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Study the sentences. Underline Infinitive forms. Try to explain the rules.

  1. People tend to think that Westerners are assertive and creative.

  2. I would suggest it is the result of the different education systems.

  3. I would like to examine and evaluate these differences.

  4. Questions are brought up for the teachers to answer.

  5. No matter how familiar we are with a teacher, it is not easy for us to automatically talk to them about our concerns.

  6. They have class or group discussions and they are forced to express opinions.

  7. In this way, students also listen to other's ideas, which make them not only learn from the teachers, but also their peers.

  8. Teachers often have to rush through the textbooks to meet the deadline of every monthly examination.

  9. I noticed that recently teachers tried to train us in the ability to analyze and organize information we receive, but exams put pressure on students to ignore this.

  10. Students are not expected to speak up in class or respond to the questions that the teacher asks.

  11. Somehow the community has formed a rather queer concept that certificates and scores are believed to represent ability.

  12. Confucius is known to be the greatest teacher ever.

  13. They spend more time on class and group discussion in order to know how to speak up logically and learn to accept other people's opinions.

  14. There are tons of school rules to follow and students are expected to line up like troops when attending assembly.

  15. Rules like: "sneakers and socks have to be white or black", "shirts need to be tucked in", and "no makeup or nail polish is allowed" are common.

  16. I personally don't think these issues have anything to do with one's attitude.

  17. The Eastern education system seems to be working on producing "perfect", "zero-mistakes" students.

  18. This way, students who put lots of effort to their studies can be satisfied with the grades they get and will maintain the motivation to keep up the good work and those who don't work hard also learn that lack of effort is not sufficient to earn a good outcome.

  19. Teachers are meant to be respected and sometimes students even have to bear teachers' bad temper.

  20. Students under Western education generally are more willing to speak about their problems to their counselors.

  21. Western education encourages people to pursue their true interests.

  22. It would be difficult to just rely on this small portion of teachers.

  23. It also means that the spiritual life of each person is easy to impoverish.

  24. Western education produces people who are able to make choices more consistent with their own true interests.

  25. This gives them the motivation to follow their interest with passion which drives them to become leaders in their chosen field.

  26. In the East, seniors often tell us to equip ourselves so that we will have the ability to help others after becoming an adult.

  27. On the contrary, Westerners know better how to relish life and this world.

  28. I believe if we want our society to be more progressive and be in line with the most advanced countries, there is definitely a need to reform our education system.

Forms of the Infinitive

Forms of the Infinitive

Active Voice

Passive Voice


(to) play

(to) be played

Pres. Cont.

(to) be playing



(to) have played

(to) have been played

Pert. Cont.

(to) have been playing


Passive Present Continuous and Perfect Continuous Infinitives are rarely used.

Forms of the Infinitive corresponding to verb tenses

Verb tenses

Forms of the Infinitive

Present Simple/Future Simple

she cleans/she will clean


(to) clean

Present Continuous/Future Continuous

she is cleaning/she will be cleaning

Present Continuous

(to) be cleaning

Past Simple/Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Future Perfect

she cleaned/she has cleaned/she had cleaned/she will have cleaned


(to) have cleaned

Past Continuous/Present Perfect Continuous/Past Perfect Continuous/Future Perfect Continuous

she was cleaning/she has been cleaning/she had been cleaning/ she will have been cleaning

Perfect Continuous

(to) have been cleaning

Task 1. Write the appropriate form of the Infinitive

1 she finished ...(to) have finished... 6 it is brought ____________

2 he was driving ________________ 7 they are studying ____________

3 it has been taught _______________ 8 it will be accepted ___________

4 they had come ________________ 9 it was written ____________

5 she tries ________________ 10 she has left ____________

Task 2. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive

1 I've looked everywhere, but the file appears ...to have been misplaced... (misplace).

2 He is not old enough ____________________(allow) to stay out late.

3 Since her illness she seems_____________________(find) work difficult.

4 Although Jane hopes______________________(invite) to the embassy dinner, it is unlikely that she will be.

5 The little dog seems ___________________________(lose) its master.

6 I don't think I'll be able to make it tomorrow. I'm supposed __________________(meet) Jane for lunch.

7 She was only pretending________________(read); she was really daydreaming.

8 No one is______________________(admit) to the concert without a ticket.

9 The team is said ___________________(win) the match through sheer luck.

10 I need you____________________(help) me prepare the food for the party.

11 The accident is believed___________________(cause) by reckless driving.

12 The newspaper received many calls from people claiming _______________ (see) UFOs.

13 He was the first British writer________________(award) the Nobel prize for literature.

14 Aren't you supposed________________(look after) your sister at the moment?

Two exercises Virginia Evans FCE Use of English. For the Revised Cambridge Examination 1. p. 15

Task 3. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitives

1 My boss expects me ...to work… (work) overtime.

2 The suspect claimed ________________ (watch) TV at the time of the robbery.

3 Jill s teacher is worried about her as she seems ____________(have) difficulty coping with her studies

4 Young children often ask_________________________(take) to the zoo.

5 The burglars must have come in through the window as the lock seems _____________________________ (force)

6 "I happen_____________(pass) my driving test two years ago, you know,” he said.

7 Robert is expecting__________________ (inherit) a large house when his grandfather dies

8 “Mark appears ___________________ (overtake) John on the last lap. Yes, he's passed him!'

9 Leslie seems _______________________________(enjoy) her new job.

10 I’d like_______________________(book) a return ticket to Denver, please.

11 Stop pretending ________________(eat) your food - just finish it up, please.

12 The manager seems __________________(get) impatient with the interviewee.

The exercise is taken from Virginia Evans Round up 6. p. 20

Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the Infinitive

  1. Will you remind me …to cancel…the meeting next week?

  2. Don’t you dare ______________ (touch) that vase!

  3. He is said _____________ (work) for many months on the project.

  4. The prisoner claims that the police made him ___________ (sign) the confession.

  5. Hooligans are said ____________ (smash) several shop windows during the riot.

  6. The children really should ______________ (go) to bed by now.

  7. Apparently criminals tend ______________ (return) to the scene of the crime.

  8. You ought _______________ (study) for your exam now. Why aren’t you?

  9. This play is thought ____________ (write) by Christopher Marlowe, not Shakespeare.

10. Several factors need ______________ (consider) before we make a decision.

The exercise is taken from Virginia Evans CPE Use of English Examination Practice, p. 39

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