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Exercise 3. Summarize your knowledge on non-Finite forms. Define the form of the underlined words (Infinitive, Participle - I, Participle - II, Gerund). Translate the sentences.

  1. While carrying out his experiment Heinrich Lamm reported transmitting the image of a light bulb.

  2. His goal was to look inside inaccessible parts of the object.

  3. The team had solved the problems presented by Dr. Kao.

  4. Having been tested, the new apparatus was recommended for work in all the laboratories.

  5. The experiments of the physicists resulted in making much more powerful microscopes.

  6. The described results of the test depended on the accuracy of the used instrument.

  7. Diagrams illustrate two methods of connecting a series of cells.

  8. Some of the produced effects are discussed in the following chapter.

Exercise 4. While translating the sentences pay attention to the chains of attributes.

  1. The transmitter processes and translates the information into equivalently coded light pulses.

  2. The optic core is the light carrying element at the center of the optical fiber.

  3. In other words the coded light pulse information is translated back into its original state as the coded electronic information.

  4. The electronic information is then ready for input into electronic based communication device, such as a computer, telephone or TV.

  5. When a photon is absorbed by an electron and becomes excited there is a rapid transition into another long-lived energy state.

  6. The development of a semiconductor laser is one of the most important developments in the rapidly changing field of technology.

Unit 5 word study

Exercise 1. Check the transcription in the dictionary and read the words listed below.

Alignment, geodetic, cauterize, lesions, missile, satellite, isotope, fusion, reduction.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the collocations given below.

To trim microelectronic components, to heat-treat semiconductor chips, to cut fashion patterns, trace substances, tunable dye laser, to vaporize lesions, a small fraction of a second

Exercise 3. Make nouns from the following verbs according the model and translate them.

Verb + ing

to pump, to process, to focus, to lock, to tune, to scatter, to broaden.

Verb + ion

to compress, to oscillate, to investigate, to operate, to indicate, to emit, to propagate.

Verb – noun

to increase, to decrease, to trap, to center, to focus, to pump, to power, to slope.

Understanding a printed text

List of Terms:

cauterize – прижигать

crustal – корковая руда

dye laser – лазер на красителе

earthbound communication – наземная связь

exposure time – время экспонирования

fashion patterns – формы образцов

frequency shift – сдвиг по частоте

fusion – плавление

heat-treat – подвергать термообработке

high-density information recording – высокая плотность записи информации

laser-activated switches – лазерные переключатели

lesions – повреждения

low-loss optical fibers – оптические волокна с низкими потерями

protective goggles – защитные очки

trim – подрезать, формировать

trace substances – следы вещества

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