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3. Listening

T.29 Listen to this interview about educating children at home. The interviewer talks to Bruce Cox, who is a member of an organization called Education Otherwise.

While listening

Task 1. Write the English equivalents to the following Russian words:

1) враждебный, недружелюбный

2) участок земли

3) поспешить

4) происходить от

5) предположительно

6) курс, присылаемый по почте

7) чрезмерный

Task 2. a) Take notes under these headings.

- The reasons why Mr Cox didn't send his children to an ordinary school.

- How his children's education is organized.

- The kind of alternative school they do go to.

b) Compare your notes with another student.

After listening tasks

Task 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What does “Education Otherwise” means?

  2. How many children does the family have?

  3. What were some of the reasons of this family for not sending their children to school?

  4. What is their curriculum at home?

  5. How good are children at 3 Rs?

  6. Who does all the teaching at home?

  7. What kind of help does the family have?

4. Speaking

Task 1. Roleplay

Work in groups.

There was another member of the discussion, June Fisher, who is Head Teacher at-a comprehensive school, but you didn't hear her. She strongly disagreed with Bruce Cox.

a) List the reasons against educating your children at home. Think of what she might have said in reply. Consider these aspects:

- Qualifications of parents

- The children's development

- The role of schools

- Exams and qualifications

b) Pair up with a student from another group. One of you is Bruce Cox, the other

June Fisher. Continue the discussion.

Task 2. In class discuss the following

1 Do you think Bruce Cox's children are getting a good education?

2 Did you enjoy your education? Bruce Cox said, 'I think many people didn't do very many activities (at school) for the enjoyment and pleasure of doing them.'

Is this true for you? Is it the role of schools to provide 'enjoyment and pleasure'?

3 What do you understand by the 'carrot and stick' motivation?

4 The interviewer said, 'I would have loved to have been educated like that.'

What about you? Would you have liked your parents to be your teachers?

5 Would you like to educate your children at home?

The activity is taken from Liz and John Soars Headway Intermediate (Old edition) Student’s book, pp. 58

III. Difference between american and british system of education

1. Comment on the following quotations:

1. The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people. (Claiborne Pell)

2. Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it's in Hamburger Technology. (Clive James)

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