano ( 1972- to 1984)// J. of the Amer. Veter. Medical association, 1984, vol. 185, pp.1283-1287.

  62. .Truyen U., Adbadje M., Parrish C.R. Characterization of the feline panleucopenia virus// Virology, 1994, vol.201, pp. 494-503.

  63. Verge J., Cristoforoni N. La gastroentenrite infectieuse des chats est-elle due a un virus filtrable? // Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 1928. Vol. 99: p. 312-314

  64. Vihinen-Ranta M., Kolela A., Makinen P. Intracellular raute of canine parvovirus entry// J. Virology, 1988, vol. 72, pp.802-806.

  65. Waller E.F. Infections gastroenteritis in raccon ( Procyonlotor )// J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 1940, vol. 96,.pp. 266-268.

  66. Wills G.C. Notes on infections enteritis of mink and its relationship to feline enteritis// Canad. J. Comp. Med., 1952, vol. 16, pp. 419-420.

Литература по методам диагностики

  1. Верховский О.А., Слугин И.В. Тест-система " Парвокан" высокоэффективный экспресс-метод диагностики парвовирусного энтерита собак // Ветеринария 1999, № 10, С.51-52.

  2. Диагностика и профилактика панлейкопении кошек/ Сулимов А.А.,СеливановА.В.,Гельман Б.Г., Уласов В.И.// Ветеринария. 1986. №2: С.59.

  3. Дроздова Э.И., Гельман Б.Г. Серологические реакции при вирусном энтерите норок// Сб. Науч. Трудов. т.34: М.1985.

  4. Characterization of antigenic variation among mink enteritis virus isolates// C.R. Parrich, J.B. Gorham, T.M. Schwartz, L.E. Carmichael/ Am. J. Vet. Res., 1984, vol. 45, pp. 2598-2599.

  5. Drane D.P., Hamilton R.C., Cox G.C. Evaluation of a novel diagnostik test for canine parvovirus// Veter. Microbiol., 1994, vol. 41, pp.293-302.

  6. Fastier L.B. A single radial haemolyses test for measuring canine parvovirus antibodi// Myc. Ryc., 1981, vol. 108, pp. 299-301.

  7. Fiower L.R., Wilcax G.E., Robinson W.F. Antigenic differences between canine parvovirus and feline panleucopenia virus// Vet. Rec., 1980, vol. 107, pp.254-256.

  8. Mathis A., Mueller R., Pedersen N.C. Hemagglutination with formalin fixed erythrocytes for detection of canine parvovirus// J. Vet. Rec., vol. 24, 1983, p. 150,

  9. Mildbrand M.M., TermotoY.A., Collens J.K. Rapid detection of canine parvovirus infeces using monoclonal antibodies and enzumelinked immunosorbent assay// Am. J. of Vet. rec., 1984, vol. 45, vol. 11, pp. 2281-2284.

  10. Monoclonal antibodies applied in an immunoperaxdase method for detection of parvovirus in specimens of small in testine from dog and minc// Jonsson J., MagnussonC., Book M., Junttin N./ Acta Vet. Scand. 1988, vol.29,№2,

  11. Parrish C.R., Carmichael L.E. and Antczar D.F. Antigenik relationships between canine parvovirus type 2, feline panleucopenia virus and minc enteritis virus using conventional antisera and monoclonal antibodies// Arch. Virol., 1982, vol. 72, pp.267-278.

  12. Parrich C.R., Carmichael L.E. Antigenic structure and variation of canine parvovirus type-2, feline panleukopenia virus and mink enteritis virus// virologi, 1983, vol. 1129, pp.401-414.

Литература по методам профилактики и лечения

  1. Кириллов.А.К. Специфическая профилактика вирусного энтерита, ботулизма, псевдомоноза и чумы плотоядных. ДисС. … докт. вет. наук (в форме научного доклада) Казанский вет. ин-т.- Казань. 1992. С.47.

  2. Комаров Б.Г., Плотвинов А.П. Парвовирусный энтерит собак// Ветеринария. 1997. №2: С.34-36.

  3. Canine parvovirus relationshih to wild-type and vaccine strrains of feline panleukopenia virus and minc enteritis virus/ Tratschin T.D., Mc Master G.K., Konauer G.// J. Gen. Virol., 1982, vol. 61, pp. 35-41.

  4. Enders G.F., Harnmon W.D. Active and passive immunization against the virus of malignant panleukopenia of cats// Proc. Soc. Exp. Med., 1940, vol. 43, pp. 194-200.

  5. Glickman L.T., Appel M.J. Parvovirus infection and distemper vaccination// J. Am. Vet. Med. Assac., 1981, vol. 178, pp. 1029-1031.

  6. Gray C. Immunization of the exotic felidae for panleukopenia// J. Zoo Anim. Med., 1972, vol. 3, pp.14-15.

  7. Immune respone of to modified live-virus canine distemper-measles vaccine// Brown A.L., Vitamvus J.A., Merry D.L./ Am. Fac. Vet.Leoh., 1988, vol. 34, pp. 29-39.

  8. Immunidod en parvovirus canina J. cjntribucion al estudio de la reaccion de inhibicion-hemaglutinacion en la parvovirus canina// Rejas Lopes for J., Reeias Gareia Patida P., Fernander Alvares F./ An. Fac. Vet. Leoh. 1988, vol. 34, pp 39-37.

  9. Lacheretz A., Lejour A. Diagnostic ELISA de la parvovirose canine sensibilite, specificite interference vaccinale// Revue Med. Vet., 1990, vol. 141, pp. 647-653.

  10. Ott R.L. Viral diseases// In: Catcott E.J.(ed). Feline. medicine and Surgery. 2 ed. Santa barbara, American Veterinary Publications Inc.,1975, pp. 17-62.

  11. Polloch R.V.H. Canine parvovirus: hast responses and immunoprophylaxis// RhD. thesis. Ithaca, Cornell University, 1981, pp. 1-38.

  12. Rosendal S., Rasmussen P.G. Antibody response in mink, ferret and dog following vaccination with different distemper vaccines// Nord. Vet. Med., 1970, vol. 22, pp. 329-335.

  13. The preliminary use of attenuated feline panleukopenia virus to protect cats against virus enteritis/ Gorham D.L., Hartsough G.R., Burger D.L.// Cornell Vet., 1965, vol. 55, pp. 559-566.