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Part X





names of the servers that are currently being used. Figure C-9 shows the Server Explorer window.











FIGURE C-9 The ServerTxplorer window

The Server Explorer window also allows you to add event logs, message queues, and performance counters to your project. A toolbar displaying the buttons for commonly used commands is displayed in the Server Explorer window.


The Toolbox contains various tools available in Visual Studio .NET. The Toolbox can be opened by clicking the Toolbox tab displayed on the left margin of the Visual Studio .NET IDE. You can also open the Toolbox by selecting the Toolbox command from the View menu.

The General and Clipboard Ring tabs are displayed by default. In addition, tools with specific functions are displayed in the toolbox. You can view all the tabs on the Toolbar by selecting the Show All Tabs option from the context menu.

Some of the tabs available in the Toolbox are:

General tab. The General tab, by default, displays only the Pointer control. You can also add controls, such as custom controls, to the General tab. Custom controls refer to user-defined controls. Figure C-10 shows the General tab of the Toolbox.



FIGURE C-10 The General tab of the Toolbox

Clipboard Ring tab. The Clipboard Ring tab also displays only the Pointer control by default. The Clipboard Ring tab displays the last 12 items that are added to the clipboard. The clipboard is basically a memory cache maintained by the Microsoft Windows operating system. The Clipboard Ring tab of the Toolbox is shown in Figure C-11.

FIGURE C-11 The Clipboard Ring tab of the Toolbox


Part X





The Toolbox can also be customized by adding tabs and tools. You can use the Customize Toolbox command from the Tools menu to open the Customize Toolbar dialog box.

The Task List Window

Visual Studio .NET allows you to mark the code present in your application with comments. The Task List window helps track errors and warnings. These comments are displayed in the table format. To view these errors, you need to doubleclick the message and determine the exact location of the error.

You can open the Task List window by selecting the Other Windows command from the View menu and then selecting the Task List command from the submenu. The Task List window is shown in Figure C-12.

FIGURE C-12 The Task List window

You can also add comments for the errors in the code, which may be useful for later references. Figure C-13 shows a comment for an error in the code.

FIGURE C-13 A comment for an e rror in the code


Managing Windows

The windows that are displayed in Visual Studio .NET IDE can be managed according to your requirements. The following options are available to perform this function. The next sections will discuss them in detail.

Hiding Windows

To hide a window, you use the Auto Hide feature of the Visual Studio .NET IDE. The window is then displayed as a tab, which can be clicked to maximize the hidden window. You can apply the Auto Hide feature to various tools of IDE, such as Solution Explorer, Task List, and Toolbox.The Auto Hide feature may be enabled or disabled by toggling the pushpin icon in the upper-right corner of the window. Figure C-14 shows the Auto Hide feature of the Visual Studio .NET IDE.

FIGURE C-14 The Auto Hide feature of Visual Studio .NET IDE

Docking Windows

You can drag the windows present in IDE as per your requirements by using the docking windows feature provided by Visual Studio .NET. The windows can be attached or left free-standing as per your requirements.