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Texts 2012-9.doc
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    1. Read the text and answer the questions.


After O. Henry

Miss Carington was a famous actress. She began her life in a small village named Cranberry. But that was long ago. Now she was to perform the leading part in a new comedy.

A capable young actor Highsmith by name dreamt of being Miss Carington’s partner in the new play. He told it to the manager. The manager explained to the young actor that if he wanted to play the part he must persuade Miss Carington to accept him as a partner.

The young actor knew very well that it was the part of a young farmer. The next day he went to Cranberry where he stayed for three days and gathered much information about the life and the people of that small village. Then he returned to the village and went to one of the restaurants where actors usually gathered after the performance.

He saw a small party sitting at the table. The star of that party was Miss Carington.

She noticed a poorly dressed man enter the restaurant. He approached the famous actress, greeted her and told her much interesting news about her relatives and friends from Cranberry. The way he spoke made her believe every word he said. She was sure he was a farmer.

In the end he told the famous actress that her mother wanted to see her again before she died. Then he gave her a rose he picked up from a bush in front of her house in Cranberry.

Miss Carington was so touched that she couldn’t help crying. She thanked the young man and invited him to see her again at the hotel before he left the city.

The next morning the young actor dressed in the latest fashion went to the hotel. He was sure Miss Carington would agree to take him as her partner in the play if he told her everything.

To his surprise he was told that Miss Carington had left for her native village forever.

Highsmith realized that he had acted too well.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Name the main characters of the story.

  2. Did Highsmith have to play the part of a young farmer or a sailor?

  3. Why didn’t the young actor find Miss Carington at the hotel?

  4. * Why did Miss Carington leave for her native village forever?

  5. * Was Highsmith a good actor? Why?

    1. Read the text and say why classical music is considered to be great. Say if you like listening to classical music and why. What music do you prefer listening to?


I love classical music. Maybe, it’s because of nine years inside the musical school; but I’ve found this music the closest to my soul. Most people of my age would think I’m a bit mad to love Strauss, Mozart, Bach in place of psychedelic rock and angry, loud punk bands. My friend often says: “It’s much easier and fun to be with the crowd.” I would agree with her… But why must I be like somebody else and not somebody else be like me?

I find classical music relaxing. As many psychologists say: Bach helps to cope with nervousness; Vivaldi is excellent to make people feel calm and satisfied. Why do many people find it to be dull? Why dull? To talk about classical music as a whole there’s many modern remakes of classics. For example, I like the way Vanessa-Mae plays.

It’s not true that I hate all modern music. I have a few pop or rock songs that I like; but I think all this music can’t be called great.

Olga Doctorova

English” newspaper

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