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The Present Indefinite Tense.doc
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The Present Indefinite Tense (Present Simple)

The Present Indefinite is formed from the infinitive without the particle “to”.

e.g. We watch TV every evening.

In the third person singular the ending - s is added.

After s, ss, ch, sh, tch, x, z, oes is added.

e.g. He goes to school every day.

A final y is changed into i if it is preceded by a consonant and then - es is added.

e.g. to study - he studies

to try - he tries

but: to play - he plays

to stay - he stays

The interrogative and negative forms are formed by means of the Present In­definite of the auxiliary verb to do (do, does) and the infinitive of the notional verb without the particle to.

e.g. Do you speak English? Does he know French?

I don’t speak English. He doesn’t know French.

The Present Indefinite is used to denote:

1. Customary repeated actions.

e.g. They go to the seaside every summer.

In this case one can use such adverbials as: every (day, year), often, usually,

always, sometimes, never, as a rule, every other day, etc.

2. Actions and states characterizing a given person.

e.g. She sings well.

3. Universal truths, something which is true in general.

e.g. The earth goes round the sun.

Doctors treat patients.

4. Actions going on at the present moment with verbs not used in the Con­tinuous form:

see love respect want know seem believe agree

hear like dislike wish understand mean recognize allow

notice hate prefer desire suppose remember refuse belong

e.g. I see Nick in the street. He is going home.

Have (when the meaning is “possess”)

e.g. I have a pen (but: I am having breakfast now)

Think (when the meaning is “believe” – полагать, считать)

e.g. What do you think about it?

(but: What are you thinking about? You are so sad!)

5. A future action in adverbial clauses of time (after the conjunctions(союзов) when, after, before, till, until, as soon as, as long as, by the time), condition (after the conditions if, unless (если не), in case) and concession (уступка) (after

the conjunctions even if, even though, whatever, whenever, however).

e.g. We’ll have dinner as soon as Father comes.

If the weather is fine tomorrow we’ll go for a walk. I won’t believe him whatever he says.

But: in Object clauses (придаточных дополнения) introduced by when and if (whether) the Future Tense is used.

e.g. I don’t know when he will come.

6. A future action when we are talking about timetables, official arrangements,

programmes etc. (for example, for public transport, cinemas)

e.g. What time does the film begin?

The train leaves Moscow at 10.30 a.m.

But: What time are you meeting Nick? (personal arrangement) .

7. Present Indefinite is used instead of the Present Perfect with such verbs as to learn, to tell, to hear, to forget in such cases as:

I learn that you have been ill. I am told that he has gone abroad. I forget his name.

I hear you made a speech yesterday.

8.The Present Indefinite is used in such sentences:

a) Where do you come from? (=Where are you from?)

What do you do? (= What are you by profession?)

b) in suggestions:

e.g. Why don’t you give up smoking?

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