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Деловой английский для начинающих, Юсупова.doc
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  1. Match these people to the places where they work. Then make sentences.

Example: A hairdresser works in a salon.






Cab driver

hotel rooms


health centre



hotel reception

  1. A tip is a small amount of extra money you give for good service. Which of the people in Exercise 1 do you usually tip in Russia? Do you tip other people? How much do people usually tip?

3. Read the text and answer the questions on it.

Take a tip from restaurants

Why do we tip waiters, hairdressers and taxi drivers but not nurses and shop assistants? According to the research in the US, more than 90 percent of restaurant diners tip their waiter or waitress about 10 percent of the bill. Tips are often a large part of the income of waiting staff.

Research shows that, to get tips, some things work and others don’t. There are three main factors which can increase tipping.

The first is contact between customer and waiter or waitress. It includes:

  • touching the customer politely on the arm.

  • bending down so your eyes are on the same level as the customer’s.

  • extra visits to the table to check that everything is OK.

  • smiling when greeting the customer and being pleasant. Being helpful and warm makes a big difference.

  • introducing yourself by name. Even things like writing ‘thank you’ or drawing a cartoon on the bill are effective.

The second factor is speed. There are three occasions during the meal when speed is important: bringing the menu and drinks and taking the food order; bringing the food; and bringing the bill. It is important to get the speed

right. The trick is to understand what the customer wants. A business lunch may be quick or slow: get the timing right and the tip increases.

The third factor is giving small gifts – a free aperitif at the start of the meal or a chocolate with the bill.

  1. How much do diners usually tip the waiting staff, according to the article?

  2. What can increase tipping, according to the article? Choose three answers.

  1. giving extra things for free

  2. quick service

  3. dressing smartly

  4. playing music

  5. creating a good relationship with customers

  1. What can waiting staff do to increase tipping, according to the article? Choose three answers.

  1. never touch the customer

  2. visit the table often to make sure the customer is happy

  3. smile at the customer

  4. be pleasant and helpful

  5. introduce the customer to the manager

  6. ask the customer for their name

4. Which factors make you tip more?

  • A sunny day

  • Being in a big group

  • Good food

  • An attractive waiter or waitress

  • Pay day

  • Other

5. Retell the text.

Grammar review

  1. Match the phrasal verbs in sentences 1 to 8 with their definitions a) to h).

  1. Alice is looking after some visitors from Tokyo.

  2. They want to look around the city before they go.

  3. We look forward to welcoming the new Chief Executive.

  4. Our Sales Manager is taking them out tonight.

  5. We hope all staff can take part in the visitor programme.

  6. We’d like to take up your invitation to visit you next year.

  7. We changed the hotel booking when several extra visitors turned up.

  8. It was a shame to turn down their invitation to the conference.

  1. see the sights

  2. arrive/appear

  3. get involved in

  4. give attention to/protect

  5. accept (an offer)

  6. wait with pleasure

  7. entertain

  8. refuse